Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Ltée.
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Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Sex Enhancing Drugs Flibanserin CAS 167933-07-5

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Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Sex Enhancing Drugs Flibanserin CAS 167933-07-5


Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Ltd., est une entreprise pharmaceutique complète, qui s'est spécialisé dans la technologie biopharmaceutique 7 années. L'entreprise est située dans la ville de Zhongshan, Province de Guangdong , Chine.
Notre usine couvre une superficie de 33500 mètres carrés, avec un environnement propre et une belle mise en page. Il existe plusieurs ateliers de grande ou moyenne taille et un centre d'assurance qualité et de recherche avec un équipement de pointe. Maintenant, nos principaux produits sont des séries de stéroïdes anabolisants, Série peptidique, Série d'anesthésie locale. Nos produits atteignent le niveau avancé du marché intérieur, dont beaucoup atteignent la norme internationale, les certificats contiennent: KASCHER , ISO 9001:2008 , BPF , SGS.

Nom du produit Flibanser
Autre nom Addyi, Usine; BIMT17BS; Flibanser(BIMT17)
Original Chine
CAS 167933-07-5
Formule moléculaire C20H21F3N4O
MW 390.4
Pureté 98% min.
Apparence Poudre blanche
Attestation SGS, ISO 9001, KASCHER
Usage A kind of drug being studied as a treatment for pre-menopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (Hspdd).
Structure moleculaire  

La description:

Flibanser, sold under the trade name Addyi, is a medication approved for the treatment of pre-menopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (Hspdd). The medication increases the number of satisfying sexual events per month by about one half over placebo from a starting point of about two to three.The certainty of the estimate is low.The side effects of dizziness, sleepiness, and nausea occur about three to four times more often. Flibanserin is a drug developed to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder (Hspdd) chez les femmes. Women with HSDD have a chronic lack of interest in sex that cannot be explained by another medical condition. HSDD is also accompanied by feelings of distress. Sometimes, flibanserin is called the “female Viagra,” but that term isn’t quite accurate. Viagra is a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction in men and works by improving blood flow to the penis. In other words, it mainly works on the genitals. Flibanserin is different because it works on a woman’s brain. The brain is often considered a woman’s more important sexual organ. Much of her sexual response cycle originates in her brain.

Flibanserin is the first drug to be approved for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (Hspdd) in premenopausal women by the FDA in August 2015. It was originally developed as an antidepressant medication by Boehringer Ingelheim, but showed lack of efficacy in trials and was further developed as a hypoactive sexual disorder drug by Sprout Pharmaceuticals. Flibanserin’s mechanism of action is attributed to its high affinity for 5-HTA1 and 5-HTA2 receptors, displaying agonist activity on 5-HTA1 and antagonist on 5-HTA2, resulting in lowering of serotonin in the brain as well as an effect on increasing norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitters. Flibanserin is being hailed asViagras for women.The experimental drugdesigned for post-menopausal women with low sex driveshas now won approval from an advisory panel for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Flibanserin is an antidepressant that failed to help depression in clinical trials, but was noted to have improved sexual health outcomes. It’s not uncommon for a drug to be developed for one purpose, then approved for another. Sildenafill was originally developed to lower blood pressure, but failed those trials. The benefit of both of these drugs was discovered by accident. Cependant, flibanserin has now been studied for its effects on sexual health for nearly a decade. Flibanserin doesn’t have any interactions with hormonal medications, Thorp says. It does seem to interact with the original libido helper, though: some panelists recommended a warning against drinking alcohol while taking it, Reuters reported. (Interested in natural alternatives to hormone replacement therapy? The Natural Menopause Solution has everything you need to tame symptoms and trigger rapid, healthy weight loss in menopausal women. Flibanser (AUBERGE, USAN), sold under the trade name Addyi, is a medication approved for the treatment of pre-menopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (Hspdd).The medication increases the number of satisfying sexual events per month by about one half to one over placebo from a starting point of about two to three. Flibanser ( Addyi ) is a new drug being investigated for the prevention of HSDD in woman. Hspdd, is a relatively new term developed to describe Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder which basically means a woman whose is otherwise healthy has a lacking libido, or a lack of sexual desire. Studies show that about 10-20% of women face this problem and some say HSDD outnumbers men with sexual problems. Flibanserin is classified as a 5-HT serotonin receptor agonist and a dopamine D4 receptor partial agonist. It is a Non-Hormonal agent that in essence increases dopamine and noradrenalin while reducing Serotonin in the brain. This in return seemingly has a positive effect on a woman’s sexual craving who was otherwise lacking in this area. The benefits of it being Non-Hormonal are that it will not have the problems associated with other hormonal treatments such as a negative altered mood among other issues.

certificat d'authenticité:

Articles spécification
Apparence white crystals or crystalline powder, has a faint, characteristic odor and bitter taste
Solubilité freely soluble in water and 95%ethanol, sparingly soluble in acetic anhydride and practically insoluble in diethyl ether
pH 3.5-4.5
Identification 1, La couleur rouge à violet foncé apparaît
avec(III)chlorure de fer
2, Précipité rouge léger formé avec Reinecke Salt TS
3, Le spectre UV rencontre la référence
4, solution (1%) répond au test qualitatif pour le chlorure
Point de fusion 139-143 degré de celcius
Clarité et couleur de la solution clair et incolore
Sulfate 0.048%max
Métaux lourds 10ppm max
Comme 2ppm max
Acide organique(0.1M Naoh) 0.54ml max
Perte au séchage 0.5% max
Résidu à l'allumage 0.1%max
Solvants organiques résiduels (CG) Xylol 0,217% max
Isopropanol 0,5% max
Substances apparentées(HPLC) Impureté totale 1,5% max
Impureté unique0,5% max
P-chloro phénoxy acétique 0,5% max
Compte de bactéries Bacillus 1000 / 1G max
Mildiou 100 / 1g max
Microzyme 100 / 1g max
Essai(C12H16CINO3.hcl, sur une base sèche) 98%min

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