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Poudre brute de stéroïdes

» Poudre brute de stéroïdes

Acétate de tréstolone / Ment

Poudre brute de stéroïdes, Série Trestolone

Chimiquement parlant, acétate de trestolone(Menton) En fait, un médicament à l'air. It doesn't show

much interaction with Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, which means that a good portion ought to

stay unbound and active in the blood. Aussi, Le médicament est un liant puissant pour le récepteur des androgènes,

tout en montrant une affinité minimale pour les récepteurs de la progestérone et des minéralocorticoïdes respectivement.

Since it is not able to be 5a-reduced into a dihydro-version, it likely wouldn't cause many of the

side effects commonly associated with Dihydrotestosterone. This is also a likely reason that it is

less apt to cause prostate enlargement, and may even be indicated for the treatment of specific

prostate issues.

  • Caractéristiques

Muscle Growth Steroid Trestolone Acetate / Ment Raw Powder With Quick Effects

La description:

Chimiquement parlant, acétate de trestolone(Menton) En fait, un médicament à l'air. It doesn’t show

much interaction with Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, which means that a good portion ought to

stay unbound and active in the blood. Aussi, Le médicament est un liant puissant pour le récepteur des androgènes,

tout en montrant une affinité minimale pour les récepteurs de la progestérone et des minéralocorticoïdes respectivement.

Since it is not able to be 5a-reduced into a dihydro-version, it likely wouldn’t cause many of the

side effects commonly associated with Dihydrotestosterone. This is also a likely reason that it is

less apt to cause prostate enlargement, and may even be indicated for the treatment of specific

prostate issues.

About Trestolone Acetate :

When reviewing the response of those who use Trestolone Acetate, the response is

overwhelmingly positive. As a whole, users note an increase in core temperature from the onset,

suggesting that this anabolic steroid gets to work with short-term results. Those who are looking

for noticeable effects have actually seen a difference in their physique within the first week of

regular use.

They become lean quickly, cutting out the fat, while muscle mass is enhanced. Acétate de tréstolone

users can benefit from a short period of use in as little as two weeks. Otherwise, they can stay the

course for six to ten weeks to see maximum results. Listen to satisfied enthusiasts and many

consider this anabolic steroid to be their favorite, their steroid of choice when it comes to

maximizing their workout and potential.

User Feedback :

The injectable form of Trestolone Acetate is considered the best delivery method for this anabolic

steroid while oral forms will produce the least satisfactory results. It should be noted that dosage

is key. Anyone who uses Trestolone Acetate should follow all dosage instructions to the letter in

order to stave off negative effects. Proper dosage will also bring about the most effective results

when used consistently over a prolonged period of time.

MENT is a versatile anabolic that should be cycled with a testosterone like propionate, cypionate,

and enanthate. MENT cutting cycles can contain any of the traditional definition compounds such

as Anavar, Primobolan, Turinabol oral, and Winstrol. When added to mass building cycles, which

should also be testosterone based, some of the compounds that stack well include Dianabol,

Halotestin, Anadrol,Trenbolone, and Equipoise.

Trestolone Acetate VS Trenbolone

Trestolone Acetate is hands down the stronger compound, with scientific evidence and anecdotal

soutien. Trestolone Acetate has a 540:840 ratio when compared to methyltestosterone, sens

it is at least 5 times as androgenic and at least 8 times as anabolic. Intramuscularly, it is

2300:650. Trenbolone is 500:500.

Muscle Gain Steroid Trestolone Acetate Ment Raw Powder With Quick Effects CAS 6157-87-5

Testosterone Series
Base de testostérone 1- Cypionate de testostérone
Acétate de testostérone Sustanon 250
Cypionate de testostérone Turinabol
Énanthate de testostérone Turinabol oral
Décanoate de testostérone Mestérolone (Proviron)
Propionate de testostérone Méthyltestostérone (M-1-T)
Isocaproate de testostérone Trestolone
Undécanoate de testostérone Acétate de tréstolone (Ment)
Phénylpropionate de testostérone Décanoate de trestolone
1- Testostérone Fluoxymestérone (Halotestin)


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