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Poudre brute de stéroïdes

» Poudre brute de stéroïdes

Raw Material Testosterone Anabolic Steroid Series 1-Testosterone for Muscle Growth 65-06-5

Poudre brute de stéroïdes


Point de fusion:157-159?C
température de stockage. Substance contrôlée, -20?C Congélateur
Appearance White Powder
Grade Pharma Grade

  • Caractéristiques

Raw Material Testosterone Anabolic Steroid Series 1-Testosterone for Muscle Growth 65-06-5


Point de fusion:157-159?C
température de stockage. Substance contrôlée, -20?C Congélateur
Appearance White Powder
Grade Pharma Grade

La description:

1-Testosterone is also known as dihydroboldenone and 1-dehydroandrostanolone. It may be listed under the nomenclatures 17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one and 5a-androst-1-en-3-one, 17b-ol. 1-Testosterone is the 5a reduced form of boldenone (Équilibre). 1-Testosterone was the first fully active steroid introduced to the dietary supplement market, and it was only sold over the counter for only a couple of years before being banned in early 2005.

1-Testosterone has an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 200/100. With 1-testosterone, many users report a hardening effect and an increase in vascularity. 1-testosterone appears to be best used for size gains, although it should still provide the user with strength gains as well. In effect, 1-testosterone has been compared to Primobolan and Equipoise, though overall it is a much more potent compound mg for mg. 1-testosterone is considered a “dry” compound which can be used during cutting phases yet because of its strength is can also be useful during a bulking phase.


1-Testosterone is legal. 1-Testosterone is a supplement thats is currently almost as effective as steroids. En réalité, it is technically a steroid. 1-Testosterone is also known as dihydroboldenone and 1-dehydroandrostanolone. It may be listed under the nomenclatures 17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one and 5a-androst-1-en-3-one, 17b-ol. 1-Testosterone is the 5a reduced form of boldenone (Équilibre). 1-Testosterone was the first fully active steroid introduced to the dietary supplement market.

When taking 1-Testosterone you should expect an increase in strength and aggression. You should also expect a decrease in body fat and a leaner looking physique. Overall you can expect moderate to good gains from taking 1-Testosterone. The effects of 1-Testosterone can be enhanced through the use of an aromatizing prohoromone.

certificat d'authenticité

La description White or white alike crystalline powder Conforme
Identification Infrared Absorption Postive
Rotation spécifique +85°~+92° +89.4°
Free Cyclopentanepropionic acid 0.2% max 0.05%
Perte au séchage 0.5% max 0.20%
Résidu à l'allumage 0.2% max 0.08%
Impuretés organiques volatiles Metts the requirements Conforme
Point de fusion 98.0~104.0°C 98.5~103.0°C
Solvants résiduels <2ppm
Particle Size Approx 100mesh Conforme
Essai 97.0~103,0 % 99.22%

Grosses soldes

1 Énanthate de testostérone CAS: 315-37-7
2 Acétate de testostérone CAS: 1045-69-8
3 Propionate de testostérone CAS: 57-85-2
4 Cypionate de testostérone CAS: 58-20-8
5 Phénylpropionate de testostérone CAS: 1255-49-8
6 Isocaproate de testostérone CAS: 15262-86-9
7 Décanoate de testostérone CAS: 5721-91-5
8 Undécanoate de testostérone CAS: 5949-44-0
9 Sustanon 250
10 1-Cypionate de testostérone
11 Turinabol CAS: 855-19-6
12 Turinabol oral CAS: 2446-23-3
13 Stanolone CAS: 521-18-6
14 Décanoate de nandrolone (ENFANTS) CAS: 360-70-3
15 Cypionate de nandrolone CAS: 601-63-8
16 Phénypropionate de nandrolone (Centrale nucléaire) CAS: 62-90-8
17 Acétate de boldénone CAS :2363-59-9
18 Undécylénate de boldénone (Équilibre) CAS: 13103-34-9
19 Propionate de drostanolone (Masteron) CAS: 521-12-0
20 Énanthate de drostanolone CAS: 472-61-1
21 Acétate de méthénolone (Primobolan) CAS: 434-05-9
22 Énanthate de méthénolone CAS: 303-42-4
23 Acétate de trenbolone CAS: 10161-34-9
24 Trenbolone Énanthate
25 Carbonate de trenbolone hexahydrobenzyle CAS: 23454-33-3
26 Epiandrostérone CAS: 481-29-8

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