Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado.

Otros productos de venta caliente (Polvo crudo)

» Otros productos de venta caliente (Polvo crudo)

  • Healthy Muscle Mass Steroids Testosterone Powder For Muscle Building 57-85-2

    Otros productos de venta caliente (Polvo crudo)
    Certificación : GMP,EP,PA,JP
    Lugar de origen : China Testosterone Powder Source
    MOQ : 100gramo ( It can be lowered to 10g for sample order)
    Precio : negociable
    Términos de pago : Western Union, MoneyGram, T / T
    Capacidad de suministro : 1000kg/semana
    El tiempo de entrega : Send out within 48hrs ,5 -8 work days for delivery
    detalles del empaque : Discreet packing as your required
    Nombre del producto : Testosterone Propionate testosterone powder test propionate
    Productos relacionados : testosterona, cipionato de testosterona, Mezcla de testosterona, Isocaproato de testosterona, Enantato de testosterona, decanoato de testosterona, Acetato de testosterona
    Categoría : testosterone powder
    Hexadrone es un poderoso anabólico : muscle building, testosterone replacement therapy, bulking and cutting cycle, bodybuilding cycle
    Dosis : 50mg per day for beginners
    • Especificaciones

    Healthy Muscle Mass Steroids Testosterone Powder For Muscle Building 57-85-2

    Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado. es una gran empresa química de alta tecnología especializada en productos químicos finos, Materia prima farmacéutica e intermedios.La fábrica de la empresa ha pasado la certificación del sistema de calidad ISO9001 y la certificación internacional KOSHER.Como líder en polvo crudo de esteroides., líquidos inyectables y orales, productos terminados y péptidos durante años, Hong Kong Blue Universal Co., Limitado. Es el objetivo de ocupar la mayor parte del mercado de EE. UU., Canadá, Reino Unido, Brasil, Países Bajos, Irlanda, Nueva Zelanda, Austria, Australia, Alemán y mundial. La calidad es nuestra vida.! Todos los productos producidos en laboratorio aséptico de acuerdo con el estándar GMP. Aprobó la ISO 9001: 2008 e ISO14001: 2004. Además, tenemos una q completa. A. & q. C. Sistema. Poseemos conjuntos autorizados de instrumentos de análisis., tales como HPLC, Espectrofotómetro GC y UV para analizar y controlar los productos.
    Arriba, se garantiza una calidad estable y confiable! Con tantos años de experiencia en embalaje discreto personalizado, sabemos claramente cómo empacar su paquete y qué expreso debe recomendarse de acuerdo con lo que ordenó y dónde se encuentra. Diferentes paquetes y diferentes transportistas cambiarán con frecuencia, No se permite ningún riesgo en ningún paso., se le promete recibir todos los paquetes 100%! es más, ya que estamos basados ​​en Hong Kong, una Zona Franca, obtuvimos una gran ventaja en el corto tiempo de entrega y la transferencia segura de dinero. Damos una calurosa bienvenida a todo tipo de cooperación en todo el mundo.. Estamos listos para ofrecer la mejor calidad y servicios a todos ustedes!

    What is testosterone propionate?

    The name of this product is frequently abbreviated by consumers of steroids. So it can be called “Apoyo de prueba” or even justProp”. However it is the first androgenic steroid which has been synthesized, it hasn’t lost its value. This medication is as easily purchasable nowadays as it has been earlier.

    Testosterone Propionate is a form of the steroid testosterone. The main difference between this drug and other testosterone esters like Enanthate and Cypionate is time of action. Testosterone Propionate is a short-acting version of testosterone. It begins to act quickly and the benefits are observed shortly after administration.

    This preparation is used for both medical and athletic purposes. It can be prescribed for hypogonadal males, in case of delayed puberty and for prevention of wasting in patients with AIDS/HIV and burn victims.

    As for athletes, many of them like using this product due to its effects. Characterizing benefits caused by the steroid Testosterone Propionate, it is important to note about the concept of anabolic/androgenic (A/A) ratio. According to it, this product has powerful androgenic as well as anabolic properties.

    Let enumerate common positive effects of this medicine. This medication is able to promote protein synthesis in body tissues. Why is it important for muscles? It is necessary to know that the more protein is synthesized, the more muscle mass is gained. es más, another aspect which results in creation of new muscles is following: enhancement of IGF-1 levels. As for Testosterone Propionate, it successfully increases levels of IGF-1. Another benefit of this medicine which is connected with increase of muscle size is enhancement of blood flow to the muscles. This factor promotes bringing more oxygen in muscles and more nitrogen that lead to adding muscle fibers.

    In addition to the benefits mentioned above, the steroid Testosterone Propionate is able to protect muscles. It has anti-catabolic effects. It is known that while anabolic effects induce development of muscle tissues, catabolic effects possess opposite action. Por lo tanto, this preparation protects muscle tissues from catabolic glucocorticoid hormones, disturbing them to produce their catabolic effects.

    además, another precious feature of this drug is helping to recover faster even during low-calorie diets.

    If you compare this testosterone ester with others, you may be convinced that it causes such androgen-related side effects, as fat accumulation and fluid retention more rarely than Enanthate and Cypionate. This characteristic is very valuable, especially if one administrates this product for cutting cycles.

    The steroid Testosterone Propionate has also ability to protect heart from different coronary diseases.

