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Anabolic Steroid Hormones Series Oxandrolone / Anavar for Muscle Growth 53-39-4

Stéroides anabolisants
Attestation: BPF, ISO 9001, USP, KASCHER
Numéro de modèle: 53-39-4
Quantité minimum d'achat: 10 grammes
Heure de livraison: 3~7 jours ouvrés
Modalités de paiement: Western union, Moneygramme, Bitcoin et virement bancaire
  • Caractéristiques

Anabolic Steroid Hormones Series Oxandrolone / Anavar for Muscle Growth 53-39-4


Point de fusion:235-238°C
Alpha D25 -23 ° (C = environ 1% dans le chloroforme)
température de stockage. Substance contrôlée, -20?C Congélateur
DMSO de solubilité: soluble2 mg / ml (effacer la solution; réchauffé)
couleur blanc à beige
Merck 6921

La description:

Anavar is an ideal steroid for burning fat and giving the body a more cut look although it doesn’t give users tremendous gains in muscle mass. Additionally, the muscle mass gained and fat burned tend to be more permanent than with the steroids associated with large muscle mass gains. Anavar also causes more mild side effects limited effects on the liver and comparatively limited effect on the body’s natural sex hormones. Anavar is readily available in foreign countries and on the black market, although it is fairly expensive.


Anavar MeditechBecause of its very soft nature to a steroid, of large amounts of Anavar are needed, particularly among male athletes. It binds reasonably well to the AR, and fairly high doses are required, we therefore recommend 20mgs exceed / journée. En réalité, 20-80mgs are needed to begin to stem the weight loss of patients with AIDS and to recover the weight of burn victims. If you are a man, begin by using 100mgs / day may be a good dosage to try this product and see if your body reacts. Any dose below 20mgs would be wasteful and no effects would be felt. Pour femme, toutefois, doses of 2.5 has 10mgs / day are sufficient. Virilization problems are not really present with this compound because it is only slightly androgenic, and there is no water retention with Anavar.

certificat d'authenticité

Nom du produit Oxandrolone
Apparence Poudre cristalline blanche
Identification Positif Positif
Essai 97.0~100,5% 98.33%
Rotation spécifique -18° ~ -24° -22.0°
Perte au séchage 1.0%max 0.13%
Impuretés organiques volatiles répond aux exigences Conforme
Ordinary Impurities 2.0%max <2.0%
Solvants résiduels répond aux exigences Conforme
Résidu à l'allumage 0.2%max 0.05%

Grosses soldes

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