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99% Purity Nandrolone Base Anabolic Steroid with Safe Pass

Серия нандролон
Сертификация: НПП ИСО 9001
Номер модели: Pharmaceutical Grade Nandrolone Steroid
Минимум для заказа: Договорная
Срок поставки: 5-8 Дни
Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион , Аккредитив , Т / Т , MoneyGram
  • Характеристики

99% Purity Nandrolone Base Anabolic Steroid with Safe Pass




наименование товара Нандролон База
Псевдоним Norandrostenolone,Nortestosterone,Nortestrionate,


КЕЙС 434-22-0
EINECS 207-101-0
Молекулярная формула C18H26O2
Молекулярный вес 274.40
Чистота 98.5%
» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды Фармацевтический класс
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Nandrolone Description:

Nandrolone is an anabolic steroid. It works by increasing the growth of certain tissues in the body and has been shown to improve the oxygen-carrying ability of blood by increasing hemoglobin and the size of red blood cells.



Nandrolone is an agonist of the AR, the biological target of androgens like testosterone and DHT. Unlike testosterone and certain other AAS, nandrolone is not potentiated in androgenic tissues like the scalp, кожа, and prostate, hence deleterious effects in these tissues are lessened. This is because nandrolone is metabolized by 5α-reductase to the much weaker AR ligand 5α-dihydronandrolone (DHN), which has both reduced affinity for the androgen receptor (С УЧАСТИЕМ) relative to nandrolone in vitro and weaker AR agonistic potency in vivo. The lack of alkylation on the 17α-carbon drastically reduces the hepatotoxic potential of nandrolone.[medical citation needed] Estrogen effects resulting from reaction with aromatase are also reduced due to lessened enzyme interaction, but effects such as gynecomastia and reduced libido may still occur at sufficiently high doses.[нужна цитата]

In addition to its AR agonistic activity, unlike many other AAS, nandrolone is also a potent progestogen. It binds to the progesterone receptor with approximately 22% of the affinity of progesterone. The progestogenic activity of nandrolone serves to augment its antigonadotropic effects,as antigonadotropic action is a known property of progestogens.

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