Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Ltée.
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Durabolin Raw Steroid Npp Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Powder For Weight Loss

Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)
Numéro de modèle : 62-90-8
Attestation : BPF, SGS , ISO 9001:2008 , KASCHER
Lieu d'origine : Chine
MOQ : Négociation
Prix : Négociable ( Réductions pour les grosses commandes )
Modalités de paiement : Western union, MoneyGram, Virement, Bitcoin
Capacité d'approvisionnement : 100 KG/mois
Heure de livraison : Dans 7 Jours de travail
Détails de l'' emballage : Emballage furtif et discret
Nom du produit : Phénylpropionate de nandrolone
Autre nom : Npp
CAS : 62-90-8
Apparence : Poudre blanche
Usage : La musculation
Mode de livraison : SMU, HKEMS, FEDEX, DHL, UPS, Aramex, ETC
  • Caractéristiques

Durabolin Raw Steroid Npp Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Powder For Weight Loss


Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Ltd., est une entreprise pharmaceutique complète, qui s'est spécialisé dans la technologie biopharmaceutique 7 années. L'entreprise est située dans la ville de Zhongshan, Province de Guangdong , Chine.
Notre usine couvre une superficie de 33500 mètres carrés, avec un environnement propre et une belle mise en page. Il existe plusieurs ateliers de grande ou moyenne taille et un centre d'assurance qualité et de recherche avec un équipement de pointe. Maintenant, nos principaux produits sont des séries de stéroïdes anabolisants, Série peptidique, Série d'anesthésie locale. Nos produits atteignent le niveau avancé du marché intérieur, dont beaucoup atteignent la norme internationale, les certificats contiennent: KASCHER , ISO 9001:2008 , BPF , SGS.

La description

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is great for users who enjoy doing short, quickblastsor cycles and do not mind a more frequent pinning schedule. Users report all the same joint relief benefits of deca durabolin without thedeca bloat”, water retention ormoon face”. NPP is a shorter ester, meaning each milliliter (ml) will yield a higher dose of active compound compared to that of the longer decanoate ester. The shorter ester also allows users to see results sooner; thus, this allows for shorter cycles. Généralement, most users do 8-10 cycles hebdomadaires, and this also allows users to begin recovery faster.


1. Durabolin est un stéroïde anabolisant créé par Organon à la fin des années 1950 et officiellement connu sous le nom de Nandrolone Phenylpropionate.. This anabolic steroid is almost identical to Organon’s Deca Durabolin (Décanoate de nandrolone), the only difference being the ester attached. This makes Durabolin or NPP as it’s commonly called a much faster acting version of Nandrolone.
2. Durabolin is also one of the oldest Nandrolone compounds and was actually released a few years ahead of Deca Durabolin. Cependant, it has been Deca Durabolin and the overall Nandrolone Decanoate mixture that has dominated the Nandrolone market place throughout history. While Organon still makes Durabolin and there are many other pharmacies and underground labs that make NPP, it is not as commonly available. Cependant, in recent years it has seen its demand slightly increase due to performance enhancement use. Durabolin is one of the most beneficial anabolic steroids to ever hit the market.
3. The benefits of this steroid can easily be seen in both therapeutic and performance based circles. In a medical setting, along with testosterone this is one of the most important anabolic steroids we have, and the advantages it can provide run extremely deep.
certificat d'authenticité

La description Poudre cristalline blanche ou presque blanche Poudre blanche
Identification Positif Positif
Essai 97.00~103.00% 99.38%
Perte au séchage 0.5%max 0.25%
Point de fusion 95~99°C 96.0~98.0°C
Rotation spécifique +48°~+51° +49.0°
Impuretés organiques volatiles meets the requirments. Conforme
Solvants résiduels meets the requirments. Conforme
Conclusion The specification conform with USP32 standard

For increasing muscle mass

Nandrolone phenylpropionate is an anabolic steroid that is used for increasing muscle mass and strength and promoting weight gain.Nandrolone phenylpropionate is very similar with nandrolone decanoate,the only difference lies in the duration of action.Nandrolone phenylpropionate is a short acting version of the same steroid,but it seems to produce less water retention than decanoate ester.Since nandrolone phenylpropionate has a short acting life,it needs to be injected almost daily and this makes this drug less used by the athletes.The incidence of developing side effects is almost the same as its derivative nandrolone decanoate,except small differences.It is more popular than nandrolone decanoate in terms that it is more used in cutting cycles.All the athletes need to get well informed about the doses,possible side effects,and interaction with other drugs and other facts about nandrolone phenylpropionate before starting to use this drug.

Improving endurance during exercise

Le phénylpropionate de nandrolone est utilisé pour traiter l'anémie en stimulant la production de globules rouges,and an increase in RBC count can improve endurance during exercise via better lactic acid clearing and oxygen delivery.The blood is also better enabled to carry nutrients to muscle tissue to aid in repair,administration also increases the rate of muscle glycogen repletion after exercise helping the athlete dramatically improve recovery after strenuous physical exercise.Athletes who require a high level of endurance in their chosen sport can benefit from the use of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate.A favorite with bodybuilders who suffer with sore joints,Nandrolona F can also improve collagen synthesis,which may improve joint function and alleviate joint pains.Nandrolona F can be highly useful in eitherbulking” ou “cuttingcycles,and it would seem that diet and dosages are the determining factors of whether a cycle with this drug will be one or the other.

