Tamoxifen Citrate Dosage / Cycle For PCT Nolvadex Tablets 10mg 54965-24-1
Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado., es una empresa farmacéutica integral, que se especializó en tecnología biofarmacéutica sobre 7 años. La empresa está ubicada en la ciudad de Zhongshan, Provincia de Guangdong , porcelana.
Nuestra fábrica cubre un área de 33500 metros cuadrados, con un ambiente limpio y un diseño agradable. Hay varios talleres grandes o medianos y un centro de investigación y control de calidad con equipos avanzados.. En el presente, Nuestros principales productos son la serie de esteroides anabólicos., Serie de péptidos, Serie de anestésicos locales. Nuestros productos alcanzan el estándar avanzado del mercado nacional., muchos de los cuales alcanzan el estándar internacional, los certificados contienen: COMESTIBLE SEGÚN LA LEY JUDÍA , YO ASI 9001:2008 , GMP , SGS.
Nolvadex is perhaps the most popular anti-estrogen available due to the fact that it essentially was the first of its kind developed almost 50 years ago, as well as the fact that it is extremely effective at what it does in terms of blocking Estrogen’s action in target tissues such as breast tissue (and the hypothalamus). Because Nolvadex has been in existence for such a long time, there is literally an almost infinite amount of clinical data (far too many to list here) in the form of studies that can easily be accessed, and it is through this that Nolvadex stands on top as a tried, tested, and true drug. Nolvadex dosages themselves do not need to be excessively high in order for the compound to do its job in the body, as it is quite a potent SERM to begin with.
One study examined 10 adolescents that had developed pubertal gynecomastia that were treated with 20 – 40mg of Nolvadex doses for a time period of 2 – 12 meses, in which case the majority of the test subjects experienced a total elimination of their gynecomastia with only two test subjects retaining small amounts of fatty tissue development[1]. The two individuals that held on to small amounts of remaining gynecomastia development were most likely those who developed gynecomastia beyond a reversible stage, which is indeed possible. It is very clear that even in the standard range of Nolvadex doses, Nolvadex is a very powerful Estrogen blocking compound at breast tissue.
Nolvadex would likely be beneficial in anabolic steroid using athletes and bodybuilders that do not wish for a decrease in Estrogen levels, but instead wish to block Estrogen’s effects in select tissues. It is a well-known fact that Estrogen serves an important key role in the maintenance of proper bone strength, immune system function, CNS (central nervous system) function, as well as perhaps one of the most important functions, the positive regulation of cholesterol levels. For athletes and bodybuilders in particular, Estrogen is also very important in the role of proper muscle growth. It is for these reasons that it might be unnecessary to reduce Estrogen levels with an aromatase inhibitor (AI) if it is not completely required. Por lo tanto, a logical choice would be the use of a SERM.
The proper use of Nolvadex doses also presents some very large benefits in terms of the stimulation of the endogenous production of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) had also increased, which are the two important gonadotropins that signal the testes to begin production of Testosterone. This will be covered in further detail when its use during PCT is explained very shortly.
Prior to delving into any further details, an important note must be made to the reader:
The use of SERMs or any anti-Estrogens should only be utilized when absolutely required, and should be discontinued as soon as the requirements to use them (such as gynecomastia or insufficient androgen production) have desisted.
Clomid vs nolvadex cycle reviews
Nolvadex and Clomid are two of the most popular Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) in the world and part of the supplemental plan for many performance enhancing athletes. In many ways Nolvadex and Clomid are identical; in-fact, the same results can be obtained with either form assuming dosing is applied to match depending on the one you use. Without question the most common use of Nolvadex and Clomid is during what is known as Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) the period of time in-which an anabolic steroid cycle comes to an end and the recovery process begins. While the PCT period is a common points of use for these very effective SERMs some will alsosupplement during the actual anabolic steroid cycle itself in-order to combat possible side-effects such as Gynecomastia. Nolvadex and Clomid are both useful for on cycle Gynecomastia prevention but they will not equal the power of other options and are typically best served in a PCT role.
The Power of Nolvadex and Clomid:
For years many have argued that Nolvadex is the better SERM and far more effective than Clomid but this is a bit of an inaccurate statement. It is true, on a milligram for milligram basis Nolva, as it is commonly known is stronger than Clomid; 1mg of Nolvadex carries more potency than 1mg of Clomid. With that in mind if we equal the dosing, meaning, we increase the dosing of Clomid to match the potency of Nolva on a per milligram basis we largely have the same effect, the same results; those who typically do not like Clomid, especially during PCT usually are simply not taking enough.
