Top Quality Bodybuilding Human Growth Peptides Freeze – Dried Powder TB500 Thymosin Beta – 4 Dosis
Detalle rápido :
Tamaño de la unidad: 2mg
Sinónimos: Tymosin beta 4
Apariencia: Lyophilized White Powder
NO CAS: 77591-33-4
Peso molecular: 4963.44
Fórmula molecular: C212H350N56O78S
Pureza: 99.49%
Secuencia: AC-SER-ASP-LYS-PRO-ASP-MET-ALA-GLU-ILE-GLU-LYS-PHE-ASP-LYS-SER-LYS-LYS-LYS-LYS-Thr-Glu-Thr-Gln-Glu- Lys-asn-pro-leu-pro-ser-lys-glu-thr- Ile-Glu-Gln-Glu-Lys-Gln-Ala-Gly-Glu-Ser-OH
Almacenamiento:Establo a temperatura ambiente para 90 dias, Debe almacenarse en un congelador durante un período prolongado de tiempo..
TB-500 is a synthetic fraction of the protein thymosin beta-4, which is present in virtually all human and animal cells. The main purpose of this peptide is to promote healing and prevent injuries. It also promotes creation of new blood and muscle cells. The healing effects of TB-500 have been observed in tendons, ligamentos, muscle, piel, corazón, and the eyes. Thymosin beta-4 is naturally produced in higher concentration where tissue has been damaged. This peptide is also a very potent anti-inflammatory agent.
TB-500 is different from other repair factors such as growth hormone & IGF-1 because it promotes endothelial and keratinocyte migration. It also does not bind to the extracellular matrix and has a very low molecular weight. Because of this it can travel long distances through the tissues in the human body.
One of TB-500 key mechanisms of action is its ability to regulate the cell-building protein – Acting. Of the thousands of proteins present within human cells, acting represents roughly 10% of the total. It is thus a vital component of cell structure and movement.
B-500 Functions and Traits:
Thymus and various local cells produce thymosin beta-4 (TB-4). TB-4 was found in high concentrations of cytoplasm and wound fluid. TB-500 aims to promote actionable areas – TB-4 to promote healing. More importantly, the manufacture of TB-500, although not TB-4, is very difficult.
The main purpose of TB-500 is its ability to promote cell upregulation. Upregulation increases the sensitivity of cells to action, especially in proteins such as actin. This action helps to regulate the inflammation of the injured area and provide a new vascular route. Interestingly, TB-500 has a very low molecular weight, so that it has a high level of fluid in the body. Simplemente pon, the TB-500 can travel through the body over long distances, reaching almost all locations. The TB-500 does not need to be managed to the injured area, but to all injured areas, regardless of the location of the management.