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99.38% Purity Rivastigmine Tartrate CAS: 129101-54-8 эксадрон

Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
Номер модели : 129101-54-8
Сертификация : GMP, SGS , ISO 9001:2008 , КОШЕРНЫЙ
Место происхождения : Китай
MOQ : 10г
Цена : Договорная ( Скидки на большой заказ )
Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Банковский перевод, Биткойн
Возможность поставки : 100 Кг / месяц
Срок поставки : В пределах 7 Рабочие дни
Детали упаковки : Скрытная и незаметная упаковка
наименование товара : Ривастигмин Тартрат
КЕЙС : 129101-54-8
MF : C18H28N2O8
МВт : 400.42
EINECS : 1308068-626-2
Появление : От белого до не совсем белого порошка
  • Характеристики

99.38% Purity Rivastigmine Tartrate CAS: 129101-54-8 эксадрон


Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО, комплексное фармацевтическое предприятие, которая специализируется на биофармацевтических технологиях более 7 годы. Компания расположена в городе Чжуншань., Провинция Гуандонг , Китай.
Наша фабрика занимает площадь 33500 квадратные метры, с чистой окружающей средой и красивой планировкой. Есть несколько крупных или средних мастерских, а также центр обеспечения качества и исследовательский центр с современным оборудованием.. В настоящий момент, наша основная продукция - серия анаболических стероидов, Пептидный ряд, Серия местных анестетиков. Наши продукты соответствуют передовым стандартам внутреннего рынка., многие из которых соответствуют международным стандартам, сертификаты содержат: КОШЕРНЫЙ , ISO 9001:2008 , GMP , SGS.

