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» Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)

  • Metandienone/Dianabol Oral Anabolic Steroids powder

    Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)
    Attestation: BPF, ISO 9001, USP, KASCHER
    Numéro de modèle: 72-63-9
    Quantité minimum d'achat: 10g
    Heure de livraison: 3~5 working days
    Modalités de paiement: Western union, Moneygramme, Bitcoin and Bank wire transfer
    • Caractéristiques

    Metandienone/Dianabol Oral Anabolic Steroids powder

    Détail rapide:

    CAS: 72-63-9
    EINECS: 200-787-2
    Formule moléculaire: C20H28O2
    Masse moléculaire: 300.43512
    Metandienone CAS: 72-63-9 Effective in Building Muscle
    Essai: 98% min.
    Emballage: un sac en aluminium ou une boîte.
    Livraison: courrier expresse.
    Personnage: Poudre cristalline blanche.
    Catégories: Biochimie; Hydroxyketosteroids; Stéroïdes
    Usage: matériel pharmaceutique, Hormone stéroïde, Anabolin. En tant qu'hormone mâle et hormones anabolisantes. For chronic wasting disease, stunted children, l'ostéoporose, hyperlipidemia.


    Nom du produit: Dianabol (Methand rostenolon)
    La description White or white alike crystalline powder Conforme
    Identification ET, UV Positif
    Rotation spécifique +7° ~ +11° (1% w/v solution in 96% ethanol solution) +9.2°
    Solubilité Pratiquement insoluble dans l'eau,soluble in 96% éthanol,dans le chloroforme & glacial acetic acid, slightly soluble in ether 0.12%
    Perte au séchage 0.5% max 0.21%
    Résidu à l'allumage 0.2% max 0.05%
    Point de fusion 163~167°C 164.5~165.5°C
    Substances apparentées Méthyltestostérone: 0.5% max <0.5%
    Any other non-specified: 0.5% max <0.5%
    Solvants résiduels Ethyl Acetate: 5000Ppm max 210 ppm
    Essai 97.0~103,0 % 99.01%

    All injectables stack well with dbol, with partial exception that at higher doses of testosterone Dbol becomes less useful and eventually entirely unnecessary. The effect of most injectable anabolic steroids is greatly enhanced by addition of Dianabol. The improvement is greater than from simply increasing the amount of injectable by the same amount. But can be of value used alone as well.

    The half-life of Dianabol is only about 3 à 5 heures, a relatively short time. This means that a single daily dosage schedule will produce a varying blood level, with ups and downs throughout the day. The user likewise has a choice, to either split up the tablets during the day or to take them all at one time.

    Adverse side effects of Dianabol include conversion to estradiol, suppression of natural testosterone production, and liver toxicity. Additionally, all other side effects common to anabolic steroids are possible, such as increased blood pressure, increased hematocrit, possible adverse effect on scalp and skin, and worsened blood lipid profile. In general however Dianabol usage is favorably experienced.

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