    Test propionate side effects

    Since Testosterone Propionate is a short-acting steroid, it must be injected frequently. Por supuesto, it may cause some problems, including such adverse reaction, as irritation on injection site. But there is a way to reduce risks connected with post-injection pains. It is recommended to give injections deeply into muscles. Sensitive individuals may experience also soreness and low-grade fever which may not disappear during several days. But only persons with individual sensitivity to this preparation usually experience these unwanted reactions. It may happen that such persons should avoid intake of this drug.

    Some undesirable consequence may appear more frequently; others occur quite rarely. Oily skin, acne formation, hair loss, water retention, hypertension, changes in sex drive, frequent or prolonged erections, hypertrophy of prostate, changes in size and/or form of testicles, headaches, unusual changes in mood, swelling and vomiting are considered to be the most common Testosterone Propionate side effects.

    When it comes to acne, this adverse reaction of Testosterone Propionate is quite painful. The unpleasant aspect of acne is following: it may appear not just on face but also on neck, shoulders, back and chest. The good side of acne which is formed because of this steroid is possibility to escape from it, using certain products.

    As for baldness, this negative effect has increased frequency due to administration of this preparation. Those who have genetic predisposition to hair loss face higher risks to experience this Testosterone Propionate side effect.

    It is important to note that gynecomastia due to this medicine usually occurs in persons with personal sensitivity to this unwanted result, or in case this medication is taken prolonged time. Essentially increased dosages may promote appearing this unpleasant reaction as well.

    Such Testosterone Propionate side effects, as enlargement of breast, swelling and fluid retention are connected with the property of this substance to convert to estrogen.

    While males experience estrogen-related adverse reactions because of this drug, females may suffer from signs of masculinization. Since this is an active androgen, Testosterone Propionate side effects which are linked with virilization in women include facial hair, growth of hair on different parts of body, enlargement of clitoris and abnormalities in menstrual cycles. The voice can be also changed: it may become deeper and hoarser. Por lo tanto, appearing of these unwanted consequences is obvious. If women that use this drug observe that virilizing effects begin to appear in them, they should discontinue using this medication at once. They should comprehend that masculinization may be not reversible. Por lo tanto, women can’t escape from some virilizing effects even after stopping taking this drug. That’s why it is not recommended for usage by females.

    Oligospermia and liver dysfunctions are also included in unwanted consequences of Testosterone Propionate. But it is important to mention that these adverse reactions occur because of improper intake of this steroid. If instructions linked with time of administration, recommended dosages and caution are not followed, these negative symptoms may present in consumers of this remedy.

    According to several researches, usage of this medicine during prolonged period of time is associated with liver disorders. Even liver cancer may develop under such circumstances.

    It is said that aggression may be increased due to usage of this drug. But there are affirmations which deny possibility of this aspect.

    Sometimes this steroid may cause some negative reactions which are not typical for it and are not listed in this article. If you observe that something unusual happens in you during intake of this product, consult your physician and discuss this question with him/her.

    Testosterone propionate dosage:

    Testosterone Propionate may be indicated in case of certain diseases as well as for bulking and cutting effects. Por supuesto, one of the most important questions is related to recommended Testosterone Propionate dosage. It goes without saying that both essentially reduced and increased doses may cause different problems. While low measures don’t lead to obtaining of needed results, significantly enhanced quantities may result in various serious side effects. That’s why it is necessary to be reasonable to acquire wanted positive effects.

    When Testosterone Propionate is prescribed for persons that suffer from certain diseases, one of instruction is connected with the proper dose. Everyone should comprehend that there is no any general measure which could be appropriate in case of each illness for every person. Before prescribing Testosterone Propionate dosage for patients doctors subject them to several tests. Many personal and medical conditions should be taken in consideration. es más, the initially recommended dose is frequently altered. It may be either increased or reduced. Por lo tanto, during administration of this steroid patients submit to various tests which are indicated by health care providers. Changes in medical conditions influence on dose modification obviously. So, if certain side effects appear, the originally prescribed measure can be reduced. It happens that the dose can be also increased in some situations. It is recommended to inform doctors about any changes which occur in you. This aspect may promote altering doses appropriately.

    The most common Testosterone Propionate dosage for men that apply this product for athletic needs varies from 50 a 100 mg each day or every 2nd día. Por lo tanto, weekly dosage ranges from 300 a 700 mg. This medication is usually administrated for 6-10 semanas. Undoubtedly, not all athletes follow the indication linked with the common dose. Some of them take more enhanced measures. You may come across reports of several consumers that confirm about their high doses. There are athletes who attempt to apply up till 1500 mg of this steroid per week. However they may claim that they do not experience dangerous adverse reactions, this affirmation should not encourage you to have the same Testosterone Propionate dosage. You should understand that each person has unique system. While some individuals may not suffer from any unwanted consequences even because of increased doses, others may face serious risks, taking low doses. Genetic predisposition and individual medical conditions may influence greatly on possibility related to occurring of various undesirable reactions.

    Although this steroid is not recommended for intake by women, there are female athletes that use this medication as well. It is necessary to know that Testosterone Propionate for women should be more reduced. They are not allowed to take the same quantities like men. 25-50 mg per one injection is a proper dose for females. In addition to this indication, there is also another aspect which is important too. Frequency of administration is a quite relevant factor here. The dosage schedule has to be more spread. Women should inject with this remedy each 5 recetas de cocina 7 dias. The duration of intake must be also limited. Females are not permitted to use this medication more than 8 semanas. Otherwise, they face high risks of virilizing effects. Some of these effects are not reversible; it means that it is impossible to escape from them even after stopping using this preparation. If women observe even mild signs of maculinization appear in them, they must discontinue taking Testosterone Propionate. It may help them to prevent occurring of more severe symptoms.

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