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  • Carbonate d'hexahydrobenzyle de trenbolone 75mg/ml

    Huile de stéroïdes anabolisants, Liquide de stéroïdes injectables, Série de trenbolone

    Informations de base:
    Carbonate de trenbolone hexahydrobenzyle
    CAS: 23454-33-3
    EINECS: 245-669-1
    Apparence:Light yellow solution
    Usage: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate est un fort, Stéroïde androgène qui a également un effet anabolique élevé. Tous ceux qui utilisent le trenbolone sont enthousiastes à l'égard des résultats: Un gain rapide en solide, high-quality muscle mass with a strength increase.

    • Caractéristiques

    Stéroïde anabolique injectable à feu injectable Trenbolone hexahydrobenzyle carbonate de gain rapide

    1 . Informations de base:
    Carbonate de trenbolone hexahydrobenzyle
    CAS: 23454-33-3
    EINECS: 245-669-1
    Apparence:Light yellow solution
    Usage: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate est un fort, Stéroïde androgène qui a également un effet anabolique élevé. Tous ceux qui utilisent le trenbolone sont enthousiastes à l'égard des résultats: Un gain rapide en solide, high-quality muscle mass with a strength increase.

    2.Product Introduction:
    Trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate is a strong, Stéroïde androgène qui a également un effet anabolique élevé. Tous ceux qui utilisent le trenbolone sont enthousiastes à l'égard des résultats: Un gain rapide en solide, high-quality muscle mass with a strength increase.

    en outre, the regular application over a number of weeks results in a well visible increased muscle hardness over the entire body without dieting at the same time. Unlike for most highly-androgenic steroids, trenbolone does not aromatize. The substance trenbolone does not convert into estrogens so that the athlete does not have to fight a higher estrogen level or feminization symptoms.

    Those who use it will also notice that there is no water retention in the tissue. When a low fat content has been achieved by a low calorie diet, Trenbolone gives a dramatic increase in muscle hardness. In combination with a protein rich diet it becomes especially effective in this phase since it speeds up the metabolism and accelerates the burning of fat. The high androgenic effect prevents a possible overtraining syndrome, accelerates the regeneration, and gives the muscles a full, vascular appearance but, at the same time, a ripped and shredded look

    3.Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate Recipe:
    Let’s together make trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate injections.If my customers want to get 50 vials trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate50,that means the concentration is 50mg/ml and the specification is 10ml/vial.If so,he need to prepare 25g trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate powder to make 500ml liquid.At the same time,we need to use BB,BA,grape seed oil to dissolve powder by using chemical equipments.After totally dissolving it,you need to filter it and inject by whatman syringe.

    4.How To Use Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate:
    Most athletes inject Trenbolone at least twice a week; some bodybuilders inject 1-2 ampules per day during the last three to four weeks be-fore a competition. Normally a dosage of 228 mg/week is used, corresponding to a weekly amount of three ampules. It is our experience that good results can be achieved by injecting a 76 mg ampule every 2-3 jours. Combined with Winstrol Depot works especially well and gives the athlete a distinct gain in solid and high quality muscles together with an enormous strength gain. Athletes who are interested in a fast mass gain often also use 30 mg Dianabol/day while those who are more interested in quality and strength like to add 25 mg* Oxandrolone/ day. Trenbolone also seems to bring extraordinarily good results when used in combination with growth hormones.
    75 mg-300 mg weekly

    5.Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate Precautions And Drug Interactions:
    It can be stacked or cycled with other stronger steroids like Dianabol or Testosterone to attain remarkable gains in mass with some level of water retention due to the stacking.

    Some say that too much Parabolan can result in negative sexual side effects. The easiest way to combat this is to pair it with a Testosterone to counteract the possible side effects. Closely monitor your Testosterone intake to avoid estrogen issues. As a precaution remember to balance the two out with an estrogen blocker like Nolvadex.

    6.Products News:
    Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate also happens to bind quite strongly to the glucocorticoid receptor as well, and this in turn imparts a nice anti-catabolic effect… which in part may help to explain why low(ish) doses of it seem to work nicely, as well as why it aids fat loss. You see, glucocorticoid hormones send a message to muscle cells to release stored protein (this is called catabolism), which is exactly the opposite of what we want.

    7.Customized Steroids Solution:
    Our company can offer you the customized steroids injection according to your requirements.

    Now the below injetable solutions are our hot sell:

    Masteron 100mg/ml 150mg/ml
    Primobolone 100mg/ml
    Super essai 450 450mg/ml
    Anomasse 400 400mg/ml
    Rippex 225 225mg/ml
    Tri Tren 180 180mg/ml
    Tri-Test 300 300mg/ml
    Tri Déca 300 300mg/ml
    Mélange d'essai 450 450mg/ml
    Mélange d'essai 500 500mg/ml
    Test de bain 225 225mg/ml
    Masse 500 500mg/ml
    Dépôt de coupe 400 400mg/ml
    Essai de train 225 225mg/ml
    Nandro Test Depot 450 450mg/ml
    Test Equi 450 450mg/ml
    Rip Cut 175 175mg/ml

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