Test d'huile anabolisante semi-finie Cyp 200mg/ml / Cypionate de testostérone 200 mg/ml pour la musculation
Testosterone Cypionate is a kind of Testosterone that is popular all over the world and is commonly used for hormone replacement therapy. Puisqu'il fonctionne comme une puissante hormone androgène et anabolique en même temps, it can be used for practically anything and is effective and efficient in all counts. Generally speaking, Testosterone Cypionate can increase the mass of red blood cells and the production of IGF-1 inside the body, increase nitrogen retention inside the muscles, and reduce the muscle-wasting hormones inside the body. This causes it to have more anabolic effects when used to enhance a person’s performance.
Athletes claim that Testosterone Cypionate produces dramatic size and strength increases. Testosterone Cypionate comes with a ton of benefits and can provide everything that a person would hope to get out of an anabolic steroid. Most users of anabolic steroids have the goal of increasing their size and strength in a significant manner, and this is exactly what Testosterone Cypionate has to offer. Plus, since Testosterone Cypionate has a positive effect on muscle wasting hormones and since increased lean tissue can improve a person’s metabolic rate, this steroid can reduce body fat effectively.
Cook recipes for 250mg/ml test cyp
1) Cypionate d'essai 5 gram conversion 20ml @ 250mg/ml
5 grams test cyp
1ml d'alcool benzylique = 5% BA
15.25 ml d'huile de sésame
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 ou 20 aiguilles de jauge
mixing Vial
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter
1. Weigh out 5 grammes de poudre.
2. Place powder in vial.
3. Add BA to the vial.
4. Heat oil in the oven to help sterilize it, heat to at least 212 degrees F. I usually heat my oil at 275 to be sure, I put the oil in a muffin pan, just fill one of the indentions this is plenty for these experiments. Also heat more oil than you need, as you will not be able to get it all out of the pan.
5. Add oil to the vial, save 2 ml d'huile dans la seringue pour plus tard. Gently shake vial.
6. Heat mixture if necessary. I like heating my powder products, by placing the vial in a frying pan, and placing it on the eye of the stove.
7. Place a 18 ou 20 gauge needle in the sterile vial attach whatman sterile filter.
8. Place another needle in the sterile vial to relieve the pressure.
9. Draw out solution with a syringe, run though whatman filter.
10. Take other syringe with 2ml oil, run through whatman into solution.
2) Cypionate d'essai 10 gram conversion 40ml @ 250mg/ml
10 grams test cyp
2ml d'alcool benzylique = 5% BA
30.5 ml d'huile de sésame
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 ou 20 aiguilles de jauge
mixing Vial
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter
60ml @ 250mg/ml
Testez la poudre de cypionate: 15 grammes
42.7 ml grapeseed oil
2.8 ml 5% BA
80mg/ml @250ml
Testosterone cyp Powder 20g
Benzyl Alcohol 5ml
Benzyl Benzoate 45ml
Grapeseed Oil 185ml
200mg/ml @250ml
Testosterone cyp Powder 50g
Benzyl Alcohol 5ml
Benzyl Benzoate 45ml
Grapeseed Oil 162.5ml
250mg/ml @ 100ml
Testosterone cyp Powder 25g 18.75ml
Benzyl Alcohol 2ml
Benzyl Benzoate 18ml
Grapeseed Oil 61.25ml
How many dosage and cycle thetestosterone cypionate I can inject?
Testosterone can only be used in injectable form and is often used to treat conditions such as low testosterone. In the United States alone, more than 20 million men suffer from some form of low testosterone, which can severely degrade the quality of life. Symptoms such as loss of muscle mass and power, decreased libido and sexual performance, increased body fat and low energy levels are common features of low testosterone. en outre, when ignoring low testosterone can become a gateway to Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and many other serious cases. Most men will find an injection every seven to ten days, each injection of 100mg to 200mg, to completely eliminate this problem.
In order to improve performance, weekly injections are sufficient; toutefois, in many cases, two smaller but equally sized injections will prove to be more efficient. Multiple injections are due to peak levels of blood; en outre, it is often necessary to control the side effects that may occur when administered at the level of performance. Like most synthetic metabolic steroids, the more you earn, the more risk is greater. By dividing the injections into smaller, more frequent injections, you can introduce a smaller amount of hormones for your body for disposable treatment. As for the actual performance dose, this may range from 200mg per week to 1,000mg per week, depending on needs and aspirations.
Typical conditions for the use of Cypionate analgesia in patients with other steroids to reduce testosterone are usually 200 mg. If used for direct performance purposes, most will find 400mg to 600mg per week is effective, but it is important to note that higher doses will greatly increase the risk.