Part of a classic bulking cycle

Due to its highly anabolic nature coupled with low androgenic properties it can be incorporated into a mass cycle,usually stacked with testosterone and a powerful oral like possibly () ou (Dianabol).Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can thus be part of a classic bulking cycle.For a cutting cycle Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is usually be combined with other short-estered injectable anabolic steroids and one of the DHT derived orals such as (winstrol) ou (Anavar).Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is said to produce good mass and strength gains in both cutting and bulking cycle phases.When one is planning a cutting cycle one must take caution if combining the 19-nor-testosterone derivative trenbolone with nandrolone.Trenbolone Acetate,although a powerful drug for lean muscle gains,force,and fat loss is also a strong progestin with a binding affinity to the PgR of 60% (3x that of nandrolone).The elevated prolactin,can worsen HPTA insult, often causing the user to spend more money on preventative measures,the combo may also result in a difficult PCT protocol to regain natural testosterone production.

Our Process

Make an order: Please make clear the quantity
Mini Order: 10g
Quote: Prices confirm
Payment ways: Virement, Western union, Money Gram and Bitcoin
Delivery ways: All Express Modes(SMU, DHL, TNT, Fedex, UPS,TOll etc.)
Shipping address: Provide your Valid and Correct destination address info(if possible with post code, phone number).
Emballage: Select best ways according to quantity and safety degree(Super discreet, professional and experienced)
Lead time: Dans 12 hours upon receipt of payment
Package pictures: Photos of parcel would be offered to tell apart the items
Numéro de suivi: Offered once it is released
Shipping time: 3-7 jours de travail (Door-to-Door)
After-sale service: 24/7 Online for any problems

Notre service

1.100% La politique de réexpédition est notre base commerciale. 100% de réexpédition immédiatement si votre colis reste en douane pendant 4 jours et n'est pas mis à jour.
2.Remboursement total pour 15 jours d'insatisfaction avec la qualité.
3.Nous pouvons fournir des échantillons gratuits.
4.Nous avons un emballage spécial ,Il peut être facilement passé à la douane. Il sera plus sûr.
5.Notre société coopère à long terme avec DHL.EMS.Fedex et ainsi de suite. Il peut être envoyé à votre main plus rapidement. La photo du colis doit être offerte dans les 12 heures suivant la réception de votre paiement de stéroïdes.
6.Si vous avez la chance de venir en Chine. Je peux te montrer notre labo.
7.Notre société a WU, MG, TT, et les moyens de paiement Bitcoin à l'avance. Vous pouvez payer 95% pour les peptides coûtent au début pour la commande, le reste peut nous offrir dans votre prochaine commande;

Steroid (Poudre brute & Semi-Finished Oil)
Testosterone Series
Base de testostérone
Acétate de testostérone
Cypionate de testostérone
Énanthate de testostérone
Décanoate de testostérone
Propionate de testostérone
Isocaproate de testostérone
Undécanoate de testostérone
Phénylpropionate de testostérone
1- Testostérone
1- Cypionate de testostérone
Sustanon 250
Turinabol oral
Mestérolone (Proviron)
Méthyltestostérone (M-1-T)
Acétate de tréstolone (Ment)
Décanoate de trestolone
Fluoxymestérone (Halotestin)
17 alfa methyl testosterone
Série Nandrolone
Base de nandrolone
Décanoate de nandrolone (ENFANTS)
Phénylpropionate de nandrolone (Centrale nucléaire)
Méthenolone énanthate
Undécylate de nandrolone
Cypionate de nandrolone
Trenbolone Series
Base de trenbolone
Acétate de trenbolone (Finaplix)
Trenbolone Énanthate
Carbonate de trenbolone hexahydrobenzyle
Métribolone (Méthyltriénolone)
Boldenone Série
Base de boldenone
Undécylénate de boldénone (Équilibre)
Acétate de boldénone
Cypionate de boldénone
Drostanolone Series
Propionate de drostanolone (Masteron)
Énanthate de drostanolone
Methenolone Series
Acétate de méthénolone (Primobolan)
Énanthate de méthénolone
Oral-Steroid Series
Oxandrolone (Anavar)
Methasteron (Superdrol)
Oxymétholone (Anadrol)
Métandienone (Dianabol)
Stanozolol (Winstrol)
Anti-Estrogen Series
Citrate de Tamoxifène (Nolvadex)
Citrate de clomifène (Clomid)
Létrozole (Fémara)
Citrate de torémifène (Fareston)
Exémestane (Aromasine)
anastrozole (Arimidex)
Dutastéride (Avodart)
Finastéride (Proscar)
Formestane (Lentaron)
Cabergoline (Ajuster)
Raloxifene Hydrochloride
Solvant & Huile de support
L'huile de pépins de raisin (GSO)
L'alcool benzylique (BA)
Benzoate de benzyle (BB)
Oléate d'éthyle (HE)

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