Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО.
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  • 53-39-4 Oxandrolone Raw Steroid Powders Anavar / Bulking Cycle Steroids

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Номер модели : 53-39-4
    Сертификация : GMP,SGS,ISO
    Место происхождения : China steroid powder
    MOQ : 100г(First trial order can be lowered to 10g)
    Цена : Договорная
    Условия оплаты : Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram
    Возможность поставки : 500Boldenone Series Boldenone Base для увеличения мышечной массы
    Срок поставки : With 24 hours after payment down
    Детали упаковки : 100g/ foil bag or as required
    наименование товара : buy oxandrolone raw steroid powders anavar only cycle
    Другое имя : anavar,anavar tabs,anavar pills
    Кас Нет : 53-39-4
    anavar dosage : (Люди) 20-100mgs/day - (Женщины) 2.5-20mgs/day
    anavar side effects : liver toxic, mild
    anavar half life : 8-12 часы
    Анализ : 98% up
    • Характеристики

    53-39-4 Oxandrolone Raw Steroid Powders Anavar / Bulking Cycle Steroids

    Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО. это крупное высокотехнологичное химическое предприятие, специализирующееся на производстве тонкой химии., фармацевтическое сырье и промежуточные продукты. Завод компании прошел сертификацию системы качества ISO9001 и международную кошерную сертификацию. Как лидер в области производства стероидного порошкового сырья, жидкости для инъекций и перорального применения, готовые продукты и пептиды на долгие годы, HongKong Blue Universal Co., Limited. Is aim to occupy major market share of USA, Канада, Великобритания, Бразилия, Нидерланды, Ирландия, Новая Зеландия, Austria, Австралия, German and worldwide. Качество наша жизнь! Вся продукция производится в асептической лаборатории в соответствии со стандартом GMP.. Approved the ISO 9001: 2008 и ИСО14001: 2004. Кроме, у нас есть полный Q. А. & Вопрос. InChI=1/C25H36O3/c1-3-4-5-6-7-24. Система. У нас есть авторизованные наборы инструментов для анализа, например, ВЭЖХ, ГХ и УФ-спектрофотометр для анализа и контроля продуктов.
    Вершина, стабильное и надежное качество гарантировано! With so many years’customize discreet packing experience, мы четко знаем, как упаковать вашу посылку и какую экспресс-доставку следует рекомендовать в зависимости от того, что вы заказали и где вы находитесь. Different package and different forwarders will be changing requently, No risk is allowed in any step, вам обещают получить все посылки 100%! Кроме того, since we are based in Hongkong, зона свободной торговли, мы получили большое преимущество в короткие сроки доставки и безопасный перевод денег. Warmly welcome all kinds of cooperation all over the world. We are ready to offer the best quality and services to all of you!

    Anavar represents one of the most popular oral anabolic steroids of all time, and this is largely due to its well-tolerated nature. This is one of the few anabolic steroids that can be used safely by men and women, and it’s also one of the most side effect friendly. тем не мение, in some circles Anavar is greatly underappreciated due to its mild nature, but this is generally due to unrealistic expectations. Many tend to assume all anabolic steroids should yield a set of specific effects at a specific rate of power, but reality tells us varying steroids carry varying results and purposes. Anavar is without question an extremely beneficial anabolic steroid, but in order to appreciate its benefits we must understand it.

    Anavar is the popular brand name associated with the dihydrotestosterone derived anabolic steroid Oxandrolone. The Oxandrolone hormone was first released in the early 1960’s under the trade name Anavar by G.D Searle & co. and was touted as carrying numerous therapeutic qualities. тем не мение, в 1989 Searle would discontinue the compound; this was largely due to FDA pressure that had tightened its grip on the anabolic steroid market. An important note; Searle also owned the licensing rights to the majority of Oxandrolone products on the global market, which would lead to this steroid nearly disappearing at this time. В 1995 the Oxandrolone hormone would reappear thanks to Bio-Technology General CORP (BTG), now Savient, under the trade name Oxandrin. BTG would hold a monopoly on the product during this time driving its cost through the roof. Thankfully, a few U.S. based pharmacies such as Watson would begin manufacturing generic Oxandrolone in recent years driving the cost down. тем не мение, it remains one of the more expensive anabolic steroids on the market, including when purchased from most underground labs. An important note for future purchase; while Anavar remains the common associated name for the Oxandrolone hormone, the Anavar name itself is not used by any human grade pharmaceutical company that manufactures Oxandrolone.

