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  • Acétate de méthénolone/Primobolan

    Stéroides anabolisants, Poudre brute de stéroïdes
    • Caractéristiques

    Acétate de méthénolone / Primobolan CAS: 434-05-9



    Nom du produit: Méthénolone acétate
    Synonymes: Primobolan
    CAS: 434-05-9
    MF: C22H32O3
    MW: 344.49
    EINECS: 207-097-0
    Apparence: Poudre cristalline blanche



    Methenolone Acetate is the injectable version of the steroid methenolone powders. It is the same compound as the one in Primobolan Orals (acétate de méthénolone), both produced by Schering. In this injectable version, an enanthate ester is added to the steroid, which makes for a slow and gradual release from the site of injection

    certificat d'authenticité:

    Nom du produit Acétate de méthénolone
    Product Spec 97.0~103,0 % Production Bath 20150312
    CAS 434-05-9 Production Date 2015-03-12
    spécification enterprise standard Durée de conservation 2017-03-11
    Quantité 100kg Analysis Date 2015-03-12
    Result For Analysis
    Éléments d'analyse spécification Résultats
    La description Poudre cristalline blanche Poudre blanche
    Identification Positif Positif
    Essai 97.0~103,0 % 98.30%
    Point de fusion 203~208°C 204.7°C
    Perte au séchage 0.5%max 0.33%
    Rotation spécifique +15°~ +20° +17.5°
    Résidu à l'allumage 0.2%max 0.09%
    Selenium(as Se) 30Ppm max <30ppm
    Substances apparentées 2.0%max 0.80%
    Conclusion The specification conforms with enterprise standard.

    Applications :
    Methenolone Acetate is commonly used by those who wish to keep oestrogen and androgenic related side effects to a minimum. Primobolan is also a popular choice for cutting cycles due its mild anabolic properties which may be best suited for sustaining muscle tissue under strict pre-content dieting.

    Excessive subcutaneous fluids will also not be a concern due to primobolan being a non-aromatising steroid. The compound could also be added to bulking cycles to heighten the anabolic nature of the cycle whilst minimising adding to the overall oestrogen and androgenic side effects.Androgenic related side effects are usually only confined to the sensitive individuals, or those who opt to take the larger dosages of the product. Primobolan is often regarded as a safe steroid in comparison to other products, and it is a very sought after product which reflects in its cost.

    Use and Dosage:
    Methenolone acetate is a drug available for oral administration as tablets. It is important to follow the dosage exactly as prescribed or indicated by a pharmacist. It is not recommended to take greater doses of methenolone acetate than indicated in order to not increase the incidence of developing side effects. In order to benefit from the therapy with methenolone acetate, it is essential to follow a diet high in proteins and calories. For any particular information, contact a physician or ask a pharmacist.

    In order to get prescription of appropriate dosage for your condition and desired effects, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The number of tablets that is to be taken daily, length of time between doses, and the number of doses depend on the patient.


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