наименование товара: Rivastigmine tartrate
Синонимы: 3-[(С)-1-(Dimethylamino)этил]phenyl N-Ethyl-N-methylcarbamate L-Tartrate N-Ethyl-N-methylcarbamic Acid 3-[(С)-1-(Dimethylamino)этил]phenyl Ester L-Tartrate;(С)-3-(1-(diMethylaMino)этил)phenyl ethyl(Метил)carbaMate (2р,3р)-2,3-dihydroxysuccinate;RivastigMine-d6 Hydrogen Tartrate;N-ethyl-N-methyl-carbamic acid 3-[(1С)-1-(dimethylamino)этил]phenyl ester, (2р,3р)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate (1:1);Rivastigmine tartrate (С)-N-Ethyl-3-[(1-dimethylamino)этил]-N-methylphenylcarbamate hydrogen tartrate;N-Ethyl-N-methyl-carbamic acid 3-[(1С)-1-(dimethylamino)этил]phenyl ester tartrate;Rivastigmine for system suitability;S-Rivastigmine tartrate
КЕЙС: 129101-54-8
MF: C18H28N2O8
МВт: 400.42
EINECS: 1308068-626-2
категории товаров: Isotopically Labeled Pharmaceutical Reference Standard;» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды & » Жидкие инъекционные стероиды;Нейрохимические вещества;Фармацевтические препараты;Ривастигмин;Амины;» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды;Chiral Reagents
Мол файл: 129101-54-8.моль
Rivastigmine tartrate Chemical Properties
Температура плавления 123-1250InChI=1/C25H36O3/c1-3-4-5-6-7-24
альфа D20 +4.7° (c = 5 in ethanol)
температура хранения. -20Boldenone Series Boldenone Base для увеличения мышечной массы
растворимость Н2О: soluble15mg/mL, Чисто
color white to beige
Информация по технике безопасности
РТЕКС FA9550000
класс опасности 6.1
Группа упаковки III
Rivastigmine tartrate Usage And Synthesis
Фармакологическое действие Rivastigmine tartrate is rivastigmine Alzheimer’s disease drugs, rivastigmine is physostigmine derivative by Novartis for the first time successfully developed the trade name Exelon (exelon), a molecule with there carbamate structure, is a kind of amino acid of selective cerebral cholinesterase inhibitor, can also inhibit the acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase, cholinergic neurons by delaying the release of acetylcholine degradation and energy promoting cholinergic nerve conduction, can improve cognitive function disorders mediated by cholinergic, thereby improving the cognitive function of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Rivastigmine plasma protein binding is weak, easily through the blood-brain barrier, which has a high degree of brain selectivity. It not only selectively acts on the most easily affected cerebral cortex and hippocampus, but also preferentially inhibits the dominant subtype of AChE in the brain, resulting in a reduction in the efficacy of peripheral cholinergic side effects. Rivastigmine in vivo half-life is short and long duration of action. Unlike tacrine, this product in the hippocampus and cortex of G1 enzyme inhibitory effect is stronger. Clinic for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer-type dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease can be suspected Alzheimer’s disease clinically.
Alzheimerdisease Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimerdisease, ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ) is a kind of onset hidden attack the development of dementia, clinical with memory disorders, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, executive function and cognitive impairment features. В то же время, that is accompanied by the psychological and behavioral abnormalities and obvious function of social life decline. AD duration course is 3 к 7 годы, after the onset of a small number of patients can survive for more than 10 years or longer. В 1906, German neurologist Alzheimer first reported one case of 51-year-old female patient, brain autopsy found that age spots, he added that the disease has been reported neurofibrillary changes. Kraepelin (1913) would be named the disease of Alzheimer’s disease. Thought that the disease is only found in pre-elderly, it is also known as Alzheimer’s (preseniledementia). Later found brain senile dementia (seniledementia) and even the health of the elderly also have the same AD pathology, only a difference in degree. In the 1970s, the US National Institute of Gerontology Research Institute (NIA), the National neurology, language barriers and Stroke Research Institute (NINCDS) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) unified on senile dementia and AD mutual understanding of the relationship, in addition to age sooner than thought, both clinical symptoms and pathological brain changes were not significantly different, the Department of the same disease. Although the incidence of pre-elderly has been proposed, said AD2 type, is equivalent to the previous Alzheimer’s disease, old age of AD1 type, the equivalent to senile dementia, but in the new diagnostic classification of literature in general, the onset before the age of 65 said early-onset AD, после 65 годы, the onset of said late onset AD; in families predisposed called familial AD (FAD), said that no family predisposed sporadic AD.
Фармакокинетика Absorption: Rivastigmine completely absorbed quickly. О 1 hour to reach the peak plasma concentration. Because interacts with the target enzyme, biological drugs increase using more than the increased dose is expected values of about 1.5 раз. The absolute bioavailability of taking 3 mg is about 36%. Rivastigmine with food can be allowed to absorb Tmax an extra 90 minutes to reduce the Cmax, AUC increased nearly 30%.
Distribution: the binding capacity of Rivastigmine with plasma protein is weak (approximately 40%). It easily passes the blood-brain barrier, surface volume of distribution is 1.8~2.7L/kg.
Метаболизм: Rivastigmine mainly goes through cholinesterase mediated hydrolysis and rapid, extensive metabolism (plasma half-life of about 1 hour). In vitro experiment results show that this metabolite only a weak cholinesterase inhibition (<10%). In vitro and animal experimental results show that the majority of the cytochrome P450 isoenzymes are rarely involved in rivastigmine hydrogen tartrate metabolism. In vivo experiments also confirmed the bitartrate.
Excretion: In urine, it is not found rivastigmine hydrogen tartrate prototype drug. The main metabolites excreted through the kidneys. 14C isotope labeled rivastigmine hydrogen tartrate administered within 24 часы, most rapidly excreted by the kidneys (> 90%) and only <1% of the drug excreted in the faeces. Alzheimer’s disease patients have no body weight Rivastigmine or a metabolite accumulation.
Elderly subjects: Despite the elderly Rivastigmine biological utilization degree is higher than that of healthy young volunteers, но после 50 к 92 years in patients with Alzheimer test results showed that the bioavailability does not change with increasing age.
