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Liquide de stéroïdes injectables

» Liquide de stéroïdes injectables

Énanthate de testostérone 300mg/ml

Liquide de stéroïdes injectables, Série de testostérone

1, Nom du produit: Énanthate de testostérone
2, CAS: 315-37-7
3, Norme de qualité
Test Analysis Standard Results
4, Identification: UN, B, C A, B, C
5, Point de fusion: 34-39 34-39
6, Rotation spécifique: +77° ~ + 82 ° + 79,1 °
7, Acide heptanoïque libre: Répond aux exigences Conforme
8, Impuretés organiques volatiles: Répond aux exigences Conforme
9, Essai: 97.0~103,0 % 99.3%

  • Caractéristiques

Détails rapides:

1, Nom du produit: Énanthate de testostérone
2, CAS: 315-37-7
3, Norme de qualité
Test Analysis Standard Results
4, Identification: UN, B, C A, B, C
5, Point de fusion: 34-39 34-39
6, Rotation spécifique: +77° ~ + 82 ° + 79,1 °
7, Acide heptanoïque libre: Répond aux exigences Conforme
8, Impuretés organiques volatiles: Répond aux exigences Conforme
9, Essai: 97.0~103,0 % 99.3%

Nom du produit Énanthate de testostérone
Numéro de registre CAS 315-37-7
Point de fusion 34-39 degré
Formule moléculaire C26H40O3
Masse moléculaire 400.6
Apparence white crystalloid powder.
Usage A synthetic, stéroïde anabolisant. Used to promote muscle growth
and combat involuntary weight loss.

La description:

Testosterone enanthate is an ester of testosterone which is used for the treatment in males to treat primary hypogonadism (congenital or acquired) – testicular failure due to cryptorchidism, bilateral torsion, orchitis, vanishing testis syndrome, or orchidectomy.
Testostérone 250 USP injection provides testosterone enanthate, a derivative of the principal endogenous androgen testosterone, for intramuscular administration. The esterification of the 17 – beta -hydroxyl group increases the duration of the action of testosterone. Testosterone esters in oil injected intramuscularly are absorbed slowly from the lipid phase, thus Testosterone 250 can be administered at intervals of 1 -2 semaines.
Testostérone 250 contains testosterone enanthate in a 10ml solution for injection (250mg testosterone enanthate / ml).Testostérone 250 is a clear, yellowish oily solution for intramuscular injection.


The usual dosage would be in the range of 250mg-750mg a week. This level is quite sufficient, and should provide the user a rapid gain of strength and body weight. Above this level estrogenic side effects will no doubt become much more pronounced, possibly outweighing any new muscle gained.

Those looking for greater bulk would be better served by adding an oral like Anadrol or Dianabol, combinations which prove to work great. If one wishes to use a testosterone yet retain a level of quality and definition to the physique, an injectable anabolic like DecaDurabolin or Equipoise may prove to be a better choice. Here we can use a lower dosage of enanthate, so as to gain an acceptable amount of muscle but keep the buildup of estrogen to a minimum.

With the proper administration of ancillary drugs, Nolva/Clomid , during post cycle recovery, much of the new muscle mass can be retained for a long time after the cycle has been stopped.

Recettes de cuisine:

Common 250mg/mL Recipe for 100mL No BB
25 gramme Poudre d'éthanate de testostérone (18.75mL)
5mL BA (5%)
76.25mL d'huile
Common 250mg/mL Recipe for 100mL No BB #2
25 gramme Poudre d'éthanate de testostérone (18.75mL)
3mL BA (3%)
78.25mL d'huile
Common 250mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
25 gramme Poudre d'éthanate de testostérone (18.75mL)
2mL BA (2%)
10millilitre BB (10%)
69.25mL d'huile
Common 300mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
30 gramme Poudre d'éthanate de testostérone (22.5mL)
2mL BA (2%)
15millilitre BB (15%)
60.5mL d'huile

(will also work up to 350mg, maybe even more)

Common 400mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
40 gramme Poudre d'éthanate de testostérone (30mL)
2mL BA (2%)
20millilitre BB (20%)
48mL d'huile

Other Steroid Hormone Powder:

Acétate de testostérone Acétate de trenbolone FMG
Cypionate de testostérone Trenbolone Énanthate PEG FMG
Décanoate de testostérone Acétate de boldénone CJC-1295
Énanthate de testostérone Undécylénate de boldénone CNA CJC-1295
Isocaproate de testostérone Cypionate de boldénone PT-141
Phénylpropionate de testostérone Propionate de boldénone Mélanotan-1
Propionate de testostérone Décanoate de nandrolone Mélanotan-2
Undécanoate de testostérone Phénylpropionate de nandrolone GHRP-2
Mestérone Undécylate de nandrolone GHRP-6
Testostérone Sustanon 250 Cypionate de nandrolone Ipamorelin
Acétate de clostébol Propionate de nandrolone Hexaréline
Méthylandrostanolone Méthyltriénolone Sermoréline
Énanthate de méthénolone Propionate de drostanolone Ocytocine
Acétate de méthénolone Énanthate de drostanolone TB500
Stanolone Fragment 176-191
Anavar Tadalafil Triptoréline
Winstrol Vardénafil Tésamoréline
Citrate de clomifène Dianabol Gonadoréline
Citrate de torémifène Citrate de Tamoxifène DSIP
Finastéride chlorhydrate Selank

Semi-finished Injectable / Stéroïdes oraux:
Test prop———–100mg/ml 200mg/ml
Test enan———–250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml 500mg/ml 600mg/ml
Test cyp————200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml
Test Sustanon——-200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml
Déca—————-200mg/ml 250mg/ml
Équilibre———–200mg/ml 300mg/ml
Tren ace————100mg/ml 200mg/ml
Tren enan———–100mg/ml 200mg/ml
Masteron————100mg/ml 150mg/ml
Super essai———–450mg/ml
Anomasse ————400mg/ml
Tri Déca————300mg/ml
Mélange d'essai———-450mg/ml 500mg/ml
Test de bain———225mg/ml
Dépôt de coupe———–400mg/ml
Essai de train———–225mg/ml
Nandro Test Depot———450mg/ml
Test Equi—————–450mg/ml
Rip Cut——————-175mg/ml
Tren Test Depot———–450mg/ml

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