Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado.


» Péptidos


Certificación: USP BP SGS
Número de modelo: 50-56-6 oxytocin 2mg
Cantidad mínima de pedido: 1 box (10viales )
El tiempo de entrega: 3-6 días laborables
Términos de pago: Western Union, MoneyGram, T / T
  • Especificaciones

Human Growth Hormone Oxytocin 2 mg/vial Peptides Acetato de oxitocina CASO 50-56-6 For Hasten Parturition


La oxitocina es una hormona de mamíferos que actúa principalmente como neuromodulador en el cerebro.. La oxitocina es mejor conocida por su papel en la reproducción sexual., en particular durante y después del parto. Se libera en grandes cantidades después de la distensión del cuello uterino y el útero durante el trabajo de parto., facilitando el nacimiento, y después de la estimulación de los pezones, facilitar la lactancia materna. The word oxytocin was derived from the Greek word”, meaning quick birth. The oxytocin peptide is synthesized as an inactive precursor protein from the OXT gene.

It is a peptide of nine amino acids (a nonapeptide). Its systematic name is cysteine-tyrosine-isoleucine-glutamine-asparagine-cysteine-proline-leucine-glycine-amine (cys, tyr, ile,gln,asn,cys, pro, leu, glyNH2, or CYIQNCPLG-NH2). The cysteine residues form a disulfide bond. Oxytocin has a molecular mass of 1007 daltons. One international unit (IU) of oxytocin is the equivalent of about 2 micrograms of pure peptide. The trust-inducing property of oxytocin might help those who suffer from social anxieties and mood disorders, but with the potential for abuse with confidence tricks and military applications.

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The Leydig cells in some species have been shown to possess the biosynthetic machinery to manufacture testicular oxytocin de novo, to be specific, in rats (which can synthesize vitamin C endogenously), and in guinea pigs, which, like humans, require an exogenous source of vitamin C (ascorbate) in their diets.

Oxytocin is synthesized by corpora lutea of several species, including ruminants and primates. Along with estrogen, it is involved in inducing the endometrial synthesis of prostaglandin F2α to cause regression of the corpus luteum.

Oxytocin has peripheral (hormonal) actions, and also has actions in the brain. Its actions are mediated by specific, oxytocin receptors. The oxytocin receptor is a G-protein-coupled receptor that requires magnesium and cholesterol. It belongs to the rhodopsin-type (class I) group of G-protein-coupled receptors.

Studies have looked at oxytocin’s role in various behaviors, including orgasm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors.

Neural Sources Of Oxytocin

In the hypothalamus, oxytocin is made in magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, and is stored in Herring bodies at the axon terminals in the posterior pituitary. Oxytocin is also made by some neurons in the paraventricular nucleus that project to other parts of the brain and to the spinal cord.

Depending on the species, oxytocin receptor-expressing cells are located in other areas, including the amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. In the pituitary gland, oxytocin is packaged in large, dense-core vesicles, where it is bound to neurophysin I. Secretion of oxytocin from the neurosecretory nerve endings is regulated by the electrical activity of the oxytocin cells in the hypothalamus.

How to use peptide ?

Firstly, take an alcohol swab to the stopper of both your peptide vial and the vial of the dilutent.
Secondly, with a 1cc syringe and draw your preferred dilutent. Choose an amount that will make measuring the final product simple.
1Estanozolol semielaborado de la serie líquida de esteroides(CC) per 10mg vial of Melanotan would mean each 10 mark on a U100 slin syringe would equal 1mg of Melanotan

2Estanozolol semielaborado de la serie líquida de esteroides(CC) per 10mg vial of Melanotan would mean each 10 mark on a U100 slin syringe would equal 1mg of Melanotan

Then, take the syringe with the dilutent and push it into the vial of lyophilized powder letting the dilutent dissolve the peptide.
Finally, after all of the dilutent has been added to the vial, gentling swirl (do NOT agitate or violently shake the vial) until the lyophilized powder has dissolved and you are left with a clear liquid. The peptide is now ready for use. Store your now reconstituted peptide in the refrigerator.

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