Regardless of the total dose, most steroid users will find that this is a very tolerant good metabolic steroid that can be used for a long time. A total of 12 to 16weeks is very common, one time in per week.These numbers are nothing magical, but they are firm guidelines for individuals to plan what he expects.
Regardless of the total dose or cycle length, you will need to design a post-circulation treatment (PCT) program once your testosterone use is coming to an end. For most men, if you stop using anabolic steroids for more than ten weeks, you will need the PCT, but if you have less than the closing period you can skip. For complete post-cycle information and planning, see the Post Cycle Therapy page on Steroid.com.
It should be noted that while improving performance, testosterone is not recommended. This is a steroid with too much androgenic activity; après tout, it is the main male androgen. Women suffering from low testosterone, the use of testosterone may have therapeutic benefits; toutefois, this treatment plan will be very low dose and should be closely observed for viral symptoms.
Oral Liquid
Nom du produit |
spécification |
Dianabol 50 |
50 mg/ml |
Dianabol 80 |
80 mg/ml |
Winstrol 25 |
25 mg/ml |
Winstrol 100 |
100 mg/ml |
Anadrol 50 |
50 mg/ml |
Anavar 20 |
20 mg/ml |
Anavar 50 |
50 mg/ml |
Clomid 50 |
50 mg/ml |
Nolvadex 20 |
20 mg/ml |
Armidex 5 |
5 mg/ml |
Fémara 5 |
5 mg/ml |
Proviron 50 |
50 mg/ml |
Nandrolon Series |
Nom du produit |
spécification |
Déca Durabolin 200 |
200 mg/ml |
Déca Durabolin 250 |
250 mg/ml |
Centrale nucléaire 200 |
200 mg/ml |
Cypionate de nandrolone 200 (Nandrolone 200) |
200 mg/ml |
Testosteron Series |
Nom du produit |
spécification |
Énanthate de testostérone 250 (Enanject 250) |
250 mg/ml |
Énanthate de testostérone 600 (Enanject 600) |
600 mg/ml |
Testosterone Propionate100 (Propionat 100) |
100 mg/ml |
Propionate de testostérone 200 |
200 mg/ml |
Cypionate de testostérone 250 |
250 mg/ml |
Testosterone Undecanoate500 |
500 mg/ml |
Boldenon Series |
Nom du produit |
spécification |
Cypionate de boldénone 100/200 |
100 mg/ml or 200mg/ml |
Undécylénate de boldénone 300 |
300 mg/ml |
Trenbolon Series |
Nom du produit |
spécification |
Trenabol 100 (Tren Base ) |
100 mg/ml |
Acétate de trenbolone 80 |
80 mg/ml |
Acétate de trenbolone 100 |
100 mg/ml |
Trenbolone Énanthate 60 |
60 mg/ml |
Trenbolone Énanthate 100 |
100 mg/ml |
Trenbolone Énanthate 150 |
150 mg/ml |
Trenbolone Énanthate 200 |
200 mg/ml |
Carbonate de trenbolone hexahydrobenzyle 50 |
50mg/ml |
Drostanolon Series |
Nom du produit |
spécification |
Propionate de drostanolone 100 (Masteron 100) |
100 mg/ml |
Énanthate de drostanolone 200 (Masteron 200) |
200 mg/ml |
Mixed Series |
Nom du produit |
spécification |
Sustanon 200
*Propionate de testostérone
*Phénylpropionate de testostérone
*Isocaproate de testostérone
*Décanoate de testostérone |
200 mg/ml
24 mg/ml
48 mg/ml
48 mg/ml
80 mg/ml |
Sustanon 250
*Propionate de testostérone
*Phénylpropionate de testostérone
*Isocaproate de testostérone
*Décanoate de testostérone |
250 mg/ml
30 mg/ml
60 mg/ml
60 mg/ml
100 mg/ml |
Ripex 225
*Propionate de testostérone
*Acétate de trenbolone
*Propionate de drostanolone |
225 mg/ml
75 mg/ml
75 mg/ml
75 mg/ml |
Mélange TMT 375
*Énanthate de testostérone
*Trenbolone Énanthate
*Énanthate de drostanolone |
375 mg/ml
125 mg/ml
125 mg/ml
125 mg/ml |
Mélange de MC 500
*Énanthate de drostanolone
*Trenbolone Énanthate |
500 mg/ml
250 mg/ml
250 mg/ml |
Anomasse 400
*Énanthate de testostérone
*Undécylénate de boldénone
*Trenbolone Énanthate |
400 mg/ml
150 mg/ml
150 mg/ml
100 mg/ml |
Énanthate de méthénolone 100 |
100mg/ml |