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Undécanoate de testostérone de série de testostérone de matière première pour la croissance musculaire 5949-44-0

Série de testostérone
Attestation: BPF,ISO,UKAS
Numéro de modèle: 5949-44-0
Quantité minimum d'achat: 10g
Heure de livraison: Dans 24 heures après réception de votre paiement
Modalités de paiement: Union de l'Ouest,Gramme d'argent,Bitcoin,Virement
  • Caractéristiques

Undécanoate de testostérone de série de testostérone de matière première pour la croissance musculaire 5949-44-0


Point de fusion:59-61°C
température de stockage. Substance contrôlée, -20?C Congélateur
Apparence: White Or almost White Crystalline Powder
Usage: Male hormone, for male sexual dysfunction, anémie aplastique

La description

Andriol or testosterone undecanoate is an ester of testosterone which is used for the treatment of male hypogonadism, and is currently under research for use as a male contraceptive, Andriol is sold and distributed under the brand names Andriol, understor, nebido, pantestone, restandol.

Testosterone undecanoate is a version of the anabolic steroid testosterone undecanoatedeveloped by the pharmaceutical company organon, testosterone is said to enter the body as a fat through the lymphatic system, experience from user indicates that in dose of less than 240mg per day, effects are negligible, except at every onset of use, while even in higher dose, effects are still minimal, Andriol is therefor thought that most of the steroid is somehow not making it into the blood stream.


Testosterone undecandoate might be prescribed for the treatment of hypogonadism in men, but more recently, the androgen has been used as a male contraceptive. Since the 1980s, researchers have been testing testosterone variations in an attempt to develop one. While this testosterone ester produces effective results in Asian men, the hormone requires the addition of other hormones to produce equally successful outcomes for men in other countries.

This ester of testosterone suppresses follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), interfering with the signals required by the testes to produce sperm and resulting in lowered sperm counts. Men usually do not experience the full effects of treatment, toutefois, until after the first two or three months of receiving the drug. Sperm counts then remain low for the duration of treatment. Counts generally return to normal anywhere from two to six months after cessation of treatment.

Chinese researchers first combined 200 milligrams (mg) of testosterone undecandoate with tea tree oil and administered the formula by intramuscular injection. Men received periodic injections over the course of 30 mois. During the first trials, 80% à 90% of the men involved in the study developed sperm counts of less than one million sperm per milliliter (ml) of ejaculate. Normal sperm counts average around 20 million sperm per ml. After three months of treatment, the male contraceptive was 90% à 100% effective.

certificat d'authenticité

Essais Norme d'analyse Résultats
Identification Se conformer Se conformer
Point de fusion 60~65°C 62-63°C
Rotation spécifique +68°~+72° 70.6°
Pureté chromatographique Se conformer Se conformer
Free acid 0.5%max 0.31%
Impuretés organiques volatiles ≤2500PPM 500PPM
Perte au séchage ≤0.50% 0.23%
Résidu à l'allumage ≤0.1% Passe
Essai 99.0%min 98.85%

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