Показания Used to treat the symptoms of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease dementia symptoms.
Side effects The most commonly reported adverse drug reactions were gastrointestinal reactions,, including nausea (38%), рвота (23%), especially in the dosage of the more obvious. In clinical trials,it found that women were more prone to gastrointestinal reactions and weight loss.
The following table lists the adverse reactions of this product, including clinical trials and post-marketing reports of all cumulative.
Побочные реакции Frequency of occurrence
Cardiac abnormalities
Arrhythmia Very rare
Angina rare
Vascular abnormalities
hypertension Very rare
Gastrointestinal system disorder
nausea Very common
Vomit Very common
Loss of appetite Very common
diarrhea Very common
Abdominal pain and indigestion common
Gastric and duodenal ulcers rare
Gastrointestinal bleeding Very rare
Mild pancreatitis Very rare
Skin and subcutaneous tissue abnormalities
Increased sweating common
rash rare
General exception
Fatigue and weakness common
Unwell common
Accidental fall Occasionally
Weight loss common
Above Pictured: The common adverse reactions of Rivastigmine in various body systems table.
The frequency of adverse reactions were follows conversion: very common (>=1/10), common (>=1/100, <1/10), occasionally (>=1/1 000, <1/100), rare (>=1/10000, <1/1 000), very rare (<1/10000), including case reports.
Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока., the following side effects in patients taking Exelon in patients with the occurrence rate of at least a given placebo 2%, increased sweating, general malaise, потеря веса, tremor. Female patients with nausea, рвота, loss of appetite and weight loss are more sensitive. Exelon does not cause changes in any laboratory examinations, including liver function, or electrocardiogram, and there is no need special care.
There is a case of patients taking this product, while the joint use of several other drugs, the emergence of Stevense-Johnson syndrome.
In the initial phase of treatment, the incidence of adverse reactions is higher than the maintenance phase. In case of severe intolerable (such as severe nausea, рвота, и т. д.), you should consider taking 3 раз в день.
Pregnant and lactating women Pregnancy: Animal experiments show that rivastigmine has no teratogenic effects. Because the lack of experimental data security using this service when people pregnancy, so pregnant women using this service should be weighed the pros and cons.
Lactation: whether the product is secreted from human milk, which is unclear. тем не мение, in animals rivastigmine tartrate can be secreted from the milk. Patients using this service should stop breastfeeding. Accordingly, patients with ongoing breast feeding should not be using this service.
Pediatric Children are not recommended to take this product.
Elderly patients Although the elderly’s rivastigmine bitartrate bioavailability is higher than that of young healthy volunteers, но после 50 к 92 years in patients with Alzheimer test results show that rivastigmine tartrate bioavailability does not change with increasing age.
Drug Interactions (1) Rivastigmine is mainly through hydrolysis cholinesterase metabolism, cytochrome P450 isozymes are rarely involved in its metabolism. Следовательно, the product and by other drugs metabolized by these enzymes does not exist pharmacokinetic interactions.
(2) study in healthy volunteers found the product (a single dose of 3mg) with digoxin, warfarin, diazepam or fluoxetine, have no pharmacokinetic interactions. Warfarin induced by prothrombin time extension are not affected by this product. After combination of digoxin and the product found no adverse impact on cardiac conduction.
(3) In clinical studies of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ), the goods and some commonly used prescription drugs combined, such as antacids, antiemetics, hypoglycemic agents, β-blockers, calcium channel blockers agents, inotropic agents, anti-angina drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogens, analgesics, tranquilizers, antihistamines, и т. д., and risk of clinically relevant adverse reaction does not increase
(4) In view of the pharmacokinetic effect of this product, this product should not be used in combination with other cholinergic drugs, it may interfere with the activity of anticholinergic drugs.
(5) There is no experience of this product with anti Parkinson drugs, anti anxiety drugs (except for stability), antipsychotic drugs, antiepileptic drugs, antidepressant drugs.
(6) rivastigmine tartrate as a cholinesterase inhibitor, during anesthesia, it can be used to enhance succinylcholine-type muscle relaxant effect.
Противопоказания It is known for rivastigmine tartrate, other carbamate derivatives or other components of the formulation in patients allergic to this ban. Severe liver failure patients with severe Rivastigmine efficacy and safety have not been studied.
Меры предосторожности 1. As inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase, rivastigmine tartrate can improve succinylcholine-type muscle relaxant effect. Следовательно, before anesthesia should have the right to stop taking this interim period. The goods and other cholinergic or anti-cholinergic agents in combination, should be particularly cautious (see Drug Interactions).
2. Due to their pharmacological effects, cholinesterase inhibitors on heart rate may produce vagal nervous effects. Like with other cholinergic drugs, when administered to sick sinus syndrome or other heart block in patients using this service, you must be more cautious (see Adverse reactions).
3. cholinergic nerve excitability can cause gastric acid secretion. Although no evidence of corresponding symptoms worsen during the clinical trials, there is a high risk of gastric ulcer patients, such as those with a history of ulcer disease, or accept non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with concomitant therapy should be used with caution.
4. Like other cholinesterase inhibitors, patients with a history of asthma or other obstructive pulmonary disease should be used with caution to rivastigmine bitartrate.
Химические свойства От белого до не совсем белого порошка
Использует A brain selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Ноотропный.
Использует Ривастигмин Тартрат, a cholinesterase inhibitor with IC50 of 5.5 мкМ, ues as a parasympathomimetic or cholinergic agent for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer disease.
Использует Ноотропный & Alzheimer’s treatment
Определение ЧЭБИ: A tartrate salt obtained by reaction of rivastigmine with one equivalent of (р,р)-tartaric acid. A reversible cholinesterase inhibitor.

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