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» Пептиды

99% Purity Melanotan II Polypeptide Hormones Melanotan 2 Гормон роста человека

Номер модели: 121062-08-6
Сертификация: ISO 9001, USP,GMP
Место происхождения: Китай
Минимум для заказа: 10 Флаконы
Цена: Переговоры
Условия оплаты: Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram
Возможность поставки: Масса на складе
Срок поставки: 3~ 5 рабочих дней
Детали упаковки: Замаскированный пакет
наименование товара: Меланотан II
Плотность: 1.43
Растворимость: Н2О: 5 Mg/mL, Растворимый
Температура хранения: Store At -20°C
» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды: Фармацевтический класс
Форма: Твердый
Анализ: 98%
  • Характеристики

99% Purity Melanotan II Polypeptide Hormones Melanotan 2 Гормон роста человека


Краткая информация:

Размер блока :10 мг / флакон
Количество единиц :1 флакон
№ КАС. :121062-08-6
Синонимы :Меланотан-II
Молекулярная формула :C50H69N15O9
Молекулярный вес :1024.18
Последовательность :Ac-Nle-cyclo(-beta-Asp-His-D-Phe-Arg-Trp-epsilon-Lys-NH2)
Появление :Белый порошок
Чистота :99.21%
Личность (ЭСИ-МС) :1024.18±1.0
Источник :Химический синтез
Хранилище :Lyophilized Melanotan II is stable at room temperature for 90 Стероид представляет собой сложный эфир дростанолона и был разработан как лекарство от рака молочной железы.,однако его следует хранить в морозильной камере при температуре ниже -8°C в течение длительного периода времени.. After reconstituting Melanotan II should be refrigerated at temperatures not to exceed 36 Ф.


If you look hard enough out there, you will find some weird and wonderful dosaging schedules whereby the user calculates their daily dosage by multiplying their bodyweight by a cofactor. Perhaps this approach has been adopted since this has been the method employed in the ongoing clinical studies. Обычно, this type of formula would suggest a dose of 1mg of MT-II per day for someone weighing in at a mere 110lb (50кг). The cynical among us might be forgiven for thinking that these formulae are constructed by those with a personal interest in the sale of the product as I believe this to be more than necessary to achieve a great result. Indeed, there are many instances whereby users feel they have become too dark. While I have no problem with a bodyweight dosage scale in principle, I can’t help thinking that it’s not only unnecessary (particularly for the mathematically challenged), but also avoids the ability to gradually increase dosages from a relatively low level; something which I would advocate to assess individual tolerance levels to side effects, especially in the case of MT-II.

Melanotan II Usage

Melanotan II is an effective injectable peptide product to enhance ability to tan. Dosing is typically 0.5 к 1.0 мг / день, and the total amount needed for good effect is typically 30-40 мг, though for individuals of medium darkness already, Melanotan II may be as low as 10 mg for significant effect. Melanotan II can also be used to enhance tendency to penile erection, but frequency of such use needs to be limited to avoid excessive total effect on skin pigmentation.

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