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98% HGH Growth Hormone IGF LR3 Fat Loss Wrinkle Remover

Attestation: ISO 9001
Numéro de modèle: ychz04@chembj.com
Quantité minimum d'achat: 10 flacons
Heure de livraison: dans 24 heures après le paiement
Modalités de paiement: Virement, Western union, MoneyGram, Bitcoins
  • Caractéristiques

98% Growth Hormone IGF LR3 Fat Loss Wrinkle Remover


Détails rapides

Nom du produit:IGF-1 LR3
N ° CAS.:946870-92-4
Apparence:poudre blanche
Espace de rangement:Dry Cool Place
Classe:Medicine Grad
spécification: 0.1mg/flacon, 1mg/flacon, 10vials/kit
Capacité d'approvisionnement:1000 kits per Month
Emballage:10vials per kits

Usage : Losing Cellulite and Wrinkles,Gaining muscle / losing fat/weight loss,Return of sexual potency, drive and pleasure,Restful sleep (even for insomniacs),Improved mood and sense of well being,Hair color restoration and growth,Return of vitality, énergie, stamina

La description

IGF-LR3, it has anabolic effects, may increase muscular physique, but also for people in childhood and adolescence, bone growth, and strengthen the tendons and increase the internal organs. Athletes using growth hormone primarily for building muscle and increasing strength. Different organs of the body can fight aging, elimination of sub-health status, providing the body the energy of youth organ recovery chain, to improve the sensitivity of peripheral and central nervous system cell viability, inhibit the body’s organs aging. Full body can adjust to the young state.

Because HGH can improve physiological decline caused by premature aging, deep sleep regulation, improve fatigue, looking shiny, red, perte de cheveux, reduced abdominal fat reduction, improved immune system. After a course of treatment using the body’s physiological functions of tissues and organs return to the level 5 years ago, played a fundamental life and health, the excellent anti-aging effect.


During puberty, IGF is the most responsible for the natural muscle growth that occurs during these few years .there are many different things that IGF does in the human body; among the effects the most positive are increased amino acid transport to cells, increased glucose transport, increased protein synthesis, decreased protein degradation and increased RNA synthesis. When IGF is active, it behaves differently in different types of tissues. in muscle cells, proteins and associated cell components are stimulated.

The most effective length for a cycle of IGF is 50days on and 20-40days off.Take dosages ranging from 60mcg up to 120mcg per day in divided doses .one injection in the morning and again at bed time. Never exceed 120mcg in one day.Dissolve each vial by 1ml of water for injection that comes with it. Inject twice daily.Do not use Insulin for the nighttime injection of IGF1.by taking insulin in the morning you prolong the IGF1’s half life to 12 hours and then take a 6 hour injection, you should be fine.

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