Liquide jaune injectable du propionate 100mg/ml de testostérone de stéroïdes anabolisant pour la force musculaire
Testosterone Propionate Usage
1.Testosterone Propionate is used for the treatment of breast cancer, cancer des ovaires, fibromes utérins, comme le myélome multiple et le carcinome à cellules rénales.
2.Le propionate de testostérone a été la première forme à arriver sur les étagères en quantités massives préparées pour un usage humain. Like the popular oral steroid Dianabol, Testosterone-Propionate has been available for a very long time.
3.further, most who use Testosterone-Propionate find it very easy to control because the Propionate version is so fast acting and short lived due to its very nature
How to use Testosterone Propionate?
The most common dosage for Testosterone Propionate is:
50 to 100mg every day
50 to 100mg every 2nd day
Every 3rd day should be the absolute minimum because that’s near the border of Propionate activity timespan.
Common 100mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
10 gramme de poudre de propionate de testostérone (7.5mL)
2mL BA (2%)
20millilitre BB (20%)
70.5mL d'huile
Common 150mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
15 gramme de poudre de propionate de testostérone (11.25mL)
2mL BA (2%)
30millilitre BB (30%)
56.75mL d'huile
Common 200mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
20 gramme de poudre de propionate de testostérone (15mL)
2mL BA (2%)
20millilitre BB (20%)
50.4mL HE
12.6mL d'huile
A supposedly pain-free recipe for 200mg/mL
20 gramme de poudre de propionate de testostérone (15mL)
2mL BA (2%)
20millilitre BB (20%)
1.5 mL Guaiacol (1.5%)
30.75mL d'huile
30.75mL HE
100mg / ml @ 100ml
10g powder
37.5ml HE
37ml OSG
3ml BA (3%)
15ml BB (15%)
Duration & Stacking
Testosterone Propionate Test Prop can be used with equal success for long and short periods of time. En général, most men will find 8 weeks of use to be the shortest amount of time for use, avec 12 weeks being very commonplace. Hardcore cycles may call for periods of 16 weeks of use; Cependant, more common would be a large ester base compound used for 8-12 weeks and then switching to Testosterone Propionate the final weeks.
Regardless of your Testosterone Propionate Test Prop doses, we will find this testosterone stacks well with any and all anabolic steroids. There is, toutefois, no need to stack it with another testosteron compound. The exception would be if using a blend like Sustanon 250 that contains several testosteron compounds including Testosterone Propionate.
Related Semi-Finished Liquid
Finished steroid oil |
spécification |
Propionate de testostérone |
100mg/ml |
Énanthate de testostérone |
250mg/ml 300mg/ml |
Cypionate de testostérone |
250mg/ml 300mg/ml |
100mg/ml |
Testostérone Sustanon 250 |
200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml |
Décanoate de nandrolone |
200mg/ml 250mg/ml |
Phénylpropionate de nandrolone |
100mg/ml 150mg/ml |
Équilibre |
200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml |
Acétate de trenbolone |
100mg/ml |
Trenbolone Énanthate |
100mg/ml 200mg/ml |
Propionate de drostanolone |
100mg/ml 150mg/ml |
Énanthate de méthénolone |
100mg/ml |
Super essai 450 |
450mg/ml |
Anomasse 400 |
400mg/ml |
Rippex 225 |
225mg/ml |
Tri Tren 180 |
180mg/ml |
Tri-Test 300 |
300mg/ml |
Tri Déca 300 |
300mg/ml |
Mélange d'essai 450 |
450mg/ml |
Mélange d'essai 500 |
500mg/ml |
Test de bain 225 |
225mg/ml |
Masse 500 |
500mg/ml |
Dépôt de coupe 400 |
400mg/ml |
Essai de train 225 |
225mg/ml |
Nandro Test Depot 450 |
450mg/ml |
Test Equi 450 |
450mg/ml |
Rip Cut 175 |
175mg/ml |
Tren Test Depot 450 |
450mg/ml |