Anti-estrógeno & Muscle Building Prohormone Epistane / Methylepitiostanol Powder
Epistane is a DHT (dihidrotestosterona) derivative that is similar to epitiostanol,it is an oral
active anti-estrogenic dry compound that will aid users in adding lean muscle mass as well as
cutting fat.Epistane has an additional single methyl group, which helps it give a much stronger
anabolic release, but does cause less damage to the liver than most methylated compounds thus
allowing for slightly longer cycles (4-6 semanas). As a matter of fact, on paper it has a 1100:91
anabolic to androgenic rating. Thanks to its DHT structure,Epistane does not aromatize and is
non-progestagenic, it may also reduce estrogen while on cycle,so you will not need an anti-
aromatase while on cycle with Epistane. This basically means that while on Epistane, estrogen
related side effects like gyno and progesterone related side effects like sensitive breast tissue
are virtually non-existent. Users will experience little to no side effects while on Epistane, making
it an ideal beginner prohormone.
Interestingly, epistane is very comparable to winstrol and turinabol in that it will not increase water
retention at all. So the user should not expect to put on water weight on it, and if your goal is mass
and moving the scale up, you will probably be disappointed with your results when taking
epistane. Strength trainers can enjoy strength gains, but it would be wise to stack epi with some
other wet compound like dianabol, which would help sustain strength gains.
además, since oestrogen is the main culprit for water retention, bloat and fat gain the anti-
oestrogenic effect from. Epi means it is a prohormone which offers a high quality look to the
physique. Thus Epi is a very favourable prohormone to use during cutting phases with a calorie
restricted diet. Sin embargo, Epistane is also noted to greatly increase the rate of protein synthesis
and adds to strength gains which means it can equally be used to add lean muscle mass without
the addition of unwanted fat and subcutaneous fluid retention. Epistane is an extremely versatile
prohormone suitable for both bulking cycles and cutting cycles.Generally Epistane is reserved for
cutting cycles but it is strong enough to be used in bulking cycles.
Why is it known as a mild compound ?
Epistane causes muscle growth, without being too harsh of an Androgen, thus avoiding side-
effects like hairloss and bad acne. Epistane’s mild Androgenic effects, with heavy anabolic
effects can be explained by taking a closer look at it’s “Myotropic Ratio”, which is a more
technical term used to explain the different in how each hormone acts in the body. When it comes
to Epistane, it’s “Mytotropic Ratio” is in range of other hormones like Oxandrolone(Anavar) in that
it is way more Anabolic than Androgenic when attaching to receptor sites in the muscle cells and
other places.
In more technical terms, when compared to other popular prosteroids on paper, Epistane is 15
times more myotrophic than Helladrol and a whopping 20 times more myotrophic than Pro-
Magnon. It has a vastly superior “myotrophic ratio” de 12 whereas H-drol has a myotrophic ratio of
2.6 and Pro-Magnon has a myotrophic ratio of only 1.1. In layman’s terms, on a milligram-per-
milligram basis, Epistane is far less likely (4.62x less like than H-drol and 10.91x less likely than
Pro-Magnon) to induce undesirable, androgenic mediated type side effects such as acne and
hair loss.
Keep in mind that the above statement is dose related as Epistane is a very strong prosteroid. If
you ran a cycle of Epistane with H-drol(more than 75mg) doses, you would experience serious
and undesirable side-effects. Epistane is already very strong and doses of 30-40mg a day are all
that’s needed to induce very desirable results. For more experienced users some may go as high
as 60mg.
How To Use ?
On it’s own, Epistane will create very dramatic results, mainly for the Bodybuilder new to the world
of anabolics, where his body is not yet holding an unnatural amount of musculature. Epístola
alone will not only maintain but grow even further mass on the new user. The experienced
Bodybuilder with 3 a 4 cycles already completed, would see more dramatic gains by stacking
Epistane along with other compounds for bigger gains in lean mass, and more dramatic fat loss.
Epistane stacks well in any cycle and with any anabolic steroids. It generally does not have
negative interactions with other compounds. testosterona, · recalentar la mezcla si es necesario colocando el vial en una sartén y colocarlo sobre el ojo de la estufa · colocar un, trembolona,
Trenavar or even Dianabol can all be stacked with Epistane.
When cutting, it provides help in burning fat and the assurance that muscle mass will be spared at
times of dieting. This ensures that only fat will be burned to make up for the caloric deficit.
Epistane is very potent anti-catabolic agent during cutting, and can be found in this cycle:
OxandroVar the one-bottle stack of Prohormones, Prosteroids and Analouges for the perfect
cutting cycle.
For body re-composition, recetas de cocina “Recomp Cycles”, Epistane’s ability to help decrease fat gains and
increase muscle mass make it a really key ingredient to help shift body composition towards a
lower boy-fat% while still keeping or gaining body-weight in the form of solid mass. Stacked
together with Trenavar and Methyl-diaz in the PrimobolDx formulation, it creates the perfect
environment to run a body re-composition program where fat storage can be mobilized for
energía, while muscle cells increase protein synthesis and nitrogen retention.

Prohormona |
Trenavar (Estra-4,9,11-trieno-3,17-diona) |
Estra-4,9-dieno-3,17-diona (TREN) |
Metilestenbolona |
Epístola (Metilepitostanol) |
Acetato de epiandrosterona |
Epiandrosterona |
ETC (1,4,6-Androstatrieno-3,17-diona) |
6-hermano (6-Bromoandrostenediona) |
DHEA ( Dehidroepiandrosterona) |
1-DHEA (1-Androstene-3b-ol,17-uno) |
4-DHEA (4-Androstene-3b-ol,17-uno) |
7-estas DHEA |
7-acetato de ceto DHEA |
4-Androstene-3,6,17-triona |
Adrenosterona (androst-4-eno-3,11,17-triona) |
Mebolazina (Dimetazina) |
Halodrol (4-cloro-17a-metil-androst-1,4-dieno-3,17b-diol) |
Metoxidienona |
Androstenediona |