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» Пептиды

99.5% Purity Oxytocin Growth Hormone Peptides For Hasten Parturition

Номер модели: 50-56-6
Сертификация: GMP, SGS , ISO 9001:2008 , КОШЕРНЫЙ
Место происхождения: КИТАЙ
Минимум для заказа: Переговоры
Цена: Договорная ( Скидки на большой заказ )
Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Банковский перевод, Биткойн
Возможность поставки: 100 Кг / месяц
Срок поставки: В пределах 7 Рабочие дни
Детали упаковки: Скрытная и незаметная упаковка
наименование товара: Окситоцин
  • Характеристики

99.5% Purity Oxytocin Growth Hormone Peptides For Hasten Parturition

Краткая информация:

наименование товара:Окситоцин
Псевдоним:Атона, Эндопитуирин, Орастин, окситоцин, Партокон, Питоцин, Питон, Питупартин, Утедрин, Утеракон
№ КАС. :50-56-6
Последовательность: CYIQNCPLG-NH2
MF: C43H66N12O12S2
МВт: 1007.19
Чистота: 99.5%
Технические характеристики: 2мг / флакон
Появление: Белый лиофилизированный порошок
Место происхождения: Китай
Method of Analysis: ВЭЖХ
Хранилище: Лиофилизированные пептиды, хотя и стабильны при комнатной температуре в течение 3 месяцы, следует хранить в сухом виде при температуре ниже -18°C. После восстановления пептида его следует хранить при температуре 4°C между 2-21 дней и для дальнейшего использования при температуре ниже -18° C.
использование : For induction of labor, postpartum oxytocin, and abortion due to uterine atony or retraction caused by the bad uterus bleeding; understand the placental function reserve (oxytocin challenge test); nasal drops can promote milk ejection.


Oxytocin is a mammalian hormone that acts primarily as a neuromodulator in the brain. Oxytocin is best known for its roles in sexual reproduction, особенно во время и после родов. Он выделяется в больших количествах после растяжения шейки матки и матки во время родов., облегчение рождения, and after stimulation of the nipples, facilitating breastfeeding. The word oxytocin was derived from the Greek word”, meaning quick birth. The oxytocin peptide is synthesized as an inactive precursor protein from the OXT gene.

It is a peptide of nine amino acids (a nonapeptide). Its systematic name is cysteine-tyrosine-isoleucine-glutamine-asparagine-cysteine-proline-leucine-glycine-amine (cys, tyr, ile,gln,asn,cys, pro, leu, glyNH2, or CYIQNCPLG-NH2). The cysteine residues form a disulfide bond. Oxytocin has a molecular mass of 1007 daltons. One international unit (IU) of oxytocin is the equivalent of about 2 micrograms of pure peptide. The trust-inducing property of oxytocin might help those who suffer from social anxieties and mood disorders, but with the potential for abuse with confidence tricks and military applications.

Oxytocin Description:

Oxytocin is a hormone, neuropeptide and medication.In chemistry, oxytocin is classed as a nonapeptide,while its biological classification is as a neuropeptide. It acts both as a hormone and as a brain neurotransmitter.Oxytocin was discovered in 1952.It is on the WHO’s List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.
Oxytocin is a hormone that is made in the brain and hypothalamus. It is transported to, and secreted by, the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain.The release of oxytocin by the pituitary gland acts to regulate two female reproductive functions:Childbirth and Breast-feeding.The use of oxytocin as a medication can result in excessive contraction of the uterus that can cause distress in an unborn baby. Common side effects in the mother include nausea and a slow heart rate.

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