Fourniture d'usine de matières premières pharmaceutiques à l'huile de guaiacol
Nom du produit:Gaïacol
N ° CAS.:90-05-1
Molecular Formular:C7H8O2
Masse moléculaire:124.14
Apparence:Yellow liquid
Classe:Qualité pharmaceutique
La description:
espite being with a characteristic odor of guaiacol it works great for making compounds are difficult to dissolve. Testosterone base use 15% of it plus 20% BB and 2% BA, the rest use ethyl oleate instead of oil, works great and painless to 75-100 mg / ml manner.
Injectable methandienone in 50 mg / ml, use 20% BB, 2% BA, 12.5% guaiacol and the rest with the oil of your choice (I like to use canola oil). Or use 5% gaïacol, 20% BB, 2% BA and the other remaining half oil half ethyl oleate.
Méthenolone énanthate 200 mg / ml I use 30% BB, 2% BA, remaining ethyl oleate. Or I use BB 30%, 2% BA, 10 % guaiacol and the rest with oil of your choice …
Some compounds are extremely hard to become stable at a reasonable concentration, using only ethyl oleate and / or guaiacol this stabilize is possible and painlessly.
Another tip that helps in dissolution of the powder is heat solvents (BB, BA and guaiacol) à 140 degrees F, add the powder until completely dissolved, slowly add the oil or ethyl oleate.
However careful when using ethyl oleate, filtering should be done with syringe filters … Vacuum Filters with Merck Millipore I use can leave the compound with a blue / green color, maybe the material (not the filter) is partially dissolved in the ethyl oleate. I use only PTFE and PVDF membranes in my compound.
Methoxyphenols are potential biomarkers of biomass smoke exposure, Par exemple, from inhalation of woodsmoke. Dietary sources of methoxyphenols overwhelm the contribution from inhalational exposures to woodsmoke.
Locust pheromone:
Guaiacol is produced in the gut of desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, by the breakdown of plant material. This process is undertaken by the gut bacterium Pantoea agglomeransa (Enterobacter). It is one of the main components of the pheromones that cause locust swarming.