Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado.

Otros productos de venta caliente (Polvo crudo)

» Otros productos de venta caliente (Polvo crudo)

  • Bulk Stock Now Benzocaine CAS 94-09-7

    Otros productos de venta caliente (Polvo crudo)
    Puerto: Shenzhen, porcelana
    Capacidad de producción: 500kg/mes
    Términos de pago: T / T, Western Union, Pago de Pequeña Cantidad
    personalizado: No personalizado
    Certificación: GMP, HSE, YO ASI 9001, USP, PA
    Adecuado para: Anciano, Adulto
    Estado: Sólido
    Pureza: >99%
    • Especificaciones

    Bulk Stock Now Benzocaine CAS 94-09-7

    Descripción del producto
    CAS No: 94-09-7 Benzocaine topical pain reliever
    Información básica
    N º de Modelo.: C503120067
    personalizado: personalizado
    Estado: Sólido
    No CAS.: 94-09-7
    Método de envío: EMS, DHL, FedEx, UPS
    Marca comercial: LYHM
    Origen: Shandong, porcelana(Mainland)
    Polvo: Microcrystalline
    Certificación: GMP, YO ASI 9001, USP, PA
    Pureza: >96%
    Caracteres: White Crystals or Crystalline Powder
    Delivery Detail: 3-7days After Payment
    Especificación: USP
    Código hs: 2932999099
    Descripción del producto
    High Quality Benzocaine Powder

    product description
    1. Pureza: 99.8%
    2. No CAS.: 94-09-7
    3. Polvo cristalino blanco
    4. Anestesia local.
    5. USP standard


    nombre del producto metil testos terona
    Otro nombre Ethyl 4-Aminobenzoate
    Testing Method USP34
    Ensayo ≥99.8%
    Caracteres White micro-powder No CAS. 94-09-7
    Fórmula molecular C9H11NO2 Peso molecular 165.19
    Aplicaciones 1. Anestesia local.
    2. Preventing coughing.
    Embalaje 1kgor 5kg/bag, 25kg / carretera
    Duración 24 meses
    Almacenamiento Almacenar en recipientes sellados en lugar fresco. & lugar seco. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.

    Ultraviolet absorption used in cosmetics, topical anesthetics, for the wound, ulcer pain and hemorrhoids.
    La benzocaína es un anestésico local comúnmente utilizado como analgésico tópico o en pastillas para la tos.. Es el ingrediente activo de muchos ungüentos anestésicos de venta libre, como los productos para las úlceras bucales.. También se combina con antipirina para formar gotas óticas A/B para aliviar el dolor de oído y eliminar el cerumen.
    Benzocaine is used as a key ingredient in numerous pharmaceuticals:
    Over the counter throat lozenges such as Cepacol.
    Some glycerol-based ear medications for use in removing excess wax as well as relieving ear conditions such as otitis media and swimmers ear.
    Some previous diet products such as Ayds.
    Some condoms designed to prevent premature ejaculation. Benzocaine largely inhibits sensitivity on the penis, and can allow for an erection to be maintained longer (in a continuous act) by delaying ejaculation. Conversely, an erection will also fade faster if stimulus is interrupted.
    Benzocaine mucoadhesive patches have been used in reducing orthodontic pain.
    In Poland it is included, together with menthol and zinc oxide, in the liquid powder (not to be confused with the liquid face powder) used mainly after mosquito stings. Today’s ready made Pudroderm was once used there as pharmaceutical compound.

    Orders are shipped everyday from Monday to Saturday. We take delivery very seriously and we do everything what we can so your order reach your doorstep safely. Please understand we can’t ship during holidays.
    Nota: Please, don’t ask us when your order gonna be shipped. We’re doing our best and every paid order is our priority. You will be notified once your order is shipped.
    So how long does it take for order to reach me? After you receive emailYour order has been shippedfrom experience it takes about 7-20 dias.
    Delivery cost? It depends on your cart price. Shipping price will be displayed in your cartafter you add all products you need simply check your shopping cart.
    What about discretion? No worries about that. There will be no company name or steroid related words. We take it very seriously and we respect your privacy. Nooone will ever know what’s inside the parcel. Only we and you.
    What about delivery success rate to you? Our experience says 99%. We know what we’re doing that is why we’re the best.
    Do you offer tracking code? Sí, we do.
    Please, do care about your parcel and if order doesn’t come within 20 dias, contact us immediately so we can help.

    I’m not from USA, can I order ?
    Yes you can. We ship to all over the world daily.
    Is this site legit, real ?
    if you don’t believe us just place small order first so you can check us and we bet you will order again ! 😉 Also feel free to check our reviews, they are over 950 and growing!
    Are your products real ?
    Yep, we are the manufacturers.
    Do you offer any price discounts ?
    when it’s over 1 000 $ US dollars, we can offer a price discount. Contact us!
    Can I track my order ?
    yeah, we can provide your tracking number and after 5th days since it’s shipped you can track it easily.
    How can I trust you ? Are you legit ? Reviews ?
    most of our customers checked us first by small order, this is how it works. We’re not selling candies, we sell real gear and this is not easy.
    How do you ship orders, how is it packed ?
    Discretion is on highest level, no one will EVER knows what you ordered. We’re deleting all information, track of payments to keep you ( customer ) SAFE.
    How? Our method is our method, we’re not sharing any info, after you receive product you will find out how ( we prefer classic post because of success, safety )
    Why are prices so low ?
    Our gear is not from 5th hand. We’ve got roids straight from sources ( labs ) which made them so we can offer appropriate prices for illegal, real substances.
    I want to order in bulk, is it possible, seguro ?
    – Sí, it’s. Contact us for further information.
    Where do you ship from ?
    When will be my order shipped ?
    We ship one time per week from secure reasons. Please respect it. Our delivery success rate is close to 99% so we know what to do.
    When can I ask for a track code?
    after your order status saysshippedfeel free to ask for a track code, mention your order number and we will reply back.
    How long does it take to USA ?
    usually 7-20 dias, if usps is late and this happens sometimes, up to 30 dias.
    Delivery time to Europe?
    Usually 3-5 días laborables. Few countries 5-10 dias
    Do you ship to Canada and Australia?
    Sí, we do. The delivery success rate is 90%. We do not guarantee delivery.
    Do you offer dropshipping services?
    Sí, we do. Email us for futher information.
    What happens if my order will not come ?
    if mistake happens on postal services side because of provided bad or not full adress, we do not. When order is stopped, even if it doesn’t happen, I will give you money back or reship your order with smile on my face.
    Omg, he’s not responding! What do I do now?
    keep calm, open your spam folder or wait because I work at Beijing timezone and I do eat, sleep as well. Usually I reply to all emails max. in 24 horas, at most cases in 12 horas.
    Do I get any price discounts when I’m a good customer?
    sure, we send voucher codes on regular basic as we appreciate every one customer who’s dealing with us. If you recommend us to your friends via our referal program, you will get price discount too.

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