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Médicaments intelligents

» Médicaments intelligents

  • Poudre de stéroïde anabolisant de sodium de citicoline CAS 33818-15-4 Pour stimuler le cerveau

    Médicaments intelligents

    Paiement & Conditions d'expédition:

    Quantité minimum d'achat: 10g
    Prix: Négociable
    Détails de l'' emballage: Camouflage
    Heure de livraison: 3-7jours de travail
    Modalités de paiement: MoneyGram, Western union, T/T,bitcoins
    Capacité d'approvisionnement: 100kg
    • Caractéristiques

    Poudre de stéroïde anabolisant de sodium de citicoline CAS 33818-15-4 Pour stimuler le cerveau

    What Is Citicoline Sodium?

    Citicoline is a nutrient actually found in the body in addition to being a nutritional supplement. It is a water soluble compound that is an essential intermediary in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, which is a major component of grey matter brain tissue. It also helps to create a number of other types of phospholipids, which are essential components in cell membranes. This supplement was first developed in Japan, used to help people who had suffered a specific type of stroke to better recover. It was also noted that this supplement has shown promise for helping patients who are suffering from glaucoma. It appears capable of nourishing nerves as well as improving blood circulation within the brain.

    Citicoline Benefits:

    One of the main benefits of Citicoline is that it increases the level of Acetylcholine within the brain. This is a neurotransmitter used to communicate between your neurons that plays a vital role in the development and formation of memory and a number of other cognitive processes. The speed of memory recall is also thought to be improved as is synaptic plasticity and therefore learning. When taking Citicoline supplements, you will also find that overall brain metabolism is enhanced. Blood circulation improves, which helps to increase oxygen uptake and glucose metabolism. Many users also note an improved level of mental energy. This leads to an increase in attention span, focus, and concentration as well as greater amounts of motivation and vitality

    There are also a number of clinical uses and benefits. Citicoline has been used as a treatment for cerebral vascular disease, head trauma, and a number of different cognitive disorders including dementia and age related cognitive decline. There is some evidence to suggest that it might be helpful at protecting neurons from damage such as excessive alcohol consumption and traumatic brain injury. Somazina Citicoline may be particularly beneficial for sufferers of Isechemic strokes, possibly repairing some of the damage done to your neurons and even lessening the risk of future strokes. There have also been studies looking at giving Citicoline dosages to Alzheimer’s patients to limit symptoms of memory loss.

    How Citicoline Works:

    The primary mechanism of action for Citicoline is as a source of Choline. Choline is a nutrient similar to the B Vitamins that is necessary for the brain to be able to make the acetylcholine neurotransmitter. Cependant, the vast majority of the population does not get the recommended amount of choline form their diet which can lead to mental impairment even with minor deficiencies. Citicoline can help to supplement the amount of choline in your bloodstream which them promotes greater acetylcholine production. What is most interested about Citicoline is that it has proven more effective at increasing brainpower than taking equivalent amounts of choline supplements. This is because Citicoline is actually more bioavailable and a closer precursor to acetylcholine.

    After taking a Citicoline dosage, this compound is absorbed into the bloodstream fairly quickly and then crosses the blood-brain barrier, reaching the brain. The two main components of the supplement, cytidine and choline, are broken down and then widely distributed. As it becomes incorporated into phospholipids it helps to activate their continued biosynthesis.

    A number of different neurotransmitters and brain chemicals are also affected by Citicoline. It acts as a precursor to Acetylcholine and helps to influence a number of cognitive processes through this action. Dopamine and Norepinephrine levels are also increased throughout the central nervous system. This may also be why many users report their overall stress levels decrease and a feeling of general well-being to be improved while using this supplement.

    Citicoline may also help to protect the brain. This includes the possible activation of a number of anti-oxidants. This helps to rid the brain of a number of poisons and toxins, improving overall health. The increase in phospholipid metabolism is also thought to help aid in this brain protection effect, keep the individual cell membranes better able to communicate with one another.

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