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  • Poudre pharmaceutique de stéroïdes de matières premières d'Adrafinil pour le traitement de dépression

    Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)
    Numéro de modèle : 63547-13-7
    Attestation : ISO 9001, USP,BPF
    Lieu d'origine : Chine
    MOQ : 10g
    Prix : négociation
    Modalités de paiement : Western union, MoneyGram, T/T, bitcoins
    Capacité d'approvisionnement : Masse en stock
    Heure de livraison : 3-5 jours de travail
    Détails de l'' emballage : Colis déguisé ; Sac en aluminium
    Nom du produit : Adrafinil
    CAS : 63547-13-7
    Apparence : poudre blanche
    pureté : 99%
    MF : C15H15NO3S
    MW : 289.35
    EINECS : 264-303-1
    Politique : Politique de réexpédition
    • Caractéristiques

    Poudre pharmaceutique de stéroïdes de matières premières d'Adrafinil pour le traitement de dépression

    Détail rapide

    Nom du produit: Adrafinil

    CAS: 63547-13-7

    Apparence: poudre blanche

    pureté: 99%

    Marque déposée: Pharmalab

    Original: Chine

    Classe: Qualité pharmaceutique

    Forfait: Colis déguisé ; Sac en aluminium

    Date de livraison: 3-5 jours de travail

    Certificat: ISO 9001, USP,BPF

    Paiement: Western union, MoneyGram, T/T, bitcoins


    Politique: Politique de réexpédition

    MF: C15H15NO3S

    MW: 289.35

    EINECS: 264-303-1

    Fichier Mol: 63547-13-7.mol

    Point de fusion: 159-1600C

    température de stockage: -20°C Congélateur

    DMSO de solubilité: 35 mg/mL

    former : solid

    Usage: a-Adrenergic agonist. Treatment of depression

    What is Adrafinil?

    Adrafinil is an anisotropic stimulant that produces metabolines in the body of modafinil. These two energy-enhanced brain enhancers are motivating. Cependant, unlike many energy supplements, adrafinil does not cause ADHD and helps combat sleepiness. Although most of the schizophrenia is safe to use, and adrafinil has been the evaluation of fans, but may give your liver a huge price.

    How does Adrafinil work?

    Adrafinil metabolizes through your liver into modafinil. Adrafinil is also temporarily associated with oral dysmotility, which is an involuntary movement of the mouth and face. These movements are frequent and often irreversible. This side effect is rare, the elderly are more common.So why are people so? Because it is easier to get than modafinilThere are some people who still choose adrafinil for various reasons. Many people in adrafinil suffer from narcolepsy, or have jobs that require them to stay awake for hours, such as truck drivers. Assuming you and your doctor have already weighed the benefits and side effects, you still want to take adrafinil, there is a way to protect your liver.

    Supplement thistle is a good way to restore liver health. Breast thistles help to detoxify your liver and remove free radicals. Cependant, the thistle should be carried out after the Adelaafen cycle. Malheureusement, you can not prevent liver damage, you can only manage it afterwards. Quand même, if you are recycling the thistle correctly, you should be able to benefit with little side effects.

    To avoid long-term liver damage, individuals should not be supplemented with more than 600mg-1.2g Adelafen three times a week for up to five months. Milk thistle has a wider dose. The standard starting dose is 150 mg, but doses up to 600 mg are common.

    Adrafinil alternatives

    Phenanthroline does not cause caffeine jitterModafinil Alternative: Biprofloxacin Bipramazine improves energy without causing common jitter of caffeine.If you do not want to compete with adrafinil’s liver damage side effects after the study, you can still choose other methods. The world does not split into eye-catching, liver-damaged people and drowsiness, liver healthy people.Phenanthrene is a good substitute for alafin and modafinil. It provides significant boosts in energy and cognition, without liver damage and other side effects. It will not make you uncomfortable because the higher caffeine dose may be done. Anecdotal evidence suggests that benzopyramide is actually stronger than Adeffen, but it has not been scientifically tested.

    Individuals should take 100-200mg benzacridine 2-3 times a day. Pinrolactam can only be effective when it is only necessary (for example, before the exam or absolutely must remain awake for a long time) rather than taking it daily.Modafinil is a more suitable for Adrafinil’s liver substitutes; toutefois, it requires prescription, which is why many people turn to adrafinil first.

    Adrafinil VS Modafinil recommended

    Adrafinil and Modafinil were developed for similar purposesto promote awakening and vigilance. Cependant, both of these hobbies work in a similar way. Modafinil reacts faster and lasts longer. Everyone is often used as an auxiliary energy supplement for sleep disorders and fatigue, while also providing useful cognitive effects.The unique difference between adefovir and modafinil is the nature of the potential side effects and the speed at which these substances are active in the body.

