Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado.

para culturismo 50 para culturismo

Aceite de esteroides anabólicos, Esteroides inyectables líquido, Serie de trembolona

Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
5 gram Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate powder (3.75ml)
2ml BA (2%)
20mL BB (20%)
74.25ml de aceite

  • Especificaciones

para culturismo 50 para culturismo

recetas de cocina

Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
5 gram Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate powder (3.75ml)
2ml BA (2%)
20mL BB (20%)
74.25ml de aceite


para culturismo 50 USP injection provides trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is the only trenbo preparation that has been approved for human use. Trenbolone esters in oil injected intramuscularly are absorbed slowly from the lipid phase, thus Parabolone 50 can be administered at intervals of every 1-2 weeks.Parabolone 50 contains trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate in a 10ml solution for injection (50mg trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate / Estanozolol semielaborado de la serie líquida de esteroides).
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is an ester of trenbo which is used for the treatment to promote protein metabolism.Trenbo has an excellent ability to promote protein synthesis and to ensure positive nitrogen balance in the body. The effects of trenbo are increased weight gain, improved food conversion efficiency, increased metabolism, decreased muscle RNA and DNA concentrations, and decreased free cathepsin D activity in muscles. Trenbo is categorized as an appetite stimulating substance.

Moderate Cycle for Cutting

400 mg/wk of testosterone cypionate for 12 semanas
300 mg/wk of Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate(una parábola) on weeks 5 a 12
80 mg/ed of anavar from weeks 5 a 12
0.5 mg/eod of Arimidex for 12 semanas

Advanced Cycle for Cutting

200 mg/eod of testosterone propionate for 12 semanas
200 mg/eod of NPP for weeks 1 a 8
500 mg/wk of Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate(metil testos terona) for weeks 9 a 16
200 mg/eod of Masteron for weeks 9 a 16
80 mg/ed of Anavar for weeks 9 a 16

1 mg/eod of Arimidex for weeks 1 a 14: every day for weeks 15 a 16
No matter what the hexahydrobenzylcarbonate dosage is, its use is typically 8 a 10 semanas.


Moderate Cycle for Bulking
200 mg/wk of Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate(metil testos terona) Es un polipéptido sintetizado artificialmente del anticuerpo natural y parte del receptor ActRIIB 10 semanas
600 mg/wk of Testosterone Cypionate for 12 semanas
50 mg/ed of anadrol for 6 semanas
0.5 mg/eod of Arimidex for 12 semanas

Advanced Cycle for Bulking
1g/wk of testosterone enanthate for 16 semanas
50 mg/ed of dianabol for weeks 1 a 6
500 mg/wk of Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate(una parábola) for weeks 9 a 16
500 mg/wk of Deca Durabolin for weeks 1 a 9


Most athletes inject Trenbolone at least twice a week; some bodybuilders inject 1-2 ampules per day during the last three to four weeks be-fore a competition. Normally a dosage of 228 mg/week is used, corresponding to a weekly amount of three ampules. It is our experience that good results can be achieved by injecting a 76 mg ampule every 2-3 dias.

Combined with Winstrol Depot works especially well and gives the athlete a distinct gain in solid and high quality muscles together with an enormous strength gain. Athletes who are interested in a fast mass gain often also use 30 mg Dianabol/day while those who are more interested in quality and strength like to add 25 mg* Oxandrolone/ day. Trenbolone also seems to bring extraordinarily good results when used in combination with growth hormones.
75 mg-300 mg weekly

For quality 1.Our company is a professional raw powder factory in China
for over 10 años, todos los polvos se suministran directamente de fábrica.
2.we have a standardized laboratory, all of our products
have to be tested in professional lab before selling,
it must meet the in-house quality control standard.
For delivery 1.we have been in this field for many years,
we have accumulated a lot of experience.
2.Different countries have different package
and shipping methods.
For Price 1.as a experienced supplier, we won’t offer you crazy price,
because it’s not in line with the market trend.
The most favorable factory price will be provided, so please rest assured to order from us.

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Niños 200 200mg / ml 17-Metiltestosterona
Niños 250 250mg / ml Tadalafil
npp 200 200mg / ml Sustanon de testosterona(Sustanon 250)
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sustanon 300 300mg / ml 0xymetholone(anaval)
sustanon 400 400mg / ml Letorzole
undecanoate 500 500mg / ml Dutasteride
trenabol 100(TB) 100mg / ml Decanoato de nandrolona
trenabolic 80(TA) 80mg / ml Fenilpropionato de nandrolona
trenabolic 100 100mg / ml 1-Test0sterone
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Trenaject 60(TE) 60mg / ml Mesterlone (Proviron)
Trenaject 100 100mg / ml Acetato de trembolona
Trenaject 150 150mg / ml Enantato de trembolona
Trenaject 200 200mg / ml Propionato de drostanolona(mast p)
para culturismo 50(THC) 50mg / ml Enantato de drostanolona(mast e )
Masteron 100(DP) 100mg / ml 0xandrolone
Masteron 200(DE) 200mg / ml Anastroz0le (arimidex)
Primoyecto 100(ME) 100mg / ml Carbonato de trembolona hexahidrobencilo
finished liquid Acetato de metenolona
Semi-finished liquid Enantato de metenolona

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