Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Ltée.
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Orlistat / Orlipasat CAS 96829-58-2 Weight Loss Steroids Treating Obesity

Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)
Numéro de modèle : 96829-58-2
Attestation : BPF, SGS , ISO 9001:2008 , KASCHER
Lieu d'origine : Chine
MOQ : Négociation
Prix : Négociable ( Réductions pour les grosses commandes )
Modalités de paiement : Western union, MoneyGram, Virement, Bitcoin
Capacité d'approvisionnement : 100 KG/mois
Heure de livraison : Dans 7 Jours de travail
Détails de l'' emballage : Emballage furtif et discret
Nom du produit : Orlistat
Autre nom : Orlipasat
CAS : 96829-58-2
Apparence : Poudre blanche
Usage : Weight Loss
Mode de livraison : SMU, HKEMS, FEDEX, DHL, UPS, Aramex, ETC
  • Caractéristiques

Orlistat / Orlipasat CAS 96829-58-2 Weight Loss Steroids Treating Obesity


Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Ltd., est une entreprise pharmaceutique complète, qui s'est spécialisé dans la technologie biopharmaceutique 7 années. L'entreprise est située dans la ville de Zhongshan, Province de Guangdong , Chine.
Notre usine couvre une superficie de 33500 mètres carrés, avec un environnement propre et une belle mise en page. Il existe plusieurs ateliers de grande ou moyenne taille et un centre d'assurance qualité et de recherche avec un équipement de pointe. Maintenant, nos principaux produits sont des séries de stéroïdes anabolisants, Série peptidique, Série d'anesthésie locale. Nos produits atteignent le niveau avancé du marché intérieur, dont beaucoup atteignent la norme internationale, les certificats contiennent: KASCHER , ISO 9001:2008 , BPF , SGS.







Orlistat is used with a low-calorie diet to help you lose weight and to maintain your weight after weight loss.
Orlistat is in a class of drugs called lipase inhibitors. It works in your intestines, where it blocks some of the fat you eat from being absorbed and digested. This undigested fat is then removed in your bowel movements

La description

Orlistat is a white to off-white crystalline powder. Orlistat is practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in chloroform, and very soluble in methanol and ethanol. Orlistat has no pKa within the physiological pH range.

Orlistat is a drug that promotes loss of weight by preventing the digestion and absorption of fat in food. In the intestine, an enzyme called lipase (produced primarily by the pancreas) breaks apart fat in food so that it can be absorbed into the body. Orlistat blocks the action of lipase and thereby prevents the breakup and absorption of fat. Orlistat blocks absorption of about 25% of the fat in a meal. The unabsorbed fat is excreted in the stool. The FDA approved Orlistat by prescription in 1999. a lower dose formulation of orlistat, was approved for purchase without a prescriptionover the counterin 2007.


This medication is used along with a doctor-approved reduced-calorie diet, exercise, and behavior modification program to help significantly overweight (obese) persons lose weight. Taking orlistat can also help prevent you from regaining the weight you have lost. Losing weight and keeping it off can reduce the many health risks that obesity causes, including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension artérielle, some forms of cancer, certain breathing problems, and a shorter life span.

Dietary fats need to be broken down into smaller pieces before the body can absorb them. Orlistat works by blocking the enzyme that breaks down fats in your diet. This undigested fat then passes out of your body in your bowel movement. Orlistat does not block the absorption of calories from sugar and other non-fat foods, so you still need to restrict your total intake of calories.


Combined with micro low-calorie diet for obese and overweight participants including those already obesity-related risk factors of patients with long-term treatment. With long-term weight control (weight loss, maintain weight rebound and prevention) curative effect.

Orlistat (also known as tetrahydrolipstatin) is a drug designed to treat obesity. It is marketed as a prescription drug under the trade name by Roche in most countries, and is sold over-the-counter as by GlaxoSmithKline in the United Kingdom and the United States.Its primary function is preventing the absorption of fats from the human diet by acting as a lipase inhibitor, thereby reducing caloric intake. It is intended for use in conjunction with a healthcare provider-supervised reduced-calorie diet.

Medical uses

Orlistat is used for the treatment of obesity. The amount of weight loss achieved with orlistat varies. In one-year clinical trials, between 35.5% et 54.8% of subjects achieved a 5% or greater decrease in body mass, although not all of this mass was necessarily fat. Between 16.4% et 24.8% achieved at least a 10% decrease in body fat.After orlistat was stopped, a significant number of subjects regained weight-up to 35% of the weight they had lost.

The incidence of type 2 diabetes in an obese population over four years is decreased with orlistat (6.2%) compared to placebo (9.0%).Long-term use of orlistat also leads to a modest reduction in blood pressure (mean reductions of 2.5 et 1.9 mmHg in systolic and diastolic blood pressure respectively).


Orlistat,The patient’s diet should be balanced, the low-calorie, about 30% of heat energy from fat, food should be rich in fruits and vegetables.Fat, carbohydrates and protein intake should be actually three meals per day.There is no evidence to suggest that more than 120 mg three times a day/time can enhance curative effect.No adjustment of dosage is needed for old people.

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