    Adrafinil dose with modafinil dose

    Cependant, it is a sister substance, although modafinil is considered a narcolepsy drug, but according to theControlled Substances Act”, is classified as class Ⅳ substances. It requires a lower dose than Adela Fen, a faster response, longer duration, no need to be metabolized by the liver, making it a better choice for long-term supplements. This does not mean that there is no risk. Due to the sharp rise in blood pressure, long-term users are susceptible to heart disease (heart damage). These two drugs should be used with care, taking the recommended dose, rather than as part of the daily psychopathology.

    Benefits and effects

    Although adrafinil was originally developed for its elegance or awakening to promote the characteristics, it has also shown significant cognitive benefits. Adrafinil can promote the physical and mental energy required for active life for those who suffer from daytime fatigue due to sleep disorders such as diversion or sleep apnea and sleep disorders. It can also improve the psychological clarity, focus and retention, making it a favorite of students.

    Adrafinil has been shown to be a very effective universal stimulant that prevents daytime sleepiness and greatly increases energy and attention without the usual agonists associated with ADHD and jitter. En réalité, many users reported that enhanced well-being, stress relief, and possibly largely due to the general enhancement of the happy effect of Adela vanilla stimulation of dopamine receptors.However, the general stimulant effect is only part of the benefits of Adela Fen. In addition to promoting awakening and increasing energy, adrafinil is closely related to many reasoning effects, including increased learning ability, better memory and faster memories. The user reports that adrafinil enhances attention and concentration, enhances psychological clarity, and makes it easier to do long-term mental taxes.

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    Semi-finished Injectable / Stéroïdes oraux

    Test prop———–100mg/ml 200mg/ml
    Test enan———–250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml 500mg/ml 600mg/ml
    Test cyp————200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml
    Test Sustanon——-200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml
    Déca—————-200mg/ml 250mg/ml
    Équilibre———–200mg/ml 300mg/ml
    Tren ace————100mg/ml 200mg/ml
    Tren enan———–100mg/ml 200mg/ml
    Masteron————100mg/ml 150mg/ml
    Super essai———–450mg/ml
    Anomasse ————400mg/ml
    Tri Déca————300mg/ml
    Mélange d'essai———-450mg/ml 500mg/ml
    Test de bain———225mg/ml
    Dépôt de coupe———–400mg/ml
    Essai de train———–225mg/ml
    Nandro Test Depot———450mg/ml
    Test Equi—————–450mg/ml
    Rip Cut——————-175mg/ml
    Tren Test Depot———–450mg/ml

    Avantage compétitif

    1.We have engaged in this line has many years of experience, our reputation is our guarantee of quality. Haute qualité, prix compétitif, livraison rapide, safe shipping and considerate after-sale service gain the trust and praise from the customers all over the world.
    2. Saichuang Technology Co., ltd is a professional raw powder factory in China for over 10 années, toutes les poudres sont fournies directement par l'usine.
    3.Nos produits ont exporté vers l'Allemagne, Norvège, Pologne, Finlande, Espagne, ROYAUME-UNI, France, Russie, Etats-Unis, Australie, Japon, La Corée et de nombreux autres pays, over 100kgs each month.
    4.Professional team special for package and shipment and staring on tracking code 24hours for customs pass guaranteed. 100% passer au Royaume-Uni, Norvège, Pologne, Espagne, Etats-Unis, Canada, Brésil; 98% pass to Germany, Russie, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande.
    5. Our products and services will focus on the largest customer demand,We hold the greatest enthusiasm and sincere cooperation with each customer.

    how to make order
    step1 Pre-sale service 1.As for your every inquiries, we always reply timely and patiently.
    All of the relevant information will be provided to
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    Cook Recipes Of Steroid Oil , Feedback Of Other Customers
    Step2 payment 1.we’d like to accept bank transfer, Western union , Moneygramme , Bitcoin
    Step3 delivery 2.we are support Transportation: DHL, UPS, TNT, SMU,
    Hongkong EMS, FedEx or Other
    3.After confirming your payment, shipping arrangement
    and package pictures will be provided within 24 Hours ;
    Tracking number will be provided within 72 Hours.
    4.For important parcel information, such as:
    Left Original Country , Arrived At Destination Country ,
    Passed Customs , Out For Delivery , Delivered,
    those information will be sent to you timely.
    Step4 After-sales
    1.you could consult us for any questions,
    we offer 7*24h good servies and Tech-support.

    Our Service
    Fast Delivery Delivery within 24 heures après réception de votre paiement
    Quality Quality can be promised. Hot sell to Worldwide
    Modalités de paiement T/T Bank Transfer, Western union, Pay Pal, Bitcoin and MoneyGram Available
    Goûter Sample available at any time
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    Forfait Professional packing with professional materials

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