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Poudre brute de stéroïdes

» Poudre brute de stéroïdes

Matière première Stéroïde Boldenone Undecylenate(Équilibre) Niveau de BP augmentant le muscle

Poudre brute de stéroïdes


Standard: USP/BP/EP
Apparence: Yellow oily liquid

Injection: 200mg/ml 300mg/ml

Catégories: Steroid and Hormone; Série Boldénone; API

Usage: Undécylénate de boldénone(Équilibre) is a steroid compound that can give users slow but steady gains during a cycle. It is also relatively safe with very few reports of the side effects caused by testosterone conversion into estrogen.

  • Caractéristiques

Matière première Stéroïde Boldenone Undecylenate(Équilibre) Niveau de BP augmentant le muscle


Standard: USP/BP/EP
Apparence: Yellow oily liquid

Injection: 200mg/ml 300mg/ml

Catégories: Steroid and Hormone; Série Boldénone; API

Usage: Undécylénate de boldénone(Équilibre) is a steroid compound that can give users slow but steady gains during a cycle. It is also relatively safe with very few reports of the side effects caused by testosterone conversion into estrogen.

La description:

It is a derivative, which exhibits strong anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. The undecylenate ester greatly extends the activity of the drug (the undecylenate ester is only one carbon atom longer than decanoate), so that clinically injections would need to be repeated every three or four weeks.

In the veterinary feild Equipoise is most commonly used on horses, exhibiting a pronounced effect on lean bodyweight, appetite and general disposition of the animal. As with all steroids, this compound shows a marked ability for increasing red blood cell production. In recent years this compound has become a favorite among athletes. Many consider it an ideal replacement to Deca-Durabolin.

The side effects of Equipoise are generally mild. The structure of boldenone does allow it to convert into estrogen, but it does not have an extremely high affinity to do so. If we look at aromatization studies, they suggest that its rate of estrogen conversion should be about half that.

certificat d'authenticité

Nom du produit Undécylénate de boldénone Quantité 2KG
Numéro de lot. MC160325 Numéro de rapport. 160325
Date Of Manufacture 2016.03.25 Date Of Analysis 03.26.2016
La description Slight Yellow Oily Liquid
Ref.Standard Norme d'entreprise
Result Of Analysis Tests
Test Norme d'analyse Résultats
Identification A.B.C Se conformer
Volatile Impurities 0,5 % 0.15%
Acide Gratuit 0,5 % 0.18%
Résidu à l'allumage ≤0.1% 0.05%
Métaux lourds ≤10PPm Se conformer
Essai ≥96% 97.2%
Conclusion Be Conform With Enterprise Standard

Grosses soldes

Testosterone Series
Base de testostérone 58-22-0 Undécanoate de testostérone 5949-44-0
Acétate de testostérone 1045-69-8 Propionate de testostérone 57-85-2
Cypionate de testostérone 58-20-8 Isocaproate de testostérone 15262-86-9
Phénylpropionate de testostérone 1255-49-8 Énanthate de testostérone 315-37-7
17-Méthyltestostérone 58-18-4 Mélange de testostérone (Sustanon 250)
Acétate de clostébol (Turinabol) 855-19-6 Mestérolone (Proviron) 1424-00-6
Fluoxymestérone (Halotestin) 76-43-7 17a-Methyl-1-testosterone 65-04-3
Décanoate de testostérone 5721-91-5 4-Chlorodéhydrométhyltestostérone 2446-23-3
Série Nandrolone
Base de nandrolone 434-22-0 Décanoate de nandrolone 360-70-3
Phénylpropionate de nandrolone 62-90-8 Propionate de nandrolone 7207-92-3
Cypionate de nandrolone 601-63-8 Undécanoate de nandrolone 862-89-5
Stanolone (Androstanolone) 521-18-6 Mestanolone 521-11-9
Trenbolone Series
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate Parabolan Methyltrenbolone (Métribolone) 965-93-5
Acétate de trenbolone 10161-34-9 Trenbolone Énanthate
Base de trenbolone 10161-33-8 Tibolone 5630-53-5

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