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  • Ibutamoren/Mk-677/Mk677


    Ibutamoren (AUBERGE) (MK-677, Mk-0677, L-163,191) is a non-peptidic, potent, long-acting, orally-active, and selective agonist of the ghrelin receptor and a growth hormone secretagogue,mimicking the growth/hormone (GH)-stimulating action of the endogenous hormone ghrelin.
    It has been demonstrated to increase the release of, and produces sustained increases in plasma levels of several hormones including GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), but without affecting cortisol levels.MK677 has shown to sustain activation of GH-IGF-1 Axis and increase in lean body mass but no change in total fat mass or visceral fat.
    It is currently under development as a potential treatment for reduced levels of these hormones, such as in children or elderly adults with growth hormone deficiency,and human studies have shown it to increase both muscle mass and bone mineral density,making it a promising therapy for the treatment of frailty in the elderly.

    • Caractéristiques

    MK-677 Ibutamoren mesylate 159752-10-0

    nom anglais: MK-677
    Alias: Ibutamoren mesylate
    N ° CAS.: 159752-10-0
    Formule moléculaire: C28H40N4O8S2
    Masse moléculaire: 624.77
    Pureté: >99%
    Characters: Kind of white solid powder.
    Emballage: According to customer requirements
    Mode de livraison By Fedex,DHL,TNT,EMS ect.

    Health Benefits of Ibutamoren(MK-677)
    1. Ibutamoren (MK-677)Helps Build Muscles
    Ibutamoren is frequently used as an anabolic substance, to increase lean body mass i.e. create bigger muscles. It is orally active and can be taken once a day. These are all benefits compared with other growth GH hormone stimulators.
    In healthy obese men, a two-month treatment with ibutamoren increased lean mass, and transiently increased basal metabolic rate (BMR) .

    2. Ibutamoren (MK-677)Reduce Muscle Wasting
    In food-deprived healthy volunteers, ibutamoren reversed diet-induced protein loss , that could cause muscle wasting.
    In elderly patients with hip fracture, ibutamoren improved gait speed, muscle strength and reduced the number of falls .

    3. Ibutamoren (MK-677)Increases Bone Density
    Growth GH hormone increases bone turnover and eventually bone density . Cependant, because of the increased turnover in subjects treated with growth GH hormone, bone density can initially decrease before increasing . Basically, it takes time (> 1 year) to see the bone density increase.
    In healthy obese male volunteers, ibutamoren increased bone turnover .
    In elderly adults, ibutamoren increased bone building, as measured by osteocalcin, a marker of bone turnover .
    In post-menopausal women, ibutamoren increased bone mineral density, which helps increase bone strength and prevent osteoporosis .

    4. Ibutamoren (MK-677)Improves Sleep
    A study showed that in both younger and elderly subjects, ibutamoren improved sleep quality and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep duration .
    Apart from scientific studies, there have been many reports of subjective improvements in sleep quality, across various online forums.

    5. Ibutamoren (MK-677)Combats Aging and May Increase Longevity

    Growth GH Hormone secretion and muscle mass both decline from mid-puberty throughout life.
    In another study, ibutamoren rejuvenated the growth GH hormone profile in obese subjects .

    6. Ibutamoren (MK-677)May Have Nootropic Effects

    Some people use ibutamoren as a nootropic because it acts on the ghrelin receptor, which has nootropic effects. You can read more about these effects in the post on ghrelin. Science is, toutefois, yet to study if and how ibutamoren affects cognitive performance.
    Two indirect mechanisms by which ibutamoren can improve brain function:
    Ibutamoren also increases REM sleep duration and sleep quality . And we know that sleep is essential for good cognitive function .

    7. Ibutamoren (MK-677)is Beneficial in Treating Growth GH Hormone Deficiency

    8. Ibutamoren (MK-677)May Help with Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration
    Growth GH hormone increases tissue regeneration and wound healing (R, R), so ibutamoren may help with these.

    There are individual reports of ibutamoren being helpful, but scientific studies are lacking.

    9. Ibutamoren (MK-677)May Help with Hangovers
    This one is anecdotal, but people report curing hangovers with ibutamoren.

    Wholesale Price Sarms Ibutamoren/Mk-677/Mk677 with HPLC99.5% CAS: 159752-10-0

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