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  • CAS 51-05-8 Procaine Hydrochloride For Reduce Pain

    Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)
    Attestation: Casher/ISO9001/SGS
    Numéro de modèle: XALY
    Quantité minimum d'achat: 5g
    Heure de livraison: 3-5 jours de travail
    Modalités de paiement: T/T, Western union, MoneyGram
    • Caractéristiques

    CAS 51-05-8 Procaine Hydrochloride For Reduce Pain

    Détail rapide

    Nom du produit: Procaïne HCL

    Autre nom: Chlorhydrate de procaïne

    CAS: 51-05-8

    Apparence: white crystals powder

    pureté: 99%

    Marque déposée: Pharmalab

    Original: Chine

    Classe: Qualité pharmaceutique

    Forfait: Colis déguisé ; Sac en aluminium

    Date de livraison: 3-5 jours de travail

    Certificat: ISO 9001, USP,BPF

    Paiement: Western union, MoneyGram, T/T, bitcoins


    Politique: Politique de réexpédition

    Formule moléculaire: C13H21ClN2O2

    Masse moléculaire:272.77

    Articles de test spécification Résultats de test
    Apparence Fine, blanche, crystalline, odorless powder confirm
    Identification ABC in Pass confirm
    Solubilité Very soluble in water, soluble in Alcohol; insoluble in Ether and Benzene confirm
    USP Reference standards USP Tetracaine Hydrochloride RS. USP Endotoxin RS. confirm
    Point de fusion 145~150 degree 146.0~147.5
    Pureté chromatographique In Pass confirm
    Related substance Pas plus que la solution de référence 0.05% confirm
    Métaux lourds 10 ppm confirm
    PH 4.5-6.5 5.8
    Résidu à l'allumage ≤0,10% 0.05%
    Perte au séchage ≤ 0.5% 0.19%
    Essai 98.0 -101.0% 100.1%
    Conclusion Confirms USP 32

    La description:

    Chlorhydrate de procaïne, also called Novocain, or Procaine HCl, synthetic organic compound used in medicine as a local anesthetic. Introduced in 1905 under the trade name, it became the first and best-known substitute in local anesthesia. Generally used in a 1 à 10 percent saline solution, procaine hydrochloride is administered by injection for infiltration (area flooding as in dental anesthesia), nerve-block, spinal, and caudal anesthesia. Unlike cocaine, procaine is not toxic, addicting, or irritating. It has been displaced somewhat by the chemically related drugs lidocaine and mepivacaine, which produce prompter, more intense anesthesia.
    Procaine was first synthesized in 1905, shortly after amylocaine. It was created by the German chemist Alfred Einhorn who gave the chemical the trade name, from the Latin nov- (meaning new) and -caine, a common ending for alkaloids used as anesthetics. It was introduced into medical use by surgeon Heinrich Braun. Prior to the discovery of Stovaine and, was the most commonly used local anesthetic. [citation requise] Einhorn wished his new discovery to be used for amputations, but surgeons preferred general anesthetic. Dentists, toutefois, found it very useful. Einhorn was displeased by this and spent many years touring dental schools to advise them not to use it.

    The primary use for procaine is as a topical anaesthetic.Procaine is used less frequently today since more effective (and hypoallergenic) alternatives such as lidocaine (Xylocaine) exist. Like other local anesthetics (such as mepivacaine, and prilocaine), procaine is a vasodilator, and is often coadministered with epinephrine for the purpose of vasoconstriction.

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