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Rohes Steroidpulver

» Rohes Steroidpulver

  • Testen Sie anaboles Steroid Testosteron Phenylpropionat CAS 1255-49-8 Bodybuilding

    Rohes Steroidpulver, Testosteron-Serie

    Zahlung & Versandbedingungen:

    Mindestbestellmenge: 10g
    Preis: Verhandelbar
    Verpackungsinformationen: camouflage
    Lieferzeit: 3-7 Arbeitstage
    Zahlungsbedingungen: T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram, Bitcoin
    Lieferfähigkeit: 100kg
    • Spezifikationen

    99% PurityTest Anabolic Steroid Testosterone Phenylpropionate CAS 1255-49-8 Bodybuilding/Efficient Delivery

    Schnelle Details:

    Testosteron phenylpropionat

    Synonyme: retandrol; 17β-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one 3-phenylpropionate;

    FALL: 1255-49-8

    EINECS: 215-014-4

    Assay: 98% Mindest.

    Molekularformel: C28H36O3

    Molekulargewicht: 420.58

    Verpackung: Folienbeutel oder Dose.

    Charakter: weißes kristallines Pulver.

    Aussehen: Testgegenstände; MP: Testgegenstände

    Verwendung: Pharmazeutisches Material, Steroidhormon, Anabolika. Als männliches Hormon und anabole Hormone.

    Function and Usage:

    The effect is similar to testosterone, but the duration of intramuscular injection is longer, clinically used in non-testis, cryptorchidism, male sexual dysfunction; gynecology.

    For menorrhagia, Uterusmyome, senile osteoporosis and aplastic anemia.

    Dosierung: 10mg, 25mg per intramuscular injection, for androgen deficiency, 1-3 times a week, 5-25mg each time;

    Treatment of functional uterine bleeding, 25-50mg each time, once every other day, a total of 3-4 times.

    Treatment of breast cancer and breast cancer bone metastasis, each intramuscular injection 50-100mg, once every other day, zum 2-3 Monate; treatment of aplastic anemia, daily or every other day intramuscular injection 100mg, for more than 6 Monate.

    Side effects and precautions:

    (1) Large doses can cause masculinization, edema, liver damage, jaundice, dizziness, etc.

    (2) Those who have allergic reactions should stop taking the drug. Liver and kidney dysfunction, prostate cancer patients and pregnant women hanged.

    (3) If the injection is crystallized, it can be dissolved by heating and then injected.


    Testosterone Phenylpropionate has the shortest duration of all testosterone esters with the exception of Testosterone-Propionate, and this is the reason it has been branded ineffective.Testosterone Phenylpropionate is not used as much in weight lifting and bodybuilding. Athletes want quick results, and testosterone phenyl propionate can provide them, but it’s not commonly available due to a low demand unless it’s part of a testosterone mixture like Omnadren or Sustanon-250.However, Testosterone Phenylpropionate is not the ‘ineffective steroidit has been said to be. It’s just that many people do not know how to use it to achieve maximum results in the least of time, they are too anxious to see results. If used well, Testosterone Phenylpropionate is one of the best of its kind.

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