Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado.

Esteroides inyectables líquido

» Esteroides inyectables líquido

Decanoato de nandrolona 300mg/ml

Esteroides inyectables líquido, Serie de nandrolona

Nandrolone Decanoate is one of the most highly sought after and commonly used anabolic steroids the world over. since its inception it has been a favorite of athletes and gym rats alike.


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High Quality Nandrolone Decanoate / Niños / Durabolin / Durabol Muscle Building CAS 360-70-3





Certificado de análisis
nombre del producto : Decanoato de nandrolona
Lote # : 16GT-0107ND
mfd. Fecha : 2016/03/27
Exp. Fecha : 2019/03/26
Quantity : 100kgs
Embalaje : 1kg/bolsa de aluminio
Descripción : White Or Almost White Crystalline Powder Conforms
Identificación : Positivo Positivo
Ensayo : 97.0~103,0% 99.38%
Punto de fusion : 33~37°C 33.9~35.7°C
Pérdida por secado : 0.5%máximo 0.18%
Rotacion especifica : +32°~ +36°(C=1 in dioxane) +33.5°
Pureza cromatográfica : sum of impurities:3.0%máximo <3.0%
Residual Solvents : cumple con los requisitos. Cumple
Conclusión The specification conform with USP34 standard





Nandrolone Decanoate is one of the most highly sought after and commonly used anabolic steroids the world over. since its inception it has been a favorite of athletes and gym rats alike.

Nandrolone Decanoate is a 19-nortestosterone most commonly known as Deca-Durabolin. By its nature Nandrolone Decanoate is extremely anabolic with very low androgenic properties.

Most will find Nandrolone Decanoate best served for bulking or gaining purposes as its very nature is apt towards this purpose.

8 weeks of use for Nandrolone Decanoate will prove to be the minimal time frame if one wishes to reap a reward of growth with 12-16 weeks of continuous use being far more optimal but the average time frame for most people is generally 12 semanas.




In earlier years, the only pharmaceutical injectables that were both widely available to bodybuilders and economical. Estrogen control did not then exist. For this reason, Deca’s low aromatizing properties were then quite useful. Deca therefore won wide popularity.

Use after surgery for chronic wasting disease, serious illness, and weak thin, infirm, osteoporosis, infantile dysplasia, anemia aplásica, etc..

Deca Durabolin is that this compound is relatively mild in terms of adverse side effects on the scalp and skin. This is because the 5-alpha reductase enzyme acts to reduce the potency of nandrolone, while in contrast many other anabolic steroids are unaffected by this enzyme,potency is actually increased by it.


Nandrolone decanoate is a kind of anabolic agent , with having the same anabolic effect with Nandrolone, with less androgeic activity. It is used for chronic wasting disease, premature children, malnutrition, osteoporosis and after-operation, promoting the process of tissue formation, reversing the alienation effect, also can promote the formation of red blood cells. Nandrolone decanoate effect can support three weeks once injected.

1 , Deca for 5 gramos 25 recetas de cocina 200 mg / ml
5 gramos de polvo
1.25ml BA 5%
3.75· recalentar la mezcla si es necesario colocando el vial en una sartén y colocarlo sobre el ojo de la estufa · colocar un 15%

2 , Deca for 10 gramos 50 recetas de cocina 200 mg / ml
10 gramos de polvo
2.5ml BA 5%
7.5· recalentar la mezcla si es necesario colocando el vial en una sartén y colocarlo sobre el ojo de la estufa · colocar un 15%





1) Great for bulking and cutting, Mild Side-Effects, easily obtainable, most gains are kept after a cycle

2) Deca-Durabolin doesnt produce many estrogenic or androgenic side effects. This is because Deca has a very low rate of aromatization (conversion to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme), roughly equal to 20% the rate of Testosterone.

3) Deca durabolin may also be used to dramatically improve protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, performance, and endurance.

4)Deca is also associate with significant improvements in terms of recuperation time between intense workouts and masking minor joint pain and old nagging injuries.

5) Slow acting steroid while stable and effective.



1 , Deca for 5 gramos 25 recetas de cocina 200 mg / ml
5 gramos de polvo
1.25ml BA 5%
3.75· recalentar la mezcla si es necesario colocando el vial en una sartén y colocarlo sobre el ojo de la estufa · colocar un 15%

2 , Deca for 10 gramos 50 recetas de cocina 200 mg / ml
10 gramos de polvo
2.5ml BA 5%
7.5· recalentar la mezcla si es necesario colocando el vial en una sartén y colocarlo sobre el ojo de la estufa · colocar un 15%

Nandrolone decanoate is a kind of anabolic agent , with having the same anabolic effect with Nandrolone, with less androgeic activity. It is used for chronic wasting disease, premature children, malnutrition, osteoporosis and after-operation, promoting the process of tissue formation, reversing the alienation effect, also can promote the formation of red blood cells. Nandrolone decanoate effect can support three weeks once injected.

Gran venta
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