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  • Testosteronphenylpropionat CAS 1255-49-8 100mg/ml

    Andere Hot-Sale-Produkte (Rohpulver)
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    Testosteronphenylpropionat CAS 1255-49-8 100mg/ml


    Produktname Testosteron phenylpropionat
    FALL 1255-49-8
    M.F C28H36O3
    M.W 420.58
    Untersuchungen 99.03%
    Verpackung 1kg/Folienbeutel
    Quality Standards BP2005
    Aussehen Weißes oder fast weißes kristallines Pulver
    Alias Testosteronephenylpropionate


    Compared to other testosterone-based steroids, Testosterone Phenylpropionate does not have a lot of popularity amongst athletes, for reasons this article will look into. For one reason or the other, Testosterone-Phenylpropionate is not used as much in weight lifting and bodybuilding. Athletes want quick results, and testosterone phenyl propionate can provide them, but it’s not commonly available due to a low demand unless it’s part of a testosterone mixture like Omnadren or Sustanon-250.

    However as this article will further elucidate, Testosterone-Phenylpropionate is not the ‘ineffective steroidit has been said to be. It’s just that many people do not know how to use it to achieve maximum results in the least of time, they are too anxious to see results. If used well, Testosterone-Phenylpropionate is one of the best of its kind.

    Testosterone Phenylpropionate has the shortest duration of all testosterone esters with the exception of Testosterone-Propionate, and this is the reason it has been branded ineffective. With a 3 zu 4 day duration in the body, it prevents water retention in the muscles of the body more easily than large ester version; a very desirable effect at that.

    After the use of Testosterone-Phenylpropionate the effects start showing in a snap. In this little time, an athlete will feel aggressive and stronger. He will have an increased appetite; no wonder the use of Testosterone Phenylpropionate to treat people with muscle wasting ailments. For those who have issues with injections, this may not be the steroid for you since injections are the only way of administering it.

    Spezifikationen :

    Aussehen Weißes oder praktisch weißes kristallines Pulver  
    Ergebnisse von Analysetests   Ergebnisse
    Prüfungen Analysestandard Positiv
    Identifizierung UV, IR, TLC +88.5°
    Spezifische Drehung +86°~ +91° 0.08%
    Sulphated Ash ≤0,1 % 115-117C
    Schmelzpunkt 114~117ºC 0.30%
    Trocknungsverlust ≤0,5 % 99.26%
    Assay 97~103 %  
    Fazit Halten Sie sich an den Unternehmensstandard  

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    1.Wir haben ein eigenes HPLC-Labor und ein QC-Arbeiterteam.

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