Vincamin 99% Nootropic Raw Materials Powder CAS 1617-90-9
Used Part
weißes Puder
Test Method
Extraction type
Solvent Extraction
Vincamine is a natural nootropic supplement that is classified as a peripheral vasodilator. This means that it is capable of increasing blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. Effects of using Vincamine are reported to include increased mental energy, clarity of thought, intellectual processing and heightened alertness.
Vincamine is considered to be an indole alkaloid, which are common components of fragrances and the precursors to many types of pharmaceuticals. It is often used as a nootropic agent to combat the effects of aging or in conjunction with other nootropics (such as piracetam) for a variety of purposes.
Vincamine is a supplement used to enhance memory and other aspects of the human brain. This drug works by allowing more blood to flow through the brain. By increasing cerebral blood flow, this nootropic is said to remove brain fog, help you get focus and motivated, and also make general cognition easier. You may experience heightened levels of mental clarity and wakefulness as well as the potential for a mood enhancement effect.
Vincamine is a strong vasolidator which relaxes and widens the blood vessel, thereby increasing the blood transport to the brain as well as improved supply of nutrients, oxygen and glucose. The net result is improved energy production in the brain as well as increased uptake of important resources for cellular maintenance.
Therefore as a dietary supplement Vincamine has a number of beneficial effects associated with cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection.
Another interesting function of this supplement is that it activates an area of the brain called the locus coeruleus (LC). This is a part of the brain that plays a very important role in regulating a number of physiological functions, such as the control of arousal, stress and attention. The LC is also a wakefulness-promoting center in the brain; therefore its activation leads to a higher alertness.
The LC also contains norepinephrine-synthesizing neurons that send norepinephrine to other parts of the cerebral cortex. As the number of these neurons decreases with age, Vincamine has been demonstrated to keep them active thereby reducing age-related cognitive decline.Vincamine Uses
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