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Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)

» Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)

  • Epistane (Méthylépitiostanol) CAS: 4267-80-5 Livraison efficace et sûre

    Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)

    Paiement & Conditions d'expédition:

    Quantité minimum d'achat: 10g
    Prix: Négociable
    Détails de l'' emballage: paquet déguisé
    Heure de livraison: 3-5 jours de travail
    Modalités de paiement: T/T, Western union, MoneyGram, Biciion
    Capacité d'approvisionnement: 1000kg
    • Caractéristiques

    White Powder Epistane (Méthylépitiostanol) CAS: 4267-80-5 Livraison efficace et sûre

    Détail rapide:

    Nom du produit: Epistane

    catégories de produits: Intermédiaires & Produits chimiques raffinés, produits chimiques en bon état;Médicaments;Soufre & Composés de sélénium

    Essai: 98%
    CAS: 4267-80-5
    Apparence: poudre blanche
    Forfait: foil bag
    M. F.: C20H32OS
    M.P.: 168-169°C
    Délai de paiement: Western union; T/T; Moneygramme; Bitcoin

    Livraison:3-5 jours de travail

    Paquet:Colis déguisé

    La description:

    Epistane, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect that is organ tissue specific. This means it works only where you want it to work. Broad range estrogen blockers and aromatase inhibitors can result in system shut down, aching joints, and decreased -I expression. Epistane binds specifically to the 17-estradiol receptor protein in the target tissues. Because of its long lasting and strong effects on specific tissue.

    Epistane can significantly reduce and reverse the effects of gynocomastia because not only does Epistane specifically block estrogen in breast tissue but it induces an estrogen-depleted condition which leads to apoptosis or the death of the breast tissue cells. Studies show that small doses of the parent compound, Epitiostanol, at just 10-20mg/week showed a complete disappearance of the mass and pain in 25% of the male patients in the clinical trail, while the other 75% of the patients showed at least a 50% reduction in the mass and complete loss of pain in just 4-8 semaines. Thats results in 100% of the male users with no side effects.


    Epistane is taken orallywhich is way more convenient compared to the formerto set off considerable gains in lean muscle as well as pick up the pace on the synthesis of protein in the body that translates to a distinct increase in overall strength levels.

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    Site Internet:http://www.powerfulsteroids.com/