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3593-85-9 Инъективные анаболические стероиды метиндриол дипропионатный сырье

Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
Сертификация : ISO9001
Место происхождения : Китай
MOQ : 10грамм
Цена : Согласовано
Условия оплаты : Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram
Возможность поставки : 5000кг в месяц
Срок поставки : В течение 3-7 дней после получения оплаты
Детали упаковки : Мешок из фольги
наименование товара : Methandriol dipropionate
Торговые названия : Arbolic, Durabolic, Or-Bolic, Probolik, Protabolin
Пути введения : Внутримышечная инъекция
  • Характеристики

3593-85-9 Инъективные анаболические стероиды метиндриол дипропионатный сырье

Methandriol Dipropionate is a form with a longer action, presented in an oily solution for injections and pills. The steroid has a significant anabolic and androgen action and it is known as a good way of force and musculature increase. Its action is comparable to Deca-Durabolin-Testosterone Enanthate combination.

Methandriol dipropionate, whose brand names Arbolic, Durabolic, Or-Bolic, Probolik, Protabolin, or methylandrostenediol dipropionate, also known as 17α-methylandrost-5-ene-3,17-diol 3,17β-dipropionate, is a synthetic, injected anabolic-androgenic steroid (ААС) and a 17α-alkylated derivative of 5-androstenediol.

Methandriol dipropionate is an androgen ester – specifically, the C3,17β dipropionate ester of methandriol (17α-methyl-5-androstenediol) – and acts as a prodrug of methandriol in the body. Methandriol dipropionate is administered by intramuscular injection and, relative to methandriol, has an extended duration via this route of several days due to a depot effect afforded by its ester.


As well as the testosterone, Methandriol befriends a good force and musculature increase and it doesn’t accumulate water more than the Deca-Durabolin. Although, the best performances are obtained by using it in association with any other steroid, because it had been observed that the Methandriol Dipropionate steroid has the capacity to intensify the action of other concoctions.

The reason: makes the muscles androgen receivers more sensitive; the muscles receive a bigger number of steroids molecules from the supplementary injected steroid. That’s why the injectable Methandriol Dipropionate is recommended to be used only in combination with other “chemical” substances from different steroids. The injectable Methandriol Dipropionate steroid can be found only in Australian vet steroids : Drive, Spectriol, Heldabol and Filibol, so its procurement is a complicated problem .

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