Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Ltée.
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Nootropic Drug Raw Oxiracetam Powder CAS: 62613-82-5 Used For Brain Development

Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)
Numéro de modèle : 62613-82-5
Attestation : BPF, SGS , ISO 9001:2008 , KASCHER
Lieu d'origine : Chine
MOQ : 10g
Prix : Négociable ( Réductions pour les grosses commandes )
Modalités de paiement : Western union, MoneyGram, Virement, Bitcoin
Capacité d'approvisionnement : 1000 KG/mois
Heure de livraison : Dans 7 Jours de travail
Détails de l'' emballage : Emballage furtif et discret
Nom du produit : Oxiracétam
CAS : 62613-82-5
MF : C6H10N2O3
MW : 158.16
Essai : 99.5%
Apparence : White crystal powder
  • Caractéristiques

Nootropic Drug Raw Oxiracetam Powder CAS: 62613-82-5 Used For Brain Development


Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Ltd., est une entreprise pharmaceutique complète, qui s'est spécialisé dans la technologie biopharmaceutique 7 années. L'entreprise est située dans la ville de Zhongshan, Province de Guangdong , Chine.
Notre usine couvre une superficie de 33500 mètres carrés, avec un environnement propre et une belle mise en page. Il existe plusieurs ateliers de grande ou moyenne taille et un centre d'assurance qualité et de recherche avec un équipement de pointe. Maintenant, nos principaux produits sont des séries de stéroïdes anabolisants, Série peptidique, Série d'anesthésie locale. Nos produits atteignent le niveau avancé du marché intérieur, dont beaucoup atteignent la norme internationale, les certificats contiennent: KASCHER , ISO 9001:2008 , BPF , SGS.

Détails de base:

Nom du produit: Oxiracétam
CAS: 62613-82-5
MF: C6H10N2O3
MW: 158.16
Essai: 99.5%
Apparence: White crystal powder

Point de fusion: 165 – 198°C


Improved Memory
Increased Learning Ability
Improved Cognitive Processing
Heightened Reflexes
Heightened Perception
Reduced Anxiety

La description:

Oxiracétam (ISF 2522) is a nootropic drug of the racetam family and very mild stimulant.Several studies suggest that the substance is safe even when high doses are consumed for a long period of time. Cependant, the mechanism of action of the racetam drug family is still a matter of research. Oxiracetam is not approved by Food and Drug Administration for any medical use in the United States. Oxiracétam, like piracetam and aniracetam, is a supplement belonging to the racetam family. It is a brain development supplement that increases attention span, mémoire, and mental energy. Cependant, the proven effects of the drug are limited to beneficial effects that lead to higher scores in tests for logical performance, attention, concentration, memory and spatial orientation.


Oxiracetam is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract with a bioavailability of 56-82%. Peak serum levels are reached within one to three hours after a single 800 mg or 2000 mg oral dose, with the maximal serum concentration reaching between 19-31 µg/ml at these doses. Oxiracetam is mainly cleared renally and approximately 84% is excreted unchanged in the urine. The half-life of oxiracetam in healthy individuals is about 8 heures, whereas it is 10–68 hours in patients with renal impairment. There is some penetration of the blood–brain barrier with brain concentrations reaching 5.3% of those in the blood (measured one hour after a single 2000 mg intravenous dose).Clearance rates range from 9 à 95 ml/min and steady-state concentrations when 800 mg is given twice daily range from 60 µM to 530 µM. The highest brain concentrations of oxiracetam are found in the septum pellucidum, followed by the hippocampus, the cerebral cortex and with the lowest concentrations in the striatum after a 200 mg/kg oral dose given to rats.[6] Oxiracetam may be quantitated in plasma, serum or urine by liquid chromatography with one of several different detection techniques.

Oxiracetam for Memory and Learning:

First and foremost, it helps to boost memory, especially long term memory and recall. This supplement will also help to improve overall cognitive functions including the ability to think more clearly, faster, and fluidly. Attention, focus, concentration, and motivation are also improved, sometimes significantly. Learning is another area where Oxiracetam exerts great effects and benefits. Numerous tests and studies have shown users improve in both their spatial and contextual learning abilities.

There is also some evidence to suggest that it may be helpful in improving performance and the effectiveness of brain training games and exercises. Oxiracetam supplements are specifically considered to be effective at increasing logical thinking ability and other skills related to critical and analytical reasoning. This supplement may also act as a neuroprotective, keeping your neurons healthier and preventing damage from outside influences. Oxiracetam benefits include helping to work as an anti-oxidant to rid the brain of toxins and poisons such as excessive calcium. There is even some research which suggests that it might be helpful in treating, protecting, or possibly even reversing damage done to the brain from alcohol abuse.

certificat d'authenticité:

Articles de test spécification Résultats
La description White to off white crystalline powder Comply
Point de fusion 166-170°C 167.3-168.1°C
Identification Positive reaction Positive reaction
Substances apparentées ≤1.0% 0.16%
Perte au séchage 0,5 % 0.06%
Résidu à l'allumage ≤0.1% 0.02%
Chloride ≤0.014% <0.014
Métaux lourds ≤20ppm <20ppm
Clarity of solution Conform to standard Conforme
Microbial Limit ≤20ppm <20ppm
Essai 99.0% 99.1%
La combustion des graisses(poudre brute)
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