Top Grade Muscle Building Steroid Trestolone Raw Powder With Strong Effects
La trestolona es un compuesto anabólico sintético que se dice que es diez veces más poderoso que
testosterona. Ha desarrollado un gran revuelo en los últimos años debido a su potencia..
La trestolona es un andrógeno sintético que se cree que es excepcionalmente potente en el cuerpo.. Ofrece un
tasa de aclaramiento metabólico más rápida que la testosterona, no se une a SHBG (hormona sexual
globulina de unión) y no aromatiza. Trestolone es un excelente sustituto para aquellos que son
serio en lograr un físico estético. Con resultados rápidos y efectivos en muy poco tiempo, es no
Me pregunto si muchos culturistas y entrenadores de pesas lo están probando..
How Does It Work ?
Trestolone is most effective if you want to bulk as it helps you build up lean muscle mass while
minimizing body fat at the same time. It can also be taken with other enhancers to achieve
optimal results when you want to cut or harden your body’s physique.
For beginners: Trestolone must be taken no more than 50 mg por día para 4 weeks upon rising
and before bedtime to ensure significant gains of approximately 20 pounds as well as a boost in
strength levels within 3 meses.
For advanced users: You may take 75 mg to 100 mg a day following these intervals:
A.M. – 25 mg
Post-workout: 25 mg to 50 mg
P.M. – 25 mg
*Trestolone can be taken in oral, transdermal and injectable forms.
*Injectable form is the best delivery method for this anabolic compound
*Make sure to FOLLOW the suggested dosage to reduce unwanted side effects and achieve
maximum results

We can offer:
Productos : Steroid raw powder, Semi-finished steroid oil, Péptidos , All kinds of machines you
need for steroid production
Envío : The safest methods will be choosen ( EMS TNT DHL Aramex FedEx UPS )
Pago : Bitcoin , Transferencia bancaria , Western Union , Pago de Pequeña Cantidad
Parcel : Discreet packagiing
Pre-mixed oral steroid tablet / pill / capsule :
This might kind of new to you .But we could mix oral steroids tabletpillcapsules here for you .
1. Raw material might be needed for pills such as Microcrystalline cellulose,Magnesium
stearate,etc would be mixed here
2. You just need to press it and pack it , then get finished pills or tablets
3. As to capsules , that would be much easier. You just need to fill the mixture in caps, then you
could take it or sell it
4. Relevant machines are available
5. Customized labels and boxes are available