    химическое название и суффикс, указывающие на то, что эта форма стероида и полового гормона представляет собой тип спирта, содержащего две гидроксильные группы:
    1. Наименование товара: Where to buy oxandrolone raw steroid powders anavar only cycle for bulking results
    2. Тестостерона деканоат 200 мг/мл Болденон ундециленат 150 мг/мл Нандролон деканоат 150 мг/мл Тестостерона деканоат: 53-39-4
    3. Молекулярная формула: C19H30O3
    4. Молекулярный вес: 306.4
    5. Чистота: 97-100.5%
    6. Появление: Белый или почти белый кристаллический порошок ;
    7. использование: ideal steroids for bodybuilding,muscle building and weight loss

    Anavar profile:

    Since anavar is the most popular oral anabolic steroids for female and male, let’s discuss more about it. Anavar was first introduced in the Market in 1964 and the reason it gained popularity was its mildness, so mild in fact that it could be prescribed to women and even children. Anavar was usually prescribed to people who needed to gain weight after surgery, trauma or long term illness. In the body building community this steroid is often used in combination with more potent steroids in a cycle. The main purpose of Anavar is to maintain the lean muscle mass during weight loss. The maintenance of lean muscle mass in the body is Anavar’s unique property so the bodybuilders either male or female who want to reduce the bulk and achieve a leaner and sleek look will find nothing better than Anavar.

    Due to the fabulous gains in strength without gaining body weight of anavar, it is now commonly used by bodybuilders, weightlifters and power-lifters. This is very important for them because they don’t want to end up in higher weight class.
    As a DHT derivative, oxandrolone does not aromatize (convert to estrogen, which causes gynecomastia or male breast tissue). It also does not significantly influence the body’s normal testosterone production (HPTA axis) at low dosages (20 мг).
    When dosages are high, the human body reacts by reducing the production of LH (luteinizing hormone), thinking endogenous testosterone production is too high; this in turn eliminates further stimulation of Leydig cells in the testicles, causing testicular atrophy (shrinking).
    Oxandrolone used in a dose of 20 mg/day suppressed endogenous testosterone by 67% после 12 weeks of therapy.
    В рандомизированном, двойное слепое исследование, пациенты с 40% total body surface area burns were selected to receive standard burn care plus oxandrolone, or without oxandrolone. Those treated with oxandrolone showed improved body composition, preserved muscle massand reduced hospital stay time.

    The Benefits of Anavar:
    What’s the benefits of anavar? i guess you all will consider it clearly before you start the anavar cycle, here let’s know more about it.
    1. Perhaps the greatest benefit revolving around the Oxandrolone hormone is its ability to treat muscle wasting diseases such as aids as it will greatly stave off muscle disintegration that is both common with such ailments and often one that causes a devastating end.
    2. Anavar can also be very useful in the treatment of burn victims enabling them to regain lost tissue but in some cases it may prove to not be enough and stronger anabolics are needed.
    3. what gains in size Anavar does provide will be pure lean tissue and if you understand anything about performance each pound of lean tissue is worth its weight in gold.
    4. In the world of performance enhancement Anavar holds distinct qualities in both men and women but in many ways it is women who benefit the most, so much so in many circles it is often referred to as The Girl Steroid.

    Does anavar cycle have any side effects?
    The answer is yes, but oxandrolone is only a little poisonous and generally confirms few bad results, some sportsman take anavar with a long period time.
    Bad skin: only in higher meansures
    Water withholding: rare
    High blood pressure: rare
    Liver Toxic: да, c17-alfa-alkylated steroid
    Due to low dosese, toxicity is low to medium aromatization: none DHT coversion
    Low decrease HPTA function: Dose dependant.

    Anavar Cycle for female and male:
    Now we must know how to take anavar with effective dosage and cycle. Most men will find 50mg per day to be the perfect starting point and in most cases this should be viewed as a minimum dosing but the majority of men will reap very little reward until they approach 80mg per day. Most men who supplement with Oxandrolone will find it is best when coupled with other steroids and never as a foundation.
    Most women will find 10mg per day to be the perfect dose and often all the Anavar they ever need with 20mg being a good rule of thumb in-terms of maximal dose.
    Both men and women, Anavar can be used for far longer than most oral anabolic steroids due to its low liver toxicity rating and further as it does not appear to taper off in benefit as fast as many other oral anabolic steroids. The majority of Anavar users will supplement for 6-8 weeks but longer durations of 12 weeks are not uncommon, especially during female contest preparation time.


    Наименование товара Oxandrolone powder raw steroid powders anavar cycle side effects for female
    Другое имя anavar; lonavar; oxandrin; vasorome
    Регистрационный номер CAS 10161-34-9
    EINECS 200-172-9
    Молекулярная формула C19H30O3
    Молекулярный вес 306.4
    Анализ 97-100.5%
    Появление Белый или почти белый кристаллический порошок
    Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена. 100g per foil bag or as required
    использование weight loss and muscle growth

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    Что за приложение:+8618676137192
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