Base de testostérone de série de stéroïdes anabolisant de matière première pour le bâtiment 58-22-0
Point de fusion:152-156 °C
alpha 101 º (c=1, dioxane 25 C)
Point d'éclair:5 °C
température de stockage. 2-8°C
solubilité 45% (avec/v) aq 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrine: soluble18.2 mg/ml
Merck 13,9255
Stabilité:Stable. Combustible. Incompatible avec les agents oxydants forts.
La description
Testosterones is the undisputed king of steroids mainly because it is safe, elicits rapid mass and strength gains while maintaining libido, a sense of well being and energy. It’s not uncommon for a first time user to gain 15-20lbs of LBM in a standard Testosterones cycle. Pure Testosterones comes in a water based aqueous form (Suspension) and also in a solvent/oil based form (Test Base).Suspensions have tiny particles that are visible with the naked eye. If left on the shelf for a few days many times the particles will sink to the bottom leaving the clear solvents and water on the top. Depending on the manufacturer, particle sizes vary meaning some Suspension preparations can clog a 22 gauge needle. Ultra micronized Suspension can pass through a 25 gauge needle making injections more comfortable. Shake the suspension preparation vigorously before injecting.
It promotes health and well-being, enhances libido, increases energy and promotes fat loss. It can also boost immunity. Its aids in gaining and preserving lean muscle mass. It prevents against bone loss as well as heart disease.
certificat d'authenticité
Nom du produit |
Testostero-n Base |
La description |
Poudre cristalline blanche ou presque blanche |
poudre blanche |
Identification |
A.B. |
Positif |
Essai |
97.0~103,0 % |
99.20% |
Rotation spécifique |
+101°~+105° |
+102.6° |
Perte au séchage |
1.0%max |
0.28% |
Point de fusion |
153~157°C |
153.0~155.0°C |
Impuretés organiques volatiles |
meets the requirement. |
Conforme |
Substances apparentées |
meets the requirement. |
Conforme |
Solvants résiduels |
meets the requirement. |
Conforme |
Particle Size |
100% ≤ 20 microns |
Conforme |
Although Omnadren stays active in the body for about two weeks, it is generally injected on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. A dosage of 250-750mg per week is more than sufficient to achieve great results. Some take advantage of the very low price of Omnadren (Europe) and take excessively large amounts. Beyond 750mg or 1000mg weekly added side effects will no doubt be greatly outweighing growth, so there is usually little need for such excess.
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