Nolvadex and Clomid for PCT:
The purpose of PCT is simple and twofold; to stimulate natural testosterone production that has been suppressed due to the use of anabolic steroids and to simply normalize the body in-order to remain healthy. Por supuesto, most are also concerned with hanging onto the gains they made from their performance cycle but effectively achieving the two previously mentioned factors will promote just that and in a positive fashion.
Implementing Nolvadex Post Cycle Therapy:
We do not simply and arbitrarily end our cycle of anabolic steroids and start our post cycle recovery; you must have an understanding of the steroids you were using in order to determine timing and this is very important. If you begin your Nolvadex post cycle plan too soon and you still have a lot of suppressive anabolic steroids in your system the whole recovery process will be a waste.
If your cycle ends with short ester anabolic steroids you may start your recovery process 2-3 days after your last injection; whether you are going to include hCG or not you will still start 2-3 days after the anabolic steroid cycle ends. If however your cycle ends with any long ester based steroids things will change; in this instance if you are going to include hCG into your Nolvadex post cycle plan you will begin hCG use ten days after your last steroidal injection; if your cycle ended with very long ester gear such as Deca-Durabolin it might be wise to wait a full two weeks. If your cycle ends with long ester steroids and you are not including hCG you will need to wait 2 weeks before Nolvadex post cycle therapy begins with 3 weeks being optimal if steroids such as Deca-Durabolin were being used at the end of the cycle.
What is nolvadex anti estrogen steroids?
Tamoxifen is an antagonist of the estrogen receptor in breast tissue via its active metabolite, 4-hydroxytamoxifen. In other tissues such as theendometrium, it behaves as an agonist, and thus may be characterized as a mixed agonist/antagonist. Tamoxifen is the usual endocrine(anti-estrogen) therapy for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in pre-menopausal women, and is also a standard in post-menopausal women although aromatase inhibitors are also frequently used in that setting.
Some breast cancer cells require estrogen to grow. Estrogen binds to and activates the estrogen receptor in these cells. Tamoxifen is metabolized into compounds that also bind to the estrogen receptor but do not activate it. Because of this competitive antagonism, tamoxifen acts like a key broken off in the lock that prevents any other key from being inserted, preventing estrogen from binding to its receptor. Hence breast cancer cell growth is blocked.
Tamoxifen was discovered by pharmaceutical company Imperial Chemical Industries(now AstraZeneca) and is sold under the trade names Nolvadex,Istubal, and Valodex. Sin embargo, the drug has been widely referred to by its generic name “tamoxifen”, even before its patent expiration.
It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, a list of the most important medication needed in a basic health system.
Nolvadex Side Effects
Tamoxifen Citrate is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) best known by its most popular trade name Nolvadex. An extremely powerful and effective SERM, Nolvadex was developed to fight estrogen in breast cancer patients; estrogen being one of the primary enemies to such a condition. The problem with estrogen is it binds to the receptors in the chest region and causes the cancer to thrive; Nolvadex by its natural mode of action prevents the estrogen from binding by binding in its place. Por supuesto, while this was the SERM’s original intent, it is found in performance enhancing circles far more often than anywhere else; we’re referring to those who supplementwith anabolic steroids. Nolvadex really isn’t used to promote performance directly; sin embargo, it’s used as a means of protection or recovery.
When it comes to performance, this SERM is sometimes used while the individual is supplementing with aromatizing steroids in an effort to stave off gynecomastia, or what’s often referred to as male-breast enlargement. When the aromatase process occurs, this causestestosterone to convert into estrogen, and as estrogen levels increase and attach to the receptors it can lead to gynecomastia. Once again, this SERM will bind to the receptors itself, thereby preventing the estrogen from binding and preventing the condition. Then we have the recovery aspect of Nolvadex; in this case, it is used after anabolic steroid supplementation has come to an end in an effort to stimulate natural testosterone production which has been suppressed due to the use of anabolic steroids. In this case, the SERM will stimulate the pituitary to release Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which in-turn stimulates the testicles to make testosterone. Without LH and FSH, there is no natural testosterone production; LH playing the primary role.
