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  • Phénylpropionate de nandrolone / Centrale nucléaire

    Série de nandrolone, Poudre brute de stéroïdes

    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is an anabolic steroid that is very similar to the popular Nandrolone Decanoate compound. Cependant, Nandrolone phenylpropionate was the first Nandrolone compound ever commercially sold. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate hit the shelves in the 1950's and was brought to the market by Organon under the name durobolin. Soon after Organon would release its Decanoate cousin under the name deca durobolin.

    • Caractéristiques

    Do you know what is Nandrolone Phenylpropionate?
    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is an anabolic steroid that is very similar to the popular Nandrolone Decanoate compound. Cependant, Nandrolone phenylpropionate was the first Nandrolone compound ever commercially sold. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate hit the shelves in the 1950’s and was brought to the market by Organon under the name durobolin. Soon after Organon would release its Decanoate cousin under the name deca durobolin.

    Do you know what dose Nandrolone Phenylpropionate do?
    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate carries with it numerous therapeutic and performance benefits. The Nandrolone hormone is the most commonly prescribed anabolic steroid other than testosterone, but the Decanoate version is the most commonly prescribed Nandrolone form. It is one of the most well tolerated steroid in both performance and medical settings, although possible side effects most certainly exist.

    certificat d'authenticité

    La description Poudre cristalline blanche ou presque blanche Poudre blanche
    Identification Positif Positif
    Essai 97.00~103.00% 99.38%
    Perte au séchage 0.5%max 0.25%
    Point de fusion 95~99°C 96.0~98.0°C
    Rotation spécifique +48°~+51° +49.0°
    Impuretés organiques volatiles meets the requirments. Conforme
    Solvants résiduels meets the requirments. Conforme
    Conclusion The specification conform with USP32 standard




    Popular Steroid List

    Grosses soldes
    1 Énanthate de testostérone CAS: 315-37-7
    2 Acétate de testostérone CAS: 1045-69-8
    3 Propionate de testostérone CAS: 57-85-2
    4 Cypionate de testostérone CAS: 58-20-8
    5 Phénylpropionate de testostérone CAS: 1255-49-8
    6 Isocaproate de testostérone CAS: 15262-86-9
    7 Décanoate de testostérone CAS: 5721-91-5
    8 Undécanoate de testostérone CAS: 5949-44-0
    9 Sustanon 250
    11 Turinabol CAS: 855-19-6
    12 Turinabol oral CAS: 2446-23-3
    13 Stanolone CAS: 521-18-6
    14 Décanoate de nandrolone (ENFANTS) CAS: 360-70-3
    15 Cypionate de nandrolone CAS: 601-63-8
    16 Phénypropionate de nandrolone (Centrale nucléaire) CAS: 62-90-8
    17 Acétate de boldénone CAS :2363-59-9
    18 Undécylénate de boldénone (Équilibre) CAS: 13103-34-9
    19 Propionate de drostanolone (Masteron) CAS: 521-12-0
    20 Énanthate de drostanolone CAS: 472-61-1
    21 Acétate de méthénolone (Primobolan) CAS: 434-05-9
    22 Énanthate de méthénolone CAS: 303-42-4
    23 Acétate de trenbolone CAS: 10161-34-9
    24 Trenbolone Énanthate
    25 Carbonate de trenbolone hexahydrobenzyle CAS: 23454-33-3
    26 Epiandrostérone CAS: 481-29-8
    Stéroïde oral
    27 Anavar CAS: 53-39-4
    28 Anadrol CAS: 434-07-1
    29 Winstrol CAS: 10418-03-8
    30 Dianabol CAS: 72-63-9
    31 Superdrol CAS: 3381-88-2
    32 Citrate de Tamoxifène (Nolvadex) CAS: 54965-24-1
    33 Citrate de clomifène (Clomid) CAS: 50-41-9
    34 Citrate de torémifène (Fareston) CAS: 89778-27-8
    35 Fémara CAS: 112809-51-5
    36 Aromasine CAS: 107868-30-4
    37 Proviron CAS: 1424-00-6
    38 Arimidex CAS: 120511-73-1
    39 CAS: 566-48-3
    40 Cabergoline (Ajuster) CAS: 81409-90-7
    41 Finastéride CAS: 98319-26-7
    42 Dutastéride CAS: 164656-23-9
    43 Antiquités (MK-2866) CAS: 841205-47-8
    44 Cardarine (GW-501516) CAS: 317318-70-0
    45 Andarine (S4) CAS: 401900-40-1
    46 Ligandrol (LGD-4033) CAS: 1165910-22-4
    47 Ibutamoren (MK-677) CAS: 159752-10-0
    48 RAD140 CAS: 118237-47-0
    49 SR9009 CAS: 1379686-30-2
    50 YK11 CAS: 431579-34-9
    Amélioration du sexe
    51 Avanafil CAS: 330784-47-9
    52 Vardénafil CAS: 224785-91-5
    53 CAS: 119356-77-3
    54 Tadalafil CAS: 171596-29-5
    56 Chlorhydrate de vardénafil CAS: 431579-34-9
    57 Chlorhydrate CAS: 431579-34-9
    58 Chlorhydrate de yohimbine CAS: 65-19-0


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  • Nos produits

    Poudre brute de stéroïdes





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