Haute pureté injectable semi fini liquide liquide superdrol 50 mg / ml
Superdrol is an extremely effective anabolic product that was available over the counter until 2012. C'est le nom de marque d'un composé appelé méthasterone, développé à la fin des années 1950 en tant que médicament contre les tumeurs, et ses propriétés hautement anaboliques et androgènes ont été découvertes peu de temps après. Superdrol est dérivé de la dihydrotestostérone, and it is actually a synthesized form of the anabolic hormone Drostanolone, with a slight modification to make it digestible when taken orally. It has mainly strong anabolic properties with weak androgenic properties, similar to methyl-testosterone in bioavailability and 400 percent as effective at building muscle and only 20 percent as androgenic. It has a Q ratio of 20, one of the highest of any anabolic steroid. The Q ratio is also known as the anabolic-to-androgenic ratio of a steroid or pro-hormone.
While many bodybuilders refer to Superdrol as a pro-hormone, it is in fact a steroid with extremely fast-acting effects.
It has been marketed under the name Methyldrostanolone due to its close similarity to the hormone Drostanolone.
Superdrol and Drostanolone were all created around the same time in the 1950s during research into anti-tumor drugs.
Unlike Drostanolone, this supplement is not injectable, and it contains an additional methyl group on the molecule’s seventeenth carbon atom, allowing it to be taken orally.
Méthastérone(Superdrol) Oil Dosage:
Week1: 10mg / per day | Week 2-4: 20mg / per day
Superdrol dosing for experienced superdrol users: Week1: 20mg / per day | Week 2-4: 30mg / per day
If going with a 3-week cycle instead of a 4-week cycle, don’t use a lower first week dosage, keep it the same the entire way through the cycle (example week 1-3: 20mg/20mg/20mg per day). More experienced users with past Superdrol experience can experiment with dosages to around 40mg, however the added benefit may be negligible compared to the added sides at high dosages. |
Semi-finished Injectable / Stéroïdes oraux:
Test prop———– 100mg/ml 200mg/ml
Test enan———–250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml 500mg/ml 600mg/ml
Test cyp———— 200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml
Test Sustanon—– 200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml
Déca—————- 200mg/ml 250mg/ml
Équilibre———- 200mg/ml 300mg/ml
Tren ace———— 100mg/ml 200mg/ml
Tren enan———–100mg/ml 200mg/ml
Dianabol———— 50mg/ml
Winstrol———— 50mg/ml
Masteron————100mg/ml 150mg/ml
Super essai———– 450mg/ml
Anomasse ————400mg/ml
Ripex————— 225mg/ml
Tritren————- 180mg/ml
Tri-Test———— 300mg/ml
Tri Déca———— 300mg/ml
Mélange d'essai———- 450mg/ml 500mg/ml
Test de bain———225mg/ml
Masse—————- 500mg/ml
Dépôt de coupe———– 400mg/ml
Essai de train———– 225mg/ml
Nandro Test Depot———450mg/ml
Test Equi—————– 450mg/ml
Rip Cut——————- 175mg/ml
Tren Test Depot———– 450mg/ml