While this is a truly effective SERM for all the purposes mentioned above, there are possible Nolvadex side effects; this cannot be denied. Aún así, as we will soon see, Nolvadex side effects are for the most part extremely mild and often very rare with proper use; in-fact, serious problems are almost unheard of. Where problems most commonly occur is with extremely long-term use, such as for a breast cancer patient. For the performance enhancer, this won’t be an issue as no performance enhancer will be using this SERM for extremely long periods of time. Más lejos, while Nolvadex side effects of a long-term nature are possible, they are still better than dealing with breast cancer. es más, there are also supposed Nolvadex side effects of a reported performance nature that are impossible; assumptions and myths that have existed for years, and it is here we will lay those to rest; in-fact, that’s where we want to start.
Impossible Nolvadex Side Effects:
When it comes to the impossible Nolvadex side effects, for decades many performance enhancers have assumed on-cycle use will inhibit growth to a degree; this assumption would be incorrect. The assumption is simple; Tamoxifen Citrate is an anti-estrogen, and as some estrogen is needed to promote tissue growth its reduction of this hormone will stagnate growth to a degree. This is incorrect simply on the basis that Nolvadex does not reduce estrogen levels. Por supuesto, what can occur is a suppression of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) production, and this is extremely important in-regards to growth; sin embargo, it’s not so cut and dry. While Nolvadex side effects due include an IGF-1 reduction, the use of most anabolic steroids will dramatically increase it far beyond what this SERM might suppress. There is also an issue that is sometimes brought up revolving around a suppressed metabolism or metabolic function; sin embargo, while the issue has been brought up there is no evidence to support it.
Actual Nolvadex Side Effects:
While the above are of no true concern, there are a few actual yet only possible Nolvadex side effects, and the first worthy of mention is a reduction in cognitive abilities, but this is something that is almost strictly a breast cancer patient concern due to the necessary long-term use of the SERM. Some have even shown to have a reduction in libido with long-term use; this is somewhat ironic since the SERM increasestestosterone levels via LH and FSH stimulation; sin embargo, we’re once again referring to extremely long-term use. The final concern with long-term use is endometrial cancer; some studies have shown breast cancer patients who have used the SERM for five or more years may open the door to endometrial cancer; sin embargo, there’s no evidence in-regard to short-term use, and as this is a uterus issue it is not a concern for men.
Then we have performance enhancement, and as this will be where we’ll find this SERM most commonly, Nolvadex side effects of this nature will be what most want to know about. Desafortunadamente, if you’re looking for a horror story, you’re looking at the wrong SERM or estrogenic combatant medication; if you’re looking for horror stories, try looking at the Aromatase Inhibitor Cytadren. Tamoxifen Citrate is normally very well-tolerated by most performance enhancing athletes, and this includes men and women. The most common Nolvadex side effect is without question acne, but it’s not that common to begin with; it’s not that common but it’s the most probable. With the testosterone increasing nature of this SERM, the quick increase in testosterone levels can cause some breakouts; if it occurs, it will normally occur on the back, shoulders or chest, and normally fades away once you adjust; if not it will after discontinuation. There is also the possibility of nausea, abdominal cramping and hot flashes; sin embargo, such side effects are extremely rare and will not affect most people. Such effects are so rare, only about 5% of women will experience nausea, only about 2% of men, and only 1% of women will experience abdominal cramping with even less men falling prey. As for hot flashes, this is one of the few Nolvadex side effects that can be a problem for numerous women, as more than 50% often fall prey; sin embargo, it’s virtually unheard of with men.
Proper Use of Nolvadex to Avoid Side Effects:
If you’re to avoid Nolvadex side effects, if you’re a breast cancer patient simply use the SERM as directed by your physician; that’s fairly simple. Then we have performance enhancement, and in this case, you’ll be using the SERM without such guidance and as with all performance based items at your own risk. Por supuesto, keeping the dosing proper will always serve you best, and proper dosing will vary depending on the point of use. For on-cycle gynecomastia protection, most men will find 10mg per day to be effective if it’s going to be effective; if this doesn’t work, you’ll probably need an Aromatase Inhibitor. As for post cycle use, you will need a larger dosing that tapers down over the course of four to six weeks. En la mayoría de los casos, a total dosing of 40mg per day for a couple weeks, followed by half that amount for a couple weeks and then a 10mg dosing per day for a week or two is perfect.
Benefits of Tamoxifen
A. Tamoxifen slows or stops the growth of cancer cells that are already present in the body. It helps keep the original breast cancer from coming back and helps prevent new cancer in the opposite breast. It also reduces the risk of breast cancer in women who have a high risk for this disease.
