Chemically speaking, trestolone acetate(MENT) actually an alright looking drug. It doesn’t show
much interaction with Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, which means that a good portion ought to
stay unbound and active in the blood. Ebenfalls, Das Medikament bindet stark an den Androgenrezeptor,
während es eine minimale Affinität zu den Progesteron- bzw. Mineralocorticoid-Rezeptoren zeigt.
Da es nicht in eine Dihydro-Version 5a-reduziert werden kann, it likely wouldn’t cause many of the
side effects commonly associated with Dihydrotestosterone. This is also a likely reason that it is
less apt to cause prostate enlargement, and may even be indicated for the treatment of specific
prostate issues.
About Trestolone Acetate :
When reviewing the response of those who use Trestolone Acetate, the response is
overwhelmingly positive. As a whole, users note an increase in core temperature from the onset,
suggesting that this anabolic steroid gets to work with short-term results. Those who are looking
for noticeable effects have actually seen a difference in their physique within the first week of
regular use.
They become lean quickly, cutting out the fat, while muscle mass is enhanced. Trestolonacetat
users can benefit from a short period of use in as little as two weeks. Otherwise, they can stay the
course for six to ten weeks to see maximum results. Listen to satisfied enthusiasts and many
consider this anabolic steroid to be their favorite, their steroid of choice when it comes to
maximizing their workout and potential.