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Médicaments intelligents

» Médicaments intelligents

99% Nootropics Cdp-Choline Medical Uses Related Nootropics

Médicaments intelligents
Poudre: Oui
Personnalisé: Non personnalisé
Attestation: BPF, ISO 9001, USP, BP
Convient à: Adulte
État: Solide
Pureté: >99%
  • Caractéristiques

99% Nootropics Cdp-Choline Medical Uses Related Nootropics


Product Information


Nom du produit CDP Choline Citicoline
Alias CDP-Choline
CAS 987-78-0
EINECS 213-580-7
MF C14H26N4O11P2
MW 488.32
Pureté 99%
Classe Qualité pharmaceutique
Apparence Poudre blanche



La description


CDP Choline Citicoline, also known as cytidine diphosphate-choline (CDP-Choline) or cytidine 5′-diphosphocholine is an intermediate in the generation of phosphatidylcholine from choline, a common biochemical process in cell membranes. Citicoline is naturally occurring in the cells of human and animal tissue, in particular the organs.

CDP-choline is a nootropic compound that is essentially a prodrug for both choline and uridine, conferring both of those molecules to the body following oral ingestion of CDP-Choline. Spécifiquement, the CDP-choline dissociates into choline and cytidine, with the cytidine then converting into uridine. CDP-choline is one of the three choline-containing phospholipids that can be orally supplemented (the other two being Alpha-GPC and phosphatidylcholine).



Studies suggest that CDP-choline supplements increase dopamine receptor densities, and suggest that CDP-choline supplementation helps prevent memory impairment resulting from poor environmental conditions. Preliminary research has found that citicoline supplements help improve focus and mental energy.

Citicoline has also been shown to elevate ACTH independently from CRH levels and to amplify the release of other HPA axis hormones such as LH, FSH, GH and TSH in response to hypothalamic releasing factors. These effects on HPA hormone levels may be beneficial for some individuals but may have undesirable effects in those with medical conditions featuring ACTH or cortisol hypersecretion including PCOS, type II diabetes and major depressive disorder.

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