B. Tamoxifen is used to prevent and treat breast cancers that test positive for estrogen receptors (ER+). It blocks the effects that the hormone estrogen has on cancer cells and lowers the chance that breast cancer will grow. It is often called an “anti-estrogen.”
C. Tamoxifen is highly effective in lowering the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In women who have already had breast cancer, tamoxifen also lowers the risk of breast cancer in the opposite breast (contralateral)
D. For postmenopausal women, a two-stage treatment using tamoxifen and then an aromatase inhibitor, such as anastrozole (Arimidex), exemestane (Aromasin), or letrozole (Femara) may work better than only taking tamoxifen.
The truth about Tamoxifen Nolvadex
It is not correct that Nolvadex reduces levels of estrogen: rather, it blocks estrogen from estrogen receptors and, in those tissues where it is an antagonist, causes the receptor to do nothing.
The claim that Nolvadex reduces gains should not be taken too seriously. The fact is that any number of bodybuilders have made excellent gains while using Nolvadex.
The belief that it reduces gains seems to stem from the fact that the scientific literature reports a slight reduction in IGF-1 (individuals using anabolic steroids were not studied though) from use of Nolvadex.
Por lo tanto, Dan Duchaine reported that it reduces IGF-1 and therefore reduces gains. Sin embargo, if this effect exists at all, it must be very minor, due to the excellent gains that many have made, and from the fact that no one has noticed any such thing from Clomid, which has the same activity profile.
The fact that Nolvadex will reduce water retention may result in the user agreeing that gains are less, since weight gain is less, thus reinforcing the bias.
Tamoxifen Application:
1.Antitumor drugs raw material, suitable for breast cancer.It is not correct that Nolvadex reduces levels of estrogen: rather, it blocks estrogen from estrogen receptors and, in those tissues where it is an antagonist, causes the receptor to do nothing. Nolvadex is not an anabolic steroid but is used to manage side effects from steroids.
2.Tamoxifen is also used to treat breast cancer in women after they have finished early treatment. Early treatment can include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Tamoxifen may keep the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body. It may reduce the chance of getting a new breast cancer.
3.tamoxifeno, an anticancer drug, is given to treat breast cancer in women and men.
Tamoxifen citrate dosage and cycle for PCT raw steroid powders nolvadex tablet 10mg
Citrato de tamoxifeno
As: Nolvadex;TAM
CAS No: 10540-29-1
EINECS No: 234-118-0
MF: C26H29NO
MW: 371.51
Pureza: 99%
Apariencia: polvo blanco.
As:: |
10540-29-1 |
Ensayo(por HPLC): |
99% |
CAS NO.: |
Citrato de tamoxifeno |
Pureza: |
99% |
nombre del producto: |
Anti Estrogen Steroid Powder |
Solicitud: |
Women, Hombres |
Tamoxifen COA reviews:
para culturismo |
Estándar de análisis |
Resultados |
Characteristics |
Polvo cristalino blanco |
se ajusta |
Ensayo |
99 ~ 101.0% |
99.51% |
Pérdida por secado |
≤0,5% |
0.24% |
Identificación |
Y,UV conform |
se ajusta |
Residuos en ignición |
≤0.2% |
0.06% |
Iron |
≤0.005% |
0.0016% |
Metales pesados |
≤0.001% |
0.0006% |
Related substances |
Total:≤1.0% |
0.37% |
Individual:≤0,5% |
0.17% |
E-isomer |
≤0.3% |
0.20% |
Impurezas volátiles orgánicas |
ajustarse |
ajustarse |
Conclusión |
This batch is complies with USP 30. |
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Serie de nandrolona |
Base de nandrolona |
Decanoato de nandrolona (NIÑOS) |
Fenilpropionato de nandrolona (CN) |
Stanolone |
mestanolona |
Dehidronandrolona |
Undecilato de nandrolona |
Cipionato de nandrolona |
Serie de trembolona |
Base de trembolona |
Acetato de trembolona (Finaplix) |
Enantato de trembolona |
Carbonato de trembolona hexahidrobencilo |
metribolona (Metiltrienolona) |
Serie de boldenona |
Base de boldenona |
Undecilenato de boldenona (Sobrepeso) |
Acetato de boldenona |
Cipionato de boldenona |
Serie de drostanolona |
Propionato de drostanolona (Masteron) |
Enantato de drostanolona |
Serie de metenolona |
Acetato de metenolona (Primobolan) |
Enantato de metenolona |