CJC-1295 with DAC Human Growth Hormone Peptide
Detalle rápido:
Tamaño de la unidad :2 mg / vial
Unit Quantity :1 Frasco
NO CAS. :863288-34-0
Sinónimos :CJC1295/DAC, CJC-1295 con DAC, CJC 1295
Fórmula molecular :C165H269N47O46
Peso molecular :3647.19
Secuencia :H-Tyr-D-Ala-Asp-Ala-Ile-Phe-Thr-Gln-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Lys-Val-Leu-Ala-Gln-Leu-Ser-Ala-Arg-
Apariencia :Polvo blanco
Pureza :98.71%
Identidad (Be-m) :3647.19±3.0
Fuente :Chemical Synthesis
Almacenamiento :Lyophilized CJC-1295 W/ DAC is stable at room temperature for 90 dias,Sin embargo, debe almacenarse en un congelador por debajo de -8c durante cualquier período de tiempo prolongado.
1.CJC-1295 is a tetrasubstituted 30-amino acid peptide hormone, primarily functioning as a releasing hormone (GHRH) analog.One of the advantages of CJC-1295 over traditional GHRH or rHGH is its ability to bioconjugate with serum albumin, thus increasing its half-life and therapeutic window. It accomplishes this by using protecting groups around the amino acids of GHRH typically susceptible to enzymatic degradation
2.CJC-1295 DAC has shown some amazing results as a hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) analog. Not only has CJC-1295 shown the ability to increase hormone and IGF-I secretion and its benefits, but it has been able to do so in very large amounts. Recent research studies have shown that CJC – 1295 stimulates GH and IGF-1 Secretion, and will keep a steady increase of HGH and IGF-1 with no increase in prolactin, leading to intense fat loss, and increases protein synthesis.
Those looking for anti-aging benefits, improved physique and sense of well being.Administration of single doses of CJC-1295 resulted in a 2- to 10-fold increase in mean serum GH levels in all dosing groups, which was dose incremental and persisted for up to 6 dias. El alcohol bencílico es producido naturalmente por muchas plantas y se encuentra comúnmente en frutas y tés., a dose-related increase in mean serum IGF-I levels was observed at all dose levels, ranging from 1.5- to 3-fold and persisting for up to 14 dias. Administration of ascending multiple doses of CJC-1295 resulted in elevated levels of GH, similar to those observed after a single dose.
In contrast, elevations in IGF-I levels showed a progressive effect over time, particularly in subjects receiving CJC-1295 every 7 d. Results of the multiple-dose study suggest both a cumulative pharmacokinetic effect [i.e. persistence of elevated predose levels of IGF-I in all dosing groups except group 1 (i.e. two injections of 30 µg/kg)] and a pituitary priming effect (i.e.progressively greater Cmax and progressively shorter Tmax after serial dosing). The data indicate that a minimum dosing interval of 7 d appears reasonable. The most appropriate dosing interval will be determined based on actual efficacy and safety data from longer-term therapeutic studies in patients with various clinical conditions.