Edificio muscular Argireline Acetato [5mg/vial] CASO: 616204-22-9 Promover el crecimiento muscular eficiente y seguro
Detalle rápido:
Nombre:Acetyl Hexapeptide-3/8
No CAS:616204-22-9
Fórmula: C98H138N24O33
Secuencia:3-Mercaptopropionyl-Homoarg-Gly-Asp-Trp-Pro-Cys-NH2 acetate salt
Pureza: 99%
Apariencia: White Lyophilized Powder
Argireline es un hexapéptido, que es una cadena que abarca seis aminoácidos unidos a los residuos de ácido acético. Peptides are the components that make up proteins and acetic acid is a clear, organic acid, which you had identified as the bitter flavor in vinegar. crested as an alternate to treatments, Argireline assists in relaxing the flesh on the face. Argireline is a distinctive hexapeptide (peptide) that has been verified as effective in numerous scientific tests, to relieve the degree and harshness of facial area lines and wrinkles in females. Argireline is also employed as a treatment method against future wrinkle advancement on the face.