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Poudre brute de stéroïdes

» Poudre brute de stéroïdes

99% purity Methenolone Series Methenolone Enanthate for Muscle Growth 303-42-4

Poudre brute de stéroïdes
Attestation: ISO 9001;1401;Rohs
Numéro de modèle: 303-42-4
Quantité minimum d'achat: 10ml
Heure de livraison: Dans les 12 heures après le paiement
Modalités de paiement: T/T, Western union, MoneyGram, D/A, L/C, D/P, T/T, Western union, MoneyGram
  • Caractéristiques

99% purity Methenolone Series Methenolone Enanthate for Muscle Growth 303-42-4


Standard: Norme d'entreprise
Apparence: Poudre cristalline blanche.
Usage: Peut être utilisé comme matériau pharmaceutique, Metenolone enanthate (or methenolone enanthate) based anabolic steroid. It is an ester derivative of Methenolone sold commonly under the brand names Primobolan (tablet form) or Primobolan Depot (injectable).

La description

Methenolone Enanthate produces important results in both men and women during a cutting cycle as it exhibits an ability to retain muscle on a calorie restricted diet.Methenolone Enanthate affects only slightly the natural Testosterone production and it gives good quality muscles. It is ideal for female athletes since the virilization symptoms are relatively minimal. The Methenolone Enanthate ester is added to the steroid and acts with a slow and gradual release from the site of injection. Its length of activity is 10-14 days with blood levels remaining elevated for approximately two weeks. The compound could also be added to bulking cycles. When it interacts with the aromatize enzyme it does not form any estrogens.


While it is used in a female therapeutic setting, Schering has never officially listed standard Primobolan Depot doses. For the female athlete, 50-100mg per week is generally all the Primobolan Depot they will need. Plus important, such a dosing range should be very controllable in terms of virilization for most women. Always keep in mind individual sensitivity will play a role and while some will experience virilization symptoms at this dosing range most will not.

Women who go above the 100mg dosing will more than likely experience virilization symptoms. If other steroids are stacked with it this is almost assured. Regardless of the total dose, most women will find 4-6 weeks of use to be more than enough. Many women find stacks of Anavar and Primobolan Depot to be very beneficial with the Methenolone only making up 4 weeks of a total 8 cycle hebdomadaire. A final note on female use; many women may find oral Primobolan to be more controllable. It is not as effective as the Depot version; toutefois, it is a little easier to control blood levels with this fast acting form.

certificat d'authenticité
Essais Norme d'analyse Résultats
Identification Se conformer Se conformer
Point de fusion 64℃~ 72℃ 65℃~ 69℃
Rotation spécifique +50°~ +56° +52.9°
Pureté chromatographique Se conformer Se conformer
Impuretés organiques volatiles Se conformer Se conformer
Perte au séchage ≤0.50% 0.35%
Résidu à l'allumage 0.1%max 0.06%
Essai 97.0%min 99.19%

Grosses soldes

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