anabolic Injection Tri-Tren180 Blend Injectable Anabolic Steroids
Détails rapides:
Stéroïdes anabolisants injectables Tri-trenbolon:
Nom du produit:Tri Tren180
Nom chimique: Tri trenbolone,Tri Trenabol
Pureté: 99.9%
Ingrédient actif: Train A,Train E,Train Hex
Concentration: 150mg/ml,180mg/ml, 200mg/ml etc
Tri-Tren 180 La description
Tri-Tren 180 est un stéroïde injectable qui contient de l'acétate de trenbolone, Carbonate d'hexahydrobenzyle de trenbolone et énanthate de trenbolone. Trenbolone acetate allows a rapid elevation of blood plasma levels. The hexahydryobenzycl carbonate and enanthate, prolong the blood plasma levels of Trenbolone. All these compounds make possible fast growth of hard and defined muscles. Athletes that use Tri-Tren 180 often report amazing gains in strength and quality muscle mass, while the fat and water seems to “melt” off. Tri-Tren is considered the most powerful and famous steroid used by bodybuilders.
Tri-Tren 180 Appliction
Because Tri-Tren 180 contient de l'acétate de trenbolone, cela améliorera considérablement la synthèse des protéines et la rétention d'azote dans le tissu musculaire. Les protéines sont le principal élément constitutif du muscle et elles favoriseront un anabolisme accru., as well as providing protection during a caloric deficit. This steroid helps to give your body a greater level of recovery and it will retain nitrogen, so that your body doesn’t go into a catabolic muscle-wasting state.
How It Works
Because Tri-Tren 180 contient de l'acétate de trenbolone, cela améliorera considérablement la synthèse des protéines et la rétention d'azote dans le tissu musculaire. Les protéines sont le principal élément constitutif du muscle et elles favoriseront un anabolisme accru., as well as providing protection during a caloric deficit. This steroid helps to give your body a greater level of recovery and it will retain nitrogen, so that your body doesn’t go into a catabolic muscle-wasting state.
The effects of this steroid are very remarkable. It is effective in both the cutting and bulking stages, but it is most effective in the cutting phase. This is because it will preserve your lean muscle tissue while you are losing body fat. This will help you to create the lean physique that you desire, whether you are a competitive body builder or an athlete.