Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado.

Otros productos de venta caliente (Polvo crudo)

» Otros productos de venta caliente (Polvo crudo)

Safe Muscle Building Steroids For Men Testosterone Phenylpropionate 1255-49-8

Otros productos de venta caliente (Polvo crudo)
  • Especificaciones

Safe Muscle Building Steroids For Men Testosterone Phenylpropionate 1255-49-8

Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado. es una gran empresa química de alta tecnología especializada en productos químicos finos, Materia prima farmacéutica e intermedios.La fábrica de la empresa ha pasado la certificación del sistema de calidad ISO9001 y la certificación internacional KOSHER.Como líder en polvo crudo de esteroides., líquidos inyectables y orales, productos terminados y péptidos durante años, Hong Kong Blue Universal Co., Limitado. Es el objetivo de ocupar la mayor parte del mercado de EE. UU., Canadá, Reino Unido, Brasil, Países Bajos, Irlanda, Nueva Zelanda, Austria, Australia, Alemán y mundial. La calidad es nuestra vida.! Todos los productos producidos en laboratorio aséptico de acuerdo con el estándar GMP. Aprobó la ISO 9001: 2008 e ISO14001: 2004. Además, tenemos una q completa. A. & q. C. Sistema. Poseemos conjuntos autorizados de instrumentos de análisis., tales como HPLC, Espectrofotómetro GC y UV para analizar y controlar los productos.
Arriba, se garantiza una calidad estable y confiable! Con tantos años de experiencia en embalaje discreto personalizado, sabemos claramente cómo empacar su paquete y qué expreso debe recomendarse de acuerdo con lo que ordenó y dónde se encuentra. Diferentes paquetes y diferentes transportistas cambiarán con frecuencia, No se permite ningún riesgo en ningún paso., se le promete recibir todos los paquetes 100%! es más, ya que estamos basados ​​en Hong Kong, una Zona Franca, obtuvimos una gran ventaja en el corto tiempo de entrega y la transferencia segura de dinero. Damos una calurosa bienvenida a todo tipo de cooperación en todo el mundo.. Estamos listos para ofrecer la mejor calidad y servicios a todos ustedes!

What Is Testosterone Phenylpropionate?

This version of Testosterone was first popularized under the name “Testolent” and was produced by the Sicomed Pharmaceutical house. For awhile, is was a rare find on the black market, but the recent availability of various powders and the emergence of all the various underground labs, have made this version of testosterone more readily available. It’s simply Testosterone with the Phenylpropionate ester attached, which we usually see more commonly attached to the Nandrolone base compound, giving us Durabolin (often called NPP, which is short for Nandrolone Phenylpropionate). I guess this would be called “TPP” for short…

This particular ester gives us an active life of 4-5 dias, falling just between the Propionate (corto) y cipionato (largo) versiones de testosterona. I recently had the opportunity to try this compound, and actually like it quite a bit- it’s perfect for someone like me who likes short esters like propionate, but is too forgetful to inject every other day! Clearly, you’d get best results shooting this compound every third or fourth day, or roughly twice a week. Other than the unique ester, there’s nothing much to say about TPP that isn’t applicable to any other form of testosterone.

Personally, I’ve experienced less water retention with TPP when compared with testosterone Cypionate, or Enanthate, and really no more than I’ve experienced with Testosterone Propionate.

Testosterone exerts its effects by promoting increased nitrogen retention in the muscle. Testosterone also increases levels of the growth factor IGF-1 in both the muscle tissue and the liver.Testosterone, regardless of the ester, also has the ability to increase the activity of satellite cells, which play an active role in repairing damaged muscle. Testosterone exerts these effects primarily by genomic mechanisms, meaning that it binds to the androgen receptor (CON) and initiates gene transcription to deliver its message. Stimulation of the AR promotes various of the AR dependant mechanisms for both muscle gain and fat loss, as well as reducing catabolic glucocorticoid hormones, and increasing red blood cell production.

testosterona, once in the body, can be converted to both estrogen (through a process known as aromatization) as well as Dihydrotestosterone (through a process known as 5alpha-reduction). Estrogen is typically the catalyst for many side effects such as gynocomastia, water retention, etc.…while DHT is often behind hair loss and prostate enlargement.

Due to its recent reemergence on the black market, and high availability, the cost of TPP is currently low, and I predict it will become very popular in coming years.

Testosterone-Phenylpropionate has the shortest duration of all testosterone esters with the exception of Testosterone-Propionate, and this is the reason it has been branded ineffective. (frank at chembj.com) With a 3 a 4 day duration in the body, it prevents water retention in the muscles of the body more easily than large ester version; a very desirable effect at that. After the use of Testosterone-Phenylpropionate the effects start showing in a snap. In this little time, an athlete will feel aggressive and stronger. He will have an increased appetite; no wonder the use of Testosterone-Phenylpropionate to treat people with muscle wasting ailments. For those who have issues with injections, this may not be the steroid for you since injections are the only way of administering it.
El fenilpropionato de testosterona desempeña un papel clave en el desarrollo del tejido reproductivo masculino, como los testículos y la próstata.. Además, el cipionato de testosterona es esencial para la salud y el bienestar, así como para la prevención de la osteoporosis, El fenilpropionato de testosterona se conserva en la mayoría de los vertebrados., aunque los pescados difieren ligeramente de los llamados 11-cetotestosterona.
Testosterone Phenylpropionate is a steroid hormone from the androgen and is found in mammals and other vertebrates, testosterone Phenylpropionate is primarily secreted in the tests of mails and the ovaries of female, aunque pequeñas cantidades también son secretadas por las glándulas suprarrenales, testosterone Phenylpropionate is the principle male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.

Testosterone is a hormone produced predominantly in the testes of males. Es responsable de casi todos los rasgos sexuales en los hombres.. This specific version is Testosterone with the Phenylpropionate ester attached. Testosterone Phenylpropionate has an active life of 4-5 día. Liberar en cuanto al tiempo, Está directamente en medio del propionato. (corto) y cipionato (largo) versiones de testosterona. Se recomienda inyectar fenilpropionato de testosterona dos veces por semana., aunque muchos prefieren cada tercer día.

Testosterone is responsible for promoting health and well-being through enhanced libido, energía, immunity, increased fat loss, gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, preventing Osteoporosis (loss of bone density) and possible protection against heart disease. Testosterone is also responsible for normal growth and development of male sex organs and maintenance of secondary sex characteristics.

Nuestro servicio

1.100% La política de reenvío es nuestro negocio básico. Reenvío del 100% inmediatamente si su paquete permanece en Aduana por 4 días y no se actualiza.
2.Reembolso total por 15 días de insatisfacción con la calidad.
3.Podemos proporcionar muestras gratis..
4.Tenemos un embalaje especial ,Se puede pasar fácilmente por la aduana.Será más seguro..
5.Nuestra empresa tiene una cooperación a largo plazo con DHL.EMS.Fedex y así sucesivamente. Se puede enviar a su mano más rápidamente. La foto del paquete debe ofrecerse dentro de las 12 horas posteriores a la recepción de su pago de esteroides.
6.Si tienes la oportunidad de venir a China. Puedo mostrarte nuestro laboratorio.
7.Nuestra empresa tiene WU, MG, TT, y formas de pago de Bitcoin por adelantado. 95% por el costo de los péptidos al principio por pedido, el resto nos lo puede ofrecer en su